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Chapter 004: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System


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Chapter 4: The Might of the Eight Iron Fist, Knocking Out the Protagonist:

"Not leaving?"

Quite audacious!

The smirk on Long Tian's face became even more confident.

"Then I'll have to make you leave!"

As he spoke, he even flexed his muscles deliberately.

Perhaps he thought such actions were cool!

[The female lead must have secretly admired the protagonist from here!]

[This is stupid! A self-made woman with billions in assets should be concerned about her reputation. A fight at the company's entrance not only doesn't bother her, but she also admires the protagonist's strength!]

[What kind of stupidity is this? What kind of brain damage could come up with such a plot?]

Hearing Ye Liuyun's thoughts, Yao Huaimeng nodded secretly.

Indeed, targeting Young Master Zhao and starting a fight here was clearly irrational!

[Tsk! Another dog licking female lead!]

"... How can you think about me like this? They say I'm sharp-tongued, but this is you're real sharp-tongued!' Yao Huaimeng complained inwardly.

At the same time, Long Tian had already rushed over.

Zhao Haogian frowned. He couldn't understand why, knowing that the other was just a security guard, he couldn't simply ask him to leave!

But inexplicably, he felt irritable and just wanted to teach Long Tian a lesson!


With a wave of his hand, he directly signaled his bodyguards to stop Long Tian.

The closest bodyguard had a tough physique.

He raised his palm and blocked Long Tian in front of him.

"Young Master ordered that if you come any closer, we'll have to take action!"

His gaze was calm, perhaps because he believed Long Tian wasn't a match for them.


Seeing the hand blocking his way, Long Tian resumed his previous smirk.


With just one punch, the tough-looking bodyguard fell to the ground.

The sudden turn of events drew many exclamations.

Everyone looked at Long Tian in disbelief.


The other bodyguard realized something was wrong and immediately acted.

But the result was obvious. As the protagonist of the novel, Long Tian's strength was unquestionable.

Not a single bodyguard could withstand a single move from him.

In the end, except for Ye Liuyun, who hadn't intervened, all the others were lying on the ground.


Zhao Haogian couldn't believe it.

The onlookers, from mocking Long Tian initially, turned into gasps of amazement.


Long Tian snorted in triumph.

As the man known as the strongest mercenary, how could a few small fry be his opponents?

"Is there anyone else afraid to act?"

At this moment, Long Tian's gaze turned to Ye Liuyun beside Zhao Haogian.

With confident steps, he walked straight toward him.

Originally, Yao Huaimeng intended to stop him.


[I guess I have to act after all!]

Hearing this, Yao Huaimeng's mind made her somewhat stunned.

Could Ye Liuyun have a way to deal with this?


As he spoke, Long Tian's fist was already swinging.

He didn't use full force, fearing he might kill someone.

His gaze remained arrogantly aloof.


According to the previous situation, everyone thought Ye Liuyun, this bodyguard, would be knocked down like the others.

But the reality was that Ye Liuyun only took a small step back and easily dodged Long Tian's punch.


He dodged?

Before he could react, Ye Liuyun swiftly side-kicked, landing a blow on Long Tian's head!


Completely unprepared, Long Tian staggered back from the force of the kick.


Before he could say anything, Ye Liuyun stepped forward quickly, grabbing Long Tian's hand and pulling him in front of him.

Bam! Slam! Thrust! Hit! Jab! Squeeze! Lean!

Ye Liuyun fully demonstrated the power of the Eight Iron Fist.

Long Tian was somewhat dazed, looking dumbfounded, as he could only passively endure the blows.

The final strike!

"Eight Iron Elbow Strike!"


Stepping forward with a bow stance, channeling all the body's force into his elbow, Long Tian's figure flew backward for several meters, crashing heavily to the ground.

The whole thing happened so quickly that nobody had fully comprehended it yet.

Watching Ye Liuyun casually tidy his sleeves with a calm expression fully displayed what it meant to be a 'suit-clad thug.'

[He truly deserves to be the protagonist! My hands are even hurting from watching!]

[Despite mastering the full level of the Eight Iron Fist, I have no special body enhancement]

[It's outrageous! What kind of ridiculous setting is this Long Tian, who can single-handedly dominate over a hundred top mercenaries without defeat?]

[What kind of absurd setting is this?]

[Thankfully, Long Tian hasn't reacted yet and I caught him off guard; otherwise, I wouldn't stand a chance with my current physique!]

Ye Liuyun was very clear about it. Once Long Tian got serious, he wouldn't be his match, not because the Eight Iron Fist wasn't effective, but because his physique wasn't sufficient.

[Can young master handle it too?]

[I'm the one taking action, but Zhao Haogian will take the blame!]

[The foolish young master is still useful!]

'This guy is so cunning!'

After hearing Ye Liuyun's thoughts, Yao Huaimeng's eyes showed some special interest.

"That's right!"

Zhao Haogian, who had been frightened, gained confidence upon hearing this.

"Who are you to order me?"

After saying that, Zhao Haogian looked satisfied at Ye Liuyun before him.

If it weren't for him, he would probably have lost face today!

"Well done, I'll double your salary this month!"

"Thank you, young master!"

"Wow! So, you're fond of money?'

Yao Huaimeng looked in Ye Liuyun's direction, pondering in her gaze, wondering what was on his mind.

"You're asking for death!"

Although Ye Liuyun had left Long Tian somewhat dazed with his Eight Iron Fist, he quickly recovered.

With a dark look, Long Tian stared at Zhao Haogian.

In Long Tian's eyes, Ye Liuyun was just Zhao Haogian's lackey; the one who truly embarrassed him was Zhao Haogian!

Long Tian had murderous intent rising within him.

Since becoming the strongest mercenary, he had never been so humiliated before.

[Such a heavy killing intent, is he really considering murder?]

Others might not sense it, but with Ye Liuyun's strength, he could feel the strong smell of blood emanating from Long Tian.

[Of course, considering his background as a mercenary, Long Tian's hands must have been stained with plenty of blood!]

'Considering murder?'

Yao Huaimeng was slightly stunned, immediately realized the situation wasn't good.

Fighting was one thing, but if someone died, it was a whole different story!

"That's enough!"

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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