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Chapter 52: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 52: Two Choices:

At this moment, Chu Xiaoqiao was on the third floor of the villa.

Hearing the sound of Lu Yu opening the front door, she panicked.

According to her previous observations, no one entered or left the villa between midnight and 6 AM, especially not at four or five in the morning.

This was when people slept the soundest, and the villa's security was at its weakest.

She had confidence in her skills, believing she could take some items and leave without waking the occupants.

However, she never expected anyone to return at this hour.

Without time to think, she hurried downstairs.

Escaping through a third-floor window wasn't feasible.

Although agile, the third floor of a villa was much higher than that of an apartment building.

Even if she wasn't seriously injured from the fall, it would hinder her escape.

Therefore, she could only leave from the second floor at most.

As a professional thief, she had already memorized the house's layout when she entered.

If she could reach the second floor, she had a predetermined escape route. However, she didn't expect to encounter a fellow thief.

Normally, her footsteps would only be heard once inside, but Lu Yu’s extraordinary vitality at 26 points enhanced his hearing and sight.

Coupled with his mastery-level assassin skills, he detected her faint footsteps and ran towards the villa's side even before fully opening the door.

Chu Xiaoqiao leaped from the second floor and rolled to break her fall, only to encounter Lu Yu, who had given up on opening the door and came from the side.

"Hmph, stealing from my house? Stay here," Lu Yu sneered.

His extraordinary vitality made him move swiftly.

Using the moonlight, he reached for her shoulder.

Normally, very few people could match his current skills.

Lu Yu thought he had the upper hand, but just as he was about to grab her shoulder, she twisted her body in a peculiar way, evading his grasp.

"Hmm..." Lu Yu was momentarily stunned but quickly reacted.

Seeing her about to escape, he chased after her.

Although Chu Xiaoqiao couldn't outrun Lu Yu, she was agile enough to turn and deliver a spinning kick as he closed in.

"Ha!" Her crisp, pleasant shout accompanied the precisely aimed kick.

However, to a martial arts master like Lu Yu, this attack was child's play.

"Nice move, but unfortunately..." He caught her kicking ankle and pulled forward, causing her to lose balance.

Lu Yu sidestepped, placed his right foot forward, and pinned her to the grass with a grappling technique.

"Let's see you run now."

"Let me go! Let me go!" Chu Xiaoqiao struggled, her hands bound by Lu Yu, writhing on the grass in an attempt to break free.

But Lu Yu had no intention of showing mercy. He had already guessed she was a woman from her petite frame, and her shout confirmed it.

However, he wasn't a saint.

Someone broke into his house, so there was no way he'd treat them kindly.

"Let you go?" Lu Yu sneered, "You've broken into my house, which counts as burglary. I'll let the police handle you."

"Young Master Lu!"

"Young Master Lu... what's going on?" Two night guards, attracted by the sound of their scuffle and conversation, approached with flashlights.

Seeing the guards, Chu Xiaoqiao panicked. She couldn't understand how this person had discovered her so quickly and managed to block her attack in the dark.

As the guards shone their flashlights on her face, revealing her delicate features, Chu Xiaoqiao felt a wave of despair.

Meanwhile, Lu Yu squinted his eyes.

"Nothing, I'm just messing around with my girlfriend," Lu Yu said casually.

"Huh? Girlfriend?" Chu Xiaoqiao and the two guards were stunned.

But the guards quickly recovered. "Oh, sorry, Young Master Lu! We heard noises and came to check. We didn't mean to interrupt."

"We'll leave now. Sorry for the disturbance..."

The guards didn't recognize Chu Xiaoqiao, but it wasn't uncommon for rich playboys to frequently change girlfriends. So they didn't think much of it.

"Get going," Lu Yu waved dismissively with one hand, while keeping Chu Xiaoqiao restrained with the other.

The guards, feeling relieved, quickly turned and left, though still puzzled.

"Wasn't Young Master Lu alone when he came back? How does he have a girlfriend here?"

"Mind your own business!"

"Yeah, you're right."

Their voices faded into the distance.

Lu Yu chuckled and looked down at the girl pinned beneath him.

"Such a pretty face, and you’re out here stealing? Are you crazy?"

"What do you intend to do?" Chu Xiaoqiao's voice trembled, sensing something off in his tone.

"What do I intend to do?" Lu Yu smirked mischievously. "You're unlucky tonight. I've got a lot of pent-up frustration."

"Now, I'll give you two choices: Spend the night with me, and I'll let you go. Or, I'll take you to the police for burglary. Make your choice."

  • Adv chapters are availabale on Ko-fi
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Translator: Spectatorcake



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