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Chapter 037: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 37: Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here to Save You:

Yun Bufan looked up at the top floor of the club.

The entire top floor had only one large private room, which was reserved exclusively for the underground boss, Chang Hui.

Yun Bufan headed to the top floor.


Two guards at the entrance blocked his way.

Yun Bufan went straight to the point, "I'm here to see Chang Hui."

"Who are you?" The guards scrutinized Yun Bufan.

“My name is Yun Bufan. Chang Hui doesn't know me."

Hearing this, the guards laughed angrily.

Then, one of them drew a rubber baton from his waist.

"You're courting death, brat?"

"You don't know Brother Chang yet, but dare call him by name?"

"Do you think this is a place you can just walk into?"

"If I don't teach you a lesson, I'll—"


Before he could finish his sentence, Yun Bufan kicked him away.

Yun Bufan extended his little finger and cleaned his ear. "Damn, so annoying."

"Hey, you, go report."

"Tell Chang Hui I can solve his problem."

"Hurry, or do you want to get kicked too?"

Yun Bufan's sudden move stunned the guard.

"You wait here!"

The guard left but soon returned with a group of people.

"Brat, come with me!"

Yun Bufan followed him through the corridor and several heavily guarded doors.

They arrived at a luxurious private room.

In the center of the large sofa sat a bald man.

The man wore a black suit with gold patterns and had a thick green jade ring on his thumb.

The man exuded a murderous aura.

"You have the guts to come to my turf and hit my men. Impressive courage, young man."

Chang Hui's tone was calm but carried immense pressure.

Yun Bufan swallowed nervously.

He had to admit, he was a bit nervous.

This Chang Hui was even more ruthless than He Sui.

"I don't want to waste words."

"As I said, I can help you with your problem."

Chang Hui sneered, "What problem do I have? You're the one with the problem."

He waved his hand.

Immediately, a subordinate stepped forward and pulled out a pistol.


Yun Bufan's heart raced.

But he knew he couldn't panic now.

He had to remain calm to bluff someone as ruthless as Chang Hui.

"Dragon King's Order."

These three words came slowly from Yun Bufan's mouth.

"What did you say?"

Sure enough, Chang Hui's expression changed hearing these words.

Yun Bufan said calmly, "You know better than I do what this means."

Chang Hui's face turned pale, "How do you know about this?"

"Don't worry about how I know."

"Anyone who receives the Dragon King's Order must either obey or die."

"You don't want to lose your empire or die, do you?"

Chang Hui looked like he had seen a ghost, trembling, "Everyone out!"

His men exchanged glances but had to leave.

After everyone had left, Chang Hui suddenly stood up and grabbed Yun Bufan's hand.

"Who are you?"

"Can you really help me?"

Yun Bufan said calmly, "If I wasn't sure, would I be here causing trouble?"

"Then… how do you plan to help me?"

Chang Hui looked hopeful.

"That's not your concern. Just notify me when the Dragon King arrives."

Yun Bufan pushed Chang Hui's hand away in disgust.

"Of course, my help isn't unconditional."

"I need you to do something for me soon."

Yun Bufan's words actually reassured Chang Hui.

Offering help without a reason was suspicious.

Having a request made it more reliable.

"Alright, I'll help you."

"Boy, remember, I hate people who break their promises."

"Those who deceive me meet a miserable end."

Chang Hui's tone was threatening.

Yun Bufan smiled, "Don't worry."

Then he was about to leave.

At that moment, a subordinate rushed in, "Bad news, someone is causing trouble downstairs!"

Chang Hui waved his hand, "A bunch of useless people, why bother me with this?"

The subordinate quickly explained: "No, the guy is a master fighter!"

"He said he's here to rescue someone and demanded we release a woman."

Yun Bufan immediately knew it had to be Su Chen.

But it seemed Su Chen didn't know where Shen Qingxin was being held.

"Unbelievable, someone dares to cause trouble here. Send more people and break his legs!"

Chang Hui commanded fiercely.


Yun Bufan spoke up, "Mr. Chang, listen to me..."

Then he whispered a few words to Chang Hui.

Chang Hui didn't understand Yun Bufan's intention, but due to the Dragon King matter, he nodded.

Yun Bufan then walked out and met Su Chen in the hall.

"What are you doing here?" Yun Bufan asked knowingly.

Su Chen frowned, thinking Yun Bufan didn't know his wife had been kidnapped.

"None of your business."

Su Chen didn't want Yun Bufan to interfere and ruin his chance to be the hero.

"I heard you mention a woman. What's going on?" Yun Bufan continued to probe.

"I said it's none of your business!" Su Chen was afraid Yun Bufan knew something and turned to leave.

He planned to come back later to rescue her.

Su Chen's reaction was exactly what Yun Bufan expected.

Gotta admit, this guy was pretty sly.

But luckily, Yun Bufan was even slyer.

Yun Bufan followed Chang Hui's men to find Shen Qingxin.

They opened the door of a small dark room where Shen Qingxin was curled up in a corner.

Tears stained her cheeks, and she looked pitiful.

The moment she saw Yun Bufan, her eyes lit up.

Yun Bufan walked over and comforted her, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to save you."

Shen Qingxin's lips quivered, and she couldn't hold back anymore. She threw herself into Yun Bufan's arms and cried.

Feeling her trembling, Yun Bufan gently soothed her.

After all, she was just a girl. No matter how cold she usually seemed, she still showed her vulnerable side when faced with bad people.

-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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