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Chapter 34: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 34: So Cherished?:

"Alright! How do you look now?"

By this time, Jiang Lin had finished helping Hua Luoshuang dress up.

Hua Luoshuang turned to look at herself in the mirror and spun around.

This outfit managed to preserve her inherent valor while adding a touch of feminine softness and charm.

"It really is... quite beautiful." Hua Luoshuang fluttered her long eyelashes slightly. This indeed looked better than her battle armor! Even she was satisfied.

Perhaps she should have tried changing her style sooner.

"General Hua is naturally beautiful. If you put more effort into your appearance, His Majesty would surely be so smitten that he wouldn’t let you go!" Jiang Lin said with a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Hua Luoshuang's face turned red again.

Not let go?

If His Majesty were truly so smitten, what would that look like?

Would he hold her in his arms all day?

The thought was embarrassing!

"Why did His Majesty suddenly summon you, General Hua? Is there an important matter?" Jiang Lin asked suddenly.

She had been waiting for news since she heard that Ling Ye was going to take a consort, but nothing had come yet.

Now, Ling Ye had summoned Hua Luoshuang, when would he think of her?

Hua Luoshuang shook her head. "I don't know either! I'll tell you later."

Jiang Lin smiled and nodded. "Alright, then you should go see His Majesty quickly!"

"Thank you!" Hua Luoshuang nodded. Then, without delay, she left with the two maids who were equally satisfied with their purchases, returning to the General's Mansion and then heading to the palace.

After Hua Luoshuang left, only Jiang Lin and her two attendants remained.

"Miss, why did you help General Hua so much?" One of the attendants asked, puzzled. "Since you also like His Majesty, shouldn't you have made her look less attractive?"

In their view, that made sense.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Lin and Hua Luoshuang were love rivals.

Why would rivals help each other instead of scheming against each other?

If Hua Luoshuang looked less attractive, wouldn't that increase Jiang Lin's chances?

Hearing this, Jiang Lin softly replied, "His Majesty is a king, and he should have many concubines. If I acted as you suggested, wouldn’t His Majesty find it displeasing?"

She understood clearly that as Ling Ye's woman, she should always think about him first.

Instead of being selfish and scheming, she should strive to maintain harmony in the harem.

Ling Ye, as the ruler of the kingdom, was already busy enough.

If he had to worry about harem conflicts, it would be their fault.

Thus, as his woman, she shouldn't cause him any trouble. Instead, she should ensure the harmony of the harem.

Hearing Jiang Lin’s words, the two attendants nodded. "Miss, you are so broad-minded! Thinking about His Majesty and the harem, you truly have the demeanor of a queen!"

Jiang Lin smiled slightly.

She certainly hoped to become the queen.

However, if she didn't become the queen, she wouldn't have any complaints.

As long as she had a place in Ling Ye’s heart, she would do her utmost to be loyal and dedicated.

Though Ling Ye hadn’t seen her yet, he had once said he wanted all of them.

So, sooner or later, she would be one of Ling Ye's women.

She already considered herself as such and therefore thought about everything from his perspective.

Meanwhile, at the palace, Ling Ye had issued a decree for all the Empire's experts to gather at the palace today.

The first to arrive were Hua Jintian and Hua Luoshuang. They thought they were late, but in fact, they were early.

After waiting in the hall for a while, Ling Ye finally appeared.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

They both knelt down when they saw him.

Ling Ye's gaze immediately fell on Hua Luoshuang, and he smiled softly. "Changed your style?"

This girl... actually dressed like this?

Hearing this, Hua Luoshuang felt a bit uneasy. It was her first time dressing like this, and she didn't know if His Majesty liked it.

"It does look quite good!" Ling Ye said with a smile.

Hearing this praise, Hua Luoshuang's heart settled.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty!" She quickly said.

Beside her, Hua Jintian smiled inwardly. His suggestion had worked, after all. A young lady should look pretty!

"Rise!" Ling Ye said calmly.

"Yes!" They both stood up.

"Your Majesty, why have you summoned us?" Hua Jintian asked, cupping his hands.

His Majesty had not only summoned them but also the Empire's top experts. They still didn’t know if something significant had happened.

-To be continued!

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