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Chapter 6:

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 6: "I Want You; I... Also Want You!":

"You’re lying..."

Luo Xinli glared at Ling Ye with an angry expression.


Seeing her like this, Ling Ye burst into laughter.

"You'll get used to it... then you'll learn!" he continued.

Luo Xinli looked at the wine jar in her hand. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to continue learning...

No matter what one learn, the process was always tough. And the closer they get to mastery, the harder and more challenging it becomes...

But learning to drink was different! The more one drink, the more enjoyable it gets!

So, Luo Xinli quickly learned to drink. At least for now, she learned how to drink in a short time!

She gradually understood why some people say: "Wine is the remedy for life, capable of relieving... a thousand worries!"

Gradually, she let go of the umbrella in her hand. She sat with Ling Ye, soaking in the rain, drinking wine.

Before long, the inn’s wine supply was depleted! The recent lightning strike had destroyed almost all the wine!

"I know the most luxurious inn, Xingyu Tower, where they have the best wine!" Luo Xinli suggested.

When one had already been tipsy and ran out of wine, it was even worse than stopping in the middle of urinating!

So, she and Ling Ye left the inn that had been struck by lightning and headed together... to Xingyu Tower!

It kept raining.

In the heavy rain, Yi Xuanchen fled in a panic, looking utterly disheveled, as if being chased by a ghost, running for his life!

But there was no ghost behind him! Not even a person.

He wasn’t running because something was chasing him. He just wanted to get as far away from Ling Ye as possible!

The farther, the better!

At this point, he was soaked to the bone, like a drowning rat. The wig on his head and the fake beard on his face had all been ripped off and discarded by the roadside, revealing the young Taoist's true face.

After running for who knows how long, he suddenly stopped by a tree.


And then, he coughed up a mouthful of blood!

"Damn it... If it weren't for my usual good deeds, that fortune I read for Ling Ye would have cost me my life!"

He gasped for breath, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he had just wanted to read Ling Ye's fortune for some big money! But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Ling Ye’s fate would be so earth-shattering?

That was the destiny of an emperor, enough to affect the entire world!

Who would have thought Ling Ye harbored such ambitions?

"Ling Ye, if you dare to make me repay those 300,000 taels, you’re not even human!"

Yi Xuanchen continued dragging his barely surviving body through the rain, stumbling toward the nearest bank...

(The Xingyu Tower)

This was indeed the most luxurious inn.

The most luxurious inn, the most luxurious rooms.

The finest wine, and the most beautiful woman—Luo Xinli!

Ling Ye and Luo Xinli drank heartily, sitting close together, engaging in deep conversation. They shared many personal thoughts and felt a sense of shared misery, finding in each other a rare confidant!

They went from being strangers to becoming the best of friends. And then, because of something Luo Xinli said, they took it a step further! A step closer!

"You only have three days left, and one of them will be spent with me! Do you have any last wishes? Is there anything you want? I’ll help you fulfill it!"

The tipsy Luo Xinli asked this question.

And the equally tipsy Ling Ye responded with just three words: "I! Want! You!"

These three words instantly sobered Luo Xinli up!

With her skills, she could have sobered up in an instant! But she chose not to.

Instead, she chose to respond to Ling Ye with a single word: "Okay!"

She answered with a smile because she suddenly realized she really liked this man.

It was the first time she had ever felt this way.

Perhaps it was because she knew she would die soon, so... she wanted to indulge a little.

And Ling Ye... was just right!

So, she didn’t refuse him!

That wine-scented, lightly fragrant pair of lips moved toward Ling Ye. A soft voice whispered four words:

"I... also want you!"

Mountains and rivers, the winds of time.

Luo Xinli had a dream.

A thousand miles of rivers and mountains, a thousand miles of empty valleys.

A lifetime of wandering through wind and rain, lonely yet beautiful.

This dream seemed to be a recollection of her entire life.

In the end, she found a place of warmth in this vast and empty world.

She found a harbor where she could dock.

She never liked noise; she was a solitary person, a lonely soul.

Loneliness was sometimes a form of enjoyment for her.

But now, she realized that she didn’t actually like being alone.

What she truly desired was warmth.

The warmth in this dream.

Where was the world when she was alone?

Only with someone by your side can you find the place you want to return to!

But unfortunately, it was all just a dream.

When she woke up, the one who held her hand was no longer by her side...

-To be continued!

Translator: TurtleWave


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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