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Chapter 26: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 26: Gentleness Reserved for One:

"Have you heard? Our Heavenly Dark Sect will be attending the Ten Thousand Sects Conference in a few days."


"You didn't know? The Sect Master and the Holy Son are going, and they will also choose ten senior disciples to accompany them."

"That's amazing! The Ten Thousand Sects Conference will have so many sects present, right?"

"I'm so envious of those ten disciples who get to go. They will eat and stay with the Holy Son!"


News about the Ten Thousand Sects Conference quickly spread among the disciples of the Heavenly Dark Sect. Unlike the male disciples, who were eager and ready for action, the female disciples seemed more interested in spending time with the Holy Son.

(In the female disciples' dormitory)

"Unfortunately, there are only ten spots, and they're all for senior disciples."

"We lower-ranking disciples probably don't stand a chance."

The girls gathered and chattered excitedly.

"Opportunities like this naturally have nothing to do with you low-ranking disciples." sneered a woman in blue disciple robes as she applied powder in front of the dressing table.

The other female disciples felt a surge of anger but backed down when they saw who it was.

"Sister Zhou..."

Zhou Lin was the senior disciple in their dormitory. She had spent a lot of money bribing several people to barely secure the last spot.

"In a few days, I will be heading to the Eastern Imperial Empire with the Holy Son. You all just stay here in the sect." Zhou Lin said with a smug laugh as she finished her makeup and left the dormitory.

"Ugh... Acting so high and mighty just because you think you'll get close to the Holy Son..."

"She just has some money, that's all, always so arrogant..."

The other female disciples watched Zhou Lin leave with a mix of jealousy and resentment.

Next to her bed, Gu Ling'er silently read a profound technique manual, seemingly oblivious to the conflict around her. However, the occasional flicker of pink light in her eyes betrayed her unsettled heart.


Three days later, the door to the secluded cultivation chamber opened.

Xu Ze stepped out, and a powerful, overwhelming aura rushed out with him. He had reached the 3rd stage Spirit Gathering Stage!

In three days, Xu Ze made a breakthrough in three stages, deepening his understanding of the Xuanming Technique significantly.

The golden light in his eyes gradually faded as he took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air outside the chamber.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Holy Son."

A low voice sounded in Xu Ze's ear. A shadow appeared beside him, kneeling on one knee and clasping his fists. "Holy Son, the Sect Master has ordered that you proceed to the Sect Hall immediately after your closed-door cultivation to prepare for departure."

"So soon?" Xu Ze thought, and immediately headed toward the Sect Hall.

Outside the hall, curious disciples peeked in. When they saw Xu Ze approaching, they scattered like frightened birds.

When Xu Ze entered the hall, he saw his master, Leng Youran, standing with her hands behind her back, eyes slightly closed. Ten disciples stood behind her, ready and eager to depart.

Excitement and anticipation were written all over their faces.

The Heavenly Dark Sect was detached from the secular world, rarely participating in worldly affairs, making this trip a thrilling first for these senior disciples.

"Ze'er, you're here." Leng Youran said, sensing Xu Ze's presence and turning to him with a 'gentle' look.

At first, Xu Ze didn't notice anything unusual. But when he met Leng Youran's gaze, his eyelid twitched, and he felt uneasy.


"What's wrong, Ze'er?" Leng Youran asked, not noticing Xu Ze's discomfort.

"Master, your eyes..."

Xu Ze wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his mouth twitching. "Your eyes, are they alright?"

Leng Youran blinked and quickly turned around, pulling out a small mirror.

In the mirror, her face was flawless and beautiful, except for the unnaturally twitching eyes.

Was this not gentle enough?

Her heart skipped a beat as she hastily pulled out a small booklet and flipped to a page.

'Gentleness is not only in actions but also in expressions. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Whether a person is gentle can be seen in their eyes.'

Putting the booklet away, Leng Youran took a deep breath, and made her gaze even more 'gentle.'

"Do you think my eyes are unattractive, Ze'er?"

'This gaze... It isn't about attractiveness anymore. Master, can't you see the disciples behind you are too scared to speak?!'

Xu Ze swallowed hard and said, "Master, we should depart soon. The important matters await."

"Hmm, you're right." Leng Youran reverted to her usual cold demeanor. Her 'gentleness' was reserved only for Xu Ze; others weren't allowed to see it. Besides, they wouldn't appreciate it anyway.

"The news of our participation in the Ten Thousand Sects Conference has already spread," Leng Youran said, looking at Xu Ze. "Although the Heavenly Dark Sect is detached from worldly affairs, many wicked people covet our sect."

"Ze'er, you are exceptionally talented and my direct disciple. Yet, in the vast cultivation realm, your strength is still insufficient. There are many powerful beings, some nearly as strong as me. While I fear nothing, I can't guarantee everyone's safety against some who are reckless and unafraid of death."

"This time, we will split into two groups. You will take five weaker disciples and travel secretly to the Eastern Imperial Empire through the Wanjie Valley. I will take the remaining five disciples and travel the main road."

"Understood." Xu Ze said, clasping his fists.

"I will assign three shadow guards to protect you. If you encounter a formidable enemy, crush this spirit stone, and I'll come to you immediately." Leng Youran said, placing a spirit stone in Xu Ze's hand. A trace of barely noticeable gentleness flickered in her eyes.

Xu Ze felt a warmth in his heart as he accepted the spirit stone and bowed deeply. "Yes, Master."

Leng Youran nodded, then flew out of the hall with the five disciples.

Watching her leave, Xu Ze felt a warm surge in his heart and couldn't help but smile. His master, known as the Heartless Supreme in the profound realm, usually displayed a cold demeanor. Yet, her care for him was unparalleled.

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