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Chapter 21: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 21: You Want to Compete with Xia Yuran?:
On the twisted branches of the Blood Spirit Fruit Tree, there were two blood-red, translucent fruits, each the size of a walnut. The fruits exuded an aura of intense spiritual Qi.

"It's really Blood Spirit Fruits! I didn't expect to find a Blood Spirit Fruit Tree in this valley." Bai Feng exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy.

It was said that the Blood Spirit Fruit Tree bore fruit only once every three years. These fruits not only had powerful healing and stamina-restoring properties but also greatly enhanced the strength of those who consumed them.

"Who would have thought that a hunting competition would bring such a surprise?" Bai Feng and the others smiled. "Yuran, do you want them?"

"Yes, yes!" Xia Yuran nodded eagerly. Of course, she wanted them! These were Blood Spirit Fruits!

"Alright! Let's get them," Bai Feng suggested. "There are only two Blood Spirit Fruits, not enough for all of us, so I propose we give them all to Yuran. She's the only girl among us, agreed?"

"I have no objections." Li Junting replied.

"Agreed." echoed Xiao Taoyi and the others.

"Good!" Bai Feng smiled and approached the Blood Spirit Fruit Tree.

But just as he got close, a giant red python suddenly shot out from the forest. Bai Feng's face changed, and he quickly retreated.


The red python slammed its massive body in front of the tree, lifting its head four or five meters high. Its forked tongue flickered menacingly as it glared at them.

"A Blood Spirit Snake?" Bai Feng frowned. "It's said that Blood Spirit Fruits are always guarded by Blood Spirit Snakes. It seems to be true. This creature is strong, probably at the peak of the 8th stage, close to the 9th stage! Let's take it on together!"

He charged at the snake, followed closely by Xia Yuran. Behind them, Li Junting and the others joined the attack.


The Blood Spirit Snake spun its massive body, sending it crashing down toward Bai Feng and the others, who blocked the attack. It then opened its mouth wide, spraying venom from its fangs as it tried to bite them.

Despite the snake's peak 8th-stage strength, Xia Yuran and her team, consisting of two early 8th-stage fighters and over ten 7th-stage fighters, managed to handle it.

Meanwhile, Ling Kong, standing behind, watched the two enticing fruits on the tree. Following Xia Yuran had indeed led him to this opportunity.

"The sect sure knows how to add surprises." Jiang Ruoxi remarked, her eyes also on the Blood Spirit Fruits. A hunting competition with hidden rewards made it much more interesting. There might be more treasures elsewhere.

"If you eat the Blood Spirit Fruit, will your strength reach the 9th stage?" Ling Kong asked.

"Of course!" Jiang Ruoxi nodded. With just one fruit, she was confident she could make a breakthrough to the 9th stage.

"Wait, do you mean..." Jiang Ruoxi suddenly realized what he intended, and her eyebrows furrowed.

Was Ling Kong planning to compete with Xia Yuran for the fruits? That was something Xia Yuran wanted! Did he really intend to take it from her?

"You want to compete with Xia Yuran?"

"Only the capable deserve it." Ling Kong replied with a faint smile, drawing his sword. He then leapt into the chaotic battlefield, stepping on the Blood Spirit Snake's head, and sprang to the tree. In one swift motion, he picked both fruits.

Seeing this, the Blood Spirit Snake abandoned Xia Yuran and her team, lunging at Ling Kong instead.

Ling Kong sneered and slashed his sword. A black arc of sword Qi cut through the air, and he landed gracefully on the ground. The snake's massive head fell, and its long body collapsed lifelessly.

"What...?" Xia Yuran and the others were stunned. Ling Kong had killed the peak 8th Stage Blood Spirit Snake with a single strike! It was impossible to defeat such a creature so easily unless one's strength had reached the 9th stage.

Could it be... Ling Kong's strength had reached the 9th stage? How did he advance so quickly?

"Wait!" Xia Yuran snapped out of her shock, frowning. "Ling Kong, what are you doing?"

Never mind if he was at the 9th Stage! He had just taken the Blood Spirit Fruits they had found and fought for!

"Brother Ling Kong, isn't this a bit too blatant?" Bai Feng chimed in. "This is no different from outright robbery."

"Robbery? I killed the snake, and I picked the fruits. Who am I robbing?" Ling Kong replied coolly.

"Well..." Bai Feng and the others were left speechless. He wasn't entirely wrong.

"Even so, we distracted the Blood Spirit Snake, making it easier for you to kill it. And we found the fruits first. You did help, but don't we deserve some credit too?" Li Junting argued. "How about this, Brother Ling Kong? You take one fruit, and we take the other. Fair?"

"How will you divide one fruit among so many of you?" Ling Kong smiled faintly, and looked at Xia Yuran. "Why don't we each take one? Doesn't that make more sense?"

Xia Yuran was taken aback. This guy intended to give her one of the fruits?

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