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Chapter 22: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 22: So What if I'm Bullying You?:

“Hey! Brother Ling, why didn’t you say so earlier?” Bai Feng and the others laughed hurriedly. “We don’t want them. You and Yuran can split the fruits. After all, you did the most work!”

“At least you have some sense!” Li Junting and the others chimed in.

“Hmph! Don’t think I’ll forgive you so easily!” Xia Yuran pouted, clearly upset. This time, she was genuinely angry. She wouldn’t forgive him so easily.

Not far away, Jiang Ruoxi gently stroked the young Ice Phantom Wolf in her arms.

Just as she had thought, Ling Kong’s heart was always with Xia Yuran.

Now, they might reconcile, and he might even take back the Ice Phantom Wolf cub. But still, she was grateful for the brief happiness Ling Kong had given her.

But just as she was thinking this, Ling Kong, holding the two Blood Spirit Fruits, began walking toward her.

Seeing this, Xia Yuran felt a pang of unease. What was he doing?

Bai Feng and the others frowned as well. What was Ling Kong up to now?

Under their watchful eyes, Ling Kong approached Jiang Ruoxi and handed her one of the Blood Spirit Fruits. “One for each of us.”

Seeing this, Xia Yuran’s heart sank.

It felt like a heavy blow to her head, leaving her mind in turmoil.

Ling Kong’s words about splitting the fruits weren’t meant for her but for Jiang Ruoxi? Bastard! Bastard, bastard, bastard! What was this supposed to mean?

Xia Yuran’s chest burned with a mix of anger and humiliation.

Once again, she felt like she had made a fool of herself.

“Ling Kong! Have you no shame?” she shouted. “We found the Blood Spirit Fruits first! Why did you take them? Why give them to her when she did nothing?”

Ling Kong shot back coldly, “Just because you saw them first, they’re yours? Did you see the sun in the sky? Is it yours?”

“You…” Xia Yuran gritted her teeth, unable to respond.

“And even if I did take them, so what?” Ling Kong added.

At this, Bai Feng and the others’ faces darkened.

Damn it! It was bad enough that he took the fruits, but now he was outright insulting them.

This was too much!

“Bastard! I’ll fight you!” Li Junting clenched his fists, ready to attack, but Bai Feng and the others held him back. “He’s likely at the 9th stage. We can’t beat him even if we all join forces! Don’t be impulsive!”

They had struggled against the Blood Spirit Snake that Ling Kong had killed with one strike.

It was clear his strength far surpassed theirs.

Even combined, they were no match for him, especially with Jiang Ruoxi, who was also at the 8th Level, by his side.

“Damn it…” Li Junting muttered, holding back his urge to fight. Why was Ling Kong so much stronger than all of them combined? Were they really that inferior?

Ling Kong ignored them completely.

Yes, he was bullying them. What could they do about it? Use their strength to speak to him if they could!

“Take it.” He said softly to Jiang Ruoxi.

“Is this really for me?” Jiang Ruoxi glanced at Xia Yuran.

This was indeed a bit too much, taking what Xia Yuran wanted right in front of her.

The Ice Phantom Wolf cub could be returned, but once she consumed the Blood Spirit Fruit, there would be no giving it back.

“Take it.” Ling Kong insisted.

“Well... thank you.” Jiang Ruoxi finally accepted the fruit.

Was he really doing this for her and not just to get back at Xia Yuran?

“Let’s go!” Ling Kong waved.

He had taken both opportunities from the valley meant for Xia Yuran. There was no need to follow her anymore.

“Oh… okay!” Jiang Ruoxi nodded, following Ling Kong as they left.

Before leaving, Jiang Ruoxi glanced back at Xia Yuran. She must be feeling very angry and humiliated right now.

As Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi disappeared from view, Xia Yuran finally exploded.

“Ahhhh!!! Bastard, bastard, bastard!!!”

She screamed, stomping her feet and clenching her fists in fury. This was too much! Way too much!

She had thought Ling Kong would give her the Ice Phantom Wolf cub and the Blood Spirit Fruit. But instead, he had given them both to Jiang Ruoxi right in front of her.

“Why! Why, why, why!!!” Xia Yuran’s chest heaved with anger.

Why give it to Jiang Ruoxi? She did nothing!

And that look Jiang Ruoxi gave when she left!

What did it mean?

Was she looking down on her?

Treating her like a loser?

Bastard! This was outrageous!

Xia Yuran stomped around, and was nearly on the verge of tears.

Now that Ling Kong had left, what did this mean? It proved that he wasn’t secretly protecting her at all!

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