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Chapter 18: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 18: The Useless Female Protagonist:

(In the Great Valley of Magical Beasts)

After a long day of hunting, everyone was feeling a bit exhausted. So, they found a quiet place to rest.

Xia Yuran and her group lit a bonfire and started roasting meat.

"Senior Sister Yuran, don't be angry. That kind of person isn't worth it!" Xiao Taoyi said, handing a piece of roasted meat to Xia Yuran.

"Hmph!" Xia Yuran accepted the meat with a sour face and took a bite. But soon, her delicate eyebrows furrowed. "Why does your roasted meat taste so bad?"

"I... It's my first time roasting." Xiao Taoyi said, and lowered her head.

"Here, try mine, Junior Sister Yuran. Mine tastes good!" Li Junting offered his roasted meat.

"Try mine. I often make roasted meat!"

"Try mine, Yuran. It'll help you calm down!"

Bai Feng and the others also handed over their roasted meat. However, after taking a bite of each, Xia Yuran showed her distaste.

Ling Kong's cooking was still the best. She used to eat everything made by Ling Kong! Suddenly, she realized that Ling Kong seemed like an all-rounder.

She liked him the most, so why was he so jealous?

Just because she teamed up with her senior and junior brothers?

In her heart, he was still her favorite.

Was it really necessary to act like this?

To be with that witch Jiang Ruoxi just to anger her?

Xia Yuran herself couldn't cook!

In some female-oriented novels, the protagonist was often depicted as someone who couldn't cook or do housework. They take pride in this uselessness, thinking it makes them appear delicate and cute. Xia Yuran was such a useless protagonist!

With a pout, Xia Yuran looked at the distance.

Over there, Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi had also lit a bonfire. Jiang Ruoxi was roasting meat from some edible magical beasts, the meat sizzling and exuding a mouth-watering aroma.

"Here, try this!" Jiang Ruoxi offered the roasted meat to Ling Kong. Ling Kong accepted it. In the past, he was always the one cooking for Xia Yuran. She couldn't do anything but pout and act innocent.

Jiang Ruoxi was different; she knew how to do these things! After all, Jiang Ruoxi was an independent girl from a young age.

Ling Kong took a bite, and was surprised by the taste.

Wow! She's like a gourmet chef! It was even better than his own cooking.

"How is it?" Jiang Ruoxi asked, her beautiful eyes fixed on Ling Kong, eagerly awaiting his feedback.

"Very good! If I marry you in the future, I'd be quite fortunate!" Ling Kong said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ruoxi's face flushed red. He could just say it was delicious; why add such words?

Marry her in the future?

She didn't dare to even think about it.

Despite his apparent kindness and focus on her now, he was still silently following Xia Yuran.

This showed he still couldn't let go of her, right?

She wished he could let go of Xia Yuran. Then, all these words could become true. If he wanted to marry her, she wouldn't refuse!

"If you want to eat, I can cook for you anytime. I can make many other delicious things!" Jiang Ruoxi said with a smile. No matter what, she would cherish the present!

"Alright, it's a deal." Ling Kong nodded. Why would he ignore such a great girl to chase after Xia Yuran?

"Oww..." At that moment, the Ice Phantom Wolf cub beside them tugged at Jiang Ruoxi's skirt.

"Oh, you too!" Jiang Ruoxi quickly handed a piece of roasted meat to the cub. The little one happily gnawed on it. It was delicious! Following Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi, it not only got to eat magical beast crystals but also such tasty food. It was much better than its parents! The little cub was still young, and had no concept of its parents yet. It only knew to go where the food was.

"We haven't done much for a while, and this little one eats a lot! If we continue like this, we might get overtaken by them!" Jiang Ruoxi said, stroking the cub's luxurious fur. The little one treated magical beast crystals as snacks and demanded one every now and then, acting spoiled if it didn't get one.

"Do you want to win first place?" Ling Kong suddenly asked.

"Of course I do! Who doesn't want to win?" Jiang Ruoxi replied. Everyone who came to compete wanted first place because the rewards were substantial. But she wasn't after the generous rewards; she wanted a particular special item among them!

"Then I'll get you first place!" Ling Kong said firmly. "Anything you want, I'll get it for you!"

Jiang Ruoxi's face turned red again.

She was genuinely happy to hear these words.

They were the words she most wanted to hear, her greatest dream. Hearing them made her feel like the happiest person in the world. But she feared these words might not last.

"Thank you!" Jiang Ruoxi whispered. "I feel the same. Whatever you want, I'll do my best to get it for you."

Ling Kong smiled lightly. He believed this girl truly would give everything for him.

"Can we tie for first place?" Jiang Ruoxi pondered. If they ended up with equal results, would they both be considered first?

-To be continued!

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