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Chapter 17: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 17: Continue Following Her:

Xia Yuran clenched her fists tightly!

At this moment, she finally realized that Ling Kong was serious. This time, Ling Kong was genuinely serious! Otherwise, such a valuable thing couldn’t just be given away so casually!

'Fine! Very well! Ling Kong, you're really serious with me, aren't you? I almost forgot that without me, you still have Jiang Ruoxi to choose from! Ha, very good! I'll remember this!'

Xia Yuran didn't say another word this time.

Despite the turmoil in her heart, she hid all her emotions.

Ling Kong's behavior had dealt her a huge blow and humiliation. If she said anything now, it would be like slapping herself in the face.

Bai Feng and the others were equally stunned.

How could Ling Kong be so extreme?

Xia Yuran had even given him an easy way out, yet he kicked her down the steps instead?

He was serious this time?

He really chose Jiang Ruoxi?

Xia Yuran didn't look back, didn't say another word. She just stormed ahead angrily. Bai Feng and the others snapped out of their daze and quickly followed her. They had no idea what was going on with Ling Kong this time, but he had clearly infuriated their Junior Sister Yuran.

"If you were joking with her, this joke... is really too much!" Jiang Ruoxi said, her gaze fixed on Ling Kong after Xia Yuran and the others left.

"I'm not that interested in joking with her," Ling Kong replied with a smile. "I'm just following her to steal her opportunities. Otherwise, I wouldn't even want to see her!"

"If you want to take it back, I won't mind. Don't worry." Jiang Ruoxi continued. The gift was indeed too valuable. If Ling Kong took it back, she would be sad, but she wouldn't forcefully keep it.

"What's given to you is yours! Only you deserve it!" Ling Kong replied.

Jiang Ruoxi looked into Ling Kong's eyes.

His gaze seemed very serious!

But it didn't feel quite real.

How did her status in his heart suddenly rise?

Could it be because of something that happened in the bathtub that she didn't know about?

Did he really do something to her, or was he infatuated with her after seeing everything?

Jiang Ruoxi felt a bit confident about her figure and looks.

Thinking of this, her cheeks blushed. If that was the case, it was quite embarrassing...

"So, what do we do next?" she asked.

"Continue following her!" Ling Kong's lips curled into a smile. In this grand valley, Xia Yuran still had another small opportunity. He couldn't miss any!

"Still follow her?" Jiang Ruoxi's eyebrows furrowed. Couldn't he let her go? Or have he never let her go from the beginning?

Well, her worries were indeed right!

But no matter, even if it was fake, she was grateful to Ling Kong.

With that, Jiang Ruoxi, holding the Ice Mirage Wolf cub, continued following Xia Yuran and the others.


At this time, in the square at the foot of the Sword Cloud Sect mountain.

"Hahaha, it seems the Junior Sister has good taste! Indeed, the truth is always in the hands of a few!" Yun Jian laughed.

In the end, Ling Kong didn't keep the Ice Mirage Wolf cub for himself, nor did he give it to Xia Yuran! Instead, he gave it to Jiang Ruoxi!

"This boy really has changed his heart!"

"I misjudged him; I thought he was deeply in love with Xia Yuran!"

"Indeed, all men are the same as me..."

The losers shook their heads in dismay.

"Enough talk, hand over your spirit coins!" Yun Jian grinned. Though he appeared tall and serious in front of disciples, he wasn't so strict in private.

"Men are no good! They change faces as soon as they have the chance!" Ninth Elder, with her hand supporting her cheek, remarked lazily.

"Junior Sister seems to have some experience! Tell us about your youthful days!" The crowd looked at her curiously.

"Get lost, you bunch of scoundrels!" The Ninth Elder rolled her eyes at them.

"Ling Kong has changed a lot suddenly!" Yun Jian squinted. "And how did he know the Ice Mirage Wolf cub likes to eat magic beast crystal stones? I didn't even know that!"

"I also think he has changed! It’s like everything was planned. No one could deal with those Ice Blade Crabs, but he immediately thought of scaring them off with the Ice Mirage Wolf cub?"

"His biggest change is towards Xia Yuran. He used to stick to her like glue, but now he completely ignores her!"

"That's because his heart has shifted to his new girlfriend. Naturally, he doesn't care about the old one anymore!"

"Hey, what are you talking about? These are just kids! What new and old girlfriends?"

"Honestly, maybe something happened between Ling Kong and Xia Yuran. He got what he wanted, so now he’s uninterested!"

"Oh, come on! Enough! Can’t you act a bit more like elders?"

A group of old folks chatted away, full of wild guesses...

-To be continued!

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