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Chapter 16: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 16: Xia Yuran is Stunned:

If Ling Kong gave the Ice Phantom Wolf cub to her as an apology gift, she would forgive him. After all, he was showing such sincerity!

Behind them, Jiang Ruoxi's eyes dimmed, and she lowered her head slightly.

It seemed that Ling Kong's heart was still with Xia Yuran. 

Xia Yuran wanted the Ice Phantom Wolf cub. When Bai Feng and the others couldn't get it, Ling Kong stepped in to help her. It seemed Ling Kong was planning to make up with Xia Yuran. After that, Ling Kong would disappear from her side again.

"Brother Ling Kong, give it to me!" Xia Yuran stretched out her hands, thinking Ling Kong did all this for her.

However, as she thought he would hand over the cub and apologize, Ling Kong glanced at her as if she were a fool. Then, without a word, he walked past her, holding the Ice Phantom Wolf cub.

He ignored her words, her outstretched hands.

Xia Yuran stood frozen, her smile vanished. Her raised hands hung in the air, her eyes wide open, her mouth slightly agape, filled with shock and confusion.

What was he doing?

Why didn’t he give her the cub?

Why didn't he say anything or apologize?

His act of brushing past her, ignoring her completely, left her bewildered.

She had given him a chance to reconcile, so why was he doing this?

Xia Yuran's mind was in chaos, and she couldn't think.

On the other hand, Ling Kong holding the Ice Phantom Wolf cub, approached Jiang Ruoxi. Then he asked in a gentle voice, "Do you like it?"

"Ah... what?" Jiang Ruoxi was momentarily stunned.

Was he asking her?

Did she like the little creature?

Why was he asking her?

Wasn't he supposed to give it to Xia Yuran to make up with her?

"Do you like it?" Ling Kong repeated, his gaze fixed on Jiang Ruoxi's face.

"I... yes, I do." Jiang Ruoxi nodded quickly. Of course, she liked it! It was so cute and beautiful, and a fifth-tier magic beast! How could she not like it?

"Then it's yours." Ling Kong said, handing the cub to her.

"Ah???" Jiang Ruoxi was stunned again.

Did she hear wrong?

He was giving the cub to her?

But this... wasn't right. Wasn't he supposed to give it to Xia Yuran? How did it end up with her?

"Don't want it?" Ling Kong asked.

"I do..." Jiang Ruoxi quickly raised her delicate hand and took the Ice Phantom Wolf cub. "Of course, I want it!" This was a fifth-tier magic beast, and so cute. The cub nestled in her arms, as if finding its home, laying its fluffy little head on her wrist. It seemed to like Jiang Ruoxi too.

Jiang Ruoxi, overwhelmed with joy, gently stroked the cub. She felt incredibly happy and surprised. He really gave it to her? This happiness was so sudden!

Could it be that all Ling Kong's words and actions weren't to retaliate against Xia Yuran, but because he genuinely cared for her?

"You won't take it back, will you?" Jiang Ruoxi asked softly.

Maybe Ling Kong just wanted to anger Xia Yuran and would take it back later. After all, this gift was extremely valuable—a fifth-rank magic beast cub!

"Once given, it won't be taken back," Ling Kong said with a faint smile. "Besides, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours!"

"This..." Jiang Ruoxi's face blushed. There he went again with such words, making her feel like he considered her his own.

"Thank you." Jiang Ruoxi said with a gentle smile.

Regardless of everything, she had to thank Ling Kong for his words and for giving her such a precious gift. This was the first time Ling Kong had given her something, and it was such a grand gesture. 

She felt so happy!

Ling Kong looked at Jiang Ruoxi and the Ice Phantom Wolf cub. They were a perfect match, both possessing a noble aura.

Even their fur colors matched—white and icy blue, a perfect combination. Giving the cub to Xia Yuran would have been a waste.

At this moment, Xia Yuran, who had been stunned, gradually came to her senses.

Not only did Ling Kong not give her the cub, but he also gave it to Jiang Ruoxi right in front of her!

This was a huge insult and mockery to her.

She had approached him in good faith, confidently extending her hands, only to be met with a cold glance and disdain from Ling Kong.

Everything Ling Kong did was not for her, but for Jiang Ruoxi?
-To be continued!

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