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Chapter 10:

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 10: Another Half-Dead Person:

Ling Youruo never spared anyone who didn’t deserve mercy!

She simply finds new ways to make life worse than death—truly worse than death!

People call her the number one female villain in the martial world today. And it wasn't an empty title!

“Demon Queen! I know my sins are unforgivable!” The branch leader of the 138th division immediately kowtowed, pleading, “Please, grant me death!”

It was better to die quickly now than to suffer endless torment later.

After all, escape was impossible. The branches of the Tianyou Sect are spread all over the world—there was no way to run!

So, dying now was the best option!

“Get out!”

However, Ling Youruo’s response was a cold and simple command.

Hearing this, the branch leader raised his head, looking at Ling Youruo’s barely visible figure behind the beaded curtain. He stared at this venomous woman who seemed like a soul-stealing enchantress.

Then, gritting his teeth, he suddenly stood up and charged towards Ling Youruo!

“Bold! What are you trying to do?”

Everyone around him shouted in alarm.

But Ling Youruo, behind the curtain, remained unmoved.

Then, under everyone’s watchful eyes, the branch leader ran forward—not toward the curtain but straight into the steps before it!


With a loud thud, he crashed headfirst into the steps, breaking his skull open, and blood gushing out.

His body then collapsed at the foot of the stairs and lay limp in a pool of blood.

He wasn’t trying to fight Ling Youruo to the death because he knew even ten of him combined wouldn’t stand a chance against her.

He simply wanted to die—to end it all by suicide.

This way, he could avoid being poisoned by Ling Youruo at a later time when he might start to cling to life again.


Everyone in the grand hall was stunned, speechless.

No one had expected that he would choose to smash his head and die instantly.

Up on the platform, behind the beaded curtain, Ling Youruo remained still. She said calmly, “Throw him into the sea to feed the fish.”


The people below nodded.

But then she added, “Chop him up first, then throw him!”

There had been cases in the past where people weren’t completely dead when thrown into the sea, and they managed to escape. So now, she ordered him to be chopped up first.


The people below nodded again.

Only then did Ling Youruo slowly rise from the throne, her seductive figure standing up. Then, she vanished behind the curtain!

Those still standing in the hall shook their heads, drew their knives, and walked toward the branch leader’s corpse.

The Demon Queen's orders had to be followed—to chop him up and feed the fish!

On Tianyou Island, there was a garden.

This was where Ling Youruo usually resided.

No one was allowed near except for her and a few maids.

The garden was filled with blooming flowers of various kinds. No matter the season—spring, summer, autumn, or winter—there were always flowers in bloom.

But there was one thing all these flowers had in common—they were red! Blood-red!

Ling Youruo loved the color red. She loved the color of blood!

Under the night sky, moonlight bathed the garden in a faint scent.

Ling Youruo walked into the garden, where there was a clear spring, a hot spring.

The clear spring water also emitted a faint fragrance.

Ling Youruo stood before the spring. She gently removed the mask from her face and placed it softly on the stone platform beside the spring.

Underneath the mask was a face that could bring down nations.

Just like her seductive figure, this face was also supremely alluring.

A true vixen’s face!

Seductive, enchanting, and at the same time, bone-chillingly cold!

In the center of her forehead was a blood-red rune, making her look even more strange and captivating!

Her enchanting eyes gazed at the spring, her long eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Her exquisite face carried a look of deep thought!

In just over forty days, the final battle would take place!

She knew Luo Xinli was a highly skilled martial artist.

She knew that even she... didn’t have a guaranteed chance of victory!

Only a fifty percent chance!

If she lost, it would certainly mean death!

So, like Luo Xinli, she was also a half-dead person.

But in reality... she had the potential to advance her martial arts to an even higher level!

The martial art she practiced, the Tianyou Technique, was originally a dual cultivation technique.

But all along, she had been practicing it alone!

She refused to find a man to practice with her.

Because she despised men.

She found all men in the world to be disgusting and ugly!

The thought of dual cultivation with a man, the thought of partnering with a man in the future, made her feel sick!

Everyone in this world was different!

Some people yearn for a companion, a place to belong—like Luo Xinli.

But others find the idea of love, of journeying through life hand in hand, to be utterly childish!

Childish and nauseating!

Especially someone like Ling Youruo, who was so high and mighty, and looked down on love completely.

To her, it was nothing more than a childish game!

Proud and heartless as she was, she never desired such childish and disgusting things!

So, even though she had practiced the Tianyou Technique, even though she could have reached a higher level, she had always refused to take that step!

But now, she was beginning to have doubts...

T/N: Thanks for reading!


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