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Chapter 18: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 18: Miss is Back, and She Brought a Man:

"Su Wanxi, you're driving yourself to ruin!" Zou Qihuang said sternly. "Fine, my Zou family will contribute all our earnings to the City Lord’s Office for three years!"

Hearing this, Su Wanxi’s face suddenly changed. She clenched her fists under her sleeve. Zou Qihuang was determined to completely crush the Su family. Three years of Zou family’s earnings would be enough to exhaust all of Su family’s resources. This was blatant bullying!

But she had no other options. Either she gave up the northern region or burned through the Su family’s assets for three years. To preserve the family’s foundation, she had to choose the latter.

"Fine! The Su family will ensure our contributions match those of the Zou family each year!" Su Wanxi declared resolutely after a moment of contemplation. Then, with a heavy heart, she turned and left, leaving Lei Ying and Zou Qihuang in the hall.

Zou Qihuang frowned deeply. Was Su Wanxi truly insane? How could she accept such terms? She seemed devoid of logic.

“City Lord, if you approve, I can simply take over the Su family. Why let her persist in this delusion?” Zou Qihuang turned to Lei Ying, bowing slightly.

“Su Wanxi may only be at the fifth stage of the Transformation realm, but the Su family still has many members. If you act forcefully, many will die. In this peaceful empire, the higher-ups won't tolerate unnecessary bloodshed,” Lei Ying exhaled slowly.

“If you give the word, no matter how many die, I guarantee to handle it cleanly,” Zou Qihuang replied coldly, confident in his ability to do so.

“Do you think the Emperor has only one pair of eyes? I may be the lord of Lei Province, but do you really think I can cover the sky with one hand?” Lei Ying responded sternly.

Unless absolutely necessary, large-scale casualties should be avoided. The Emperor’s spies were everywhere in the empire, and little could escape his scrutiny.

“Since she has agreed to match the Zou family’s annual contributions, why not wait another three years? She might not even last that long,” Lei Ying said slowly.

Indeed, the Su family was a shadow of its former self. If the Zou family contributed all their earnings for three years, it would far exceed the total earnings of the current Su family. Eventually, the Su family would cease to exist.

Hearing Lei Ying’s words, Zou Qihuang could only close his mouth, sighing. Fine, he would wait another three years and see how long Su Wanxi could keep the Su family afloat.

Su Wanxi left the City Lord’s Office in a bad mood and walked back toward the Su family residence.

Three years—how slim the chances were!

Could her daughter really develop the ability to restore the Su family’s fortunes within that time? It seemed almost impossible. And whether the Su family could even last three years was another question.

Yet she had no other choice. This stalling tactic was her only hope for a reprieve.

As she walked down the bustling streets in silence, she sometimes wished for a man to lean on, but she feared her daughter’s disapproval. There were truths she didn’t want her daughter to know. She had never had a man in her life, and Su Xinyue wasn't her biological daughter. Adopting Xinyue, she decided never to get married.

But sometimes, she felt utterly powerless. After all, she was still a woman, and women weren't the same as men. If she had a man to rely on, perhaps she wouldn’t be in this situation.

With a sigh, Su Wanxi finally returned to the Su family residence. Just as she reached the entrance, a servant ran up to her, exclaiming, “Master, Miss is back!”

Su Wanxi's face showed a hint of joy. This was the only piece of good news today. Although Su Xinyue wasn’t her biological daughter, she loved her as if she were.

“It’s been almost a year since I last saw her,” Su Wanxi thought, feeling a rush of happiness. But then the servant added, “Miss brought back a man!”

Su Wanxi’s expression changed slightly.

A man? Had Xinyue fallen in love at the Purple Moon Immortal Sect and brought him home?

She was already eighteen, an appropriate age for marriage.

Though Su Wanxi had decided never to marry, she didn’t want her daughter to follow the same path.

With this thought, Su Wanxi walked into the house, eager to see what kind of man her daughter had brought home.

-To be continued!

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