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Chapter 17: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 17: The Iceberg Melts:

Xu Ze didn't expect that after unintentionally angering his master, he would be assigned such a heavy task.

(In the Howling Wind Valley)

The shirtless Xu Ze was carrying a piece of meteoric iron as tall as a person, struggling to move forward. The fierce winds howled through the valley, sounding like the wailing of ghosts.

Meteoric iron was a top-tier material used for forging divine weapons in the cultivation realm. It was incredibly hard and dense. Even a palm-sized piece weighs several hundred pounds. A piece as tall as a person was naturally much heavier.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Ze, having reached the Gathering Spirit Realm, could easily carry this ten-thousand-pound piece of meteoric iron. However, Leng Youran had sealed Xu Ze's spiritual veins, preventing him from using any spiritual Qi.

This meant that Xu Ze was now moving purely with his physical strength, making each step an exhausting task.

"Though I don’t know how I angered Master... women are really scary..."

As Xu Ze thought, he was almost in tears. He couldn't understand how he had provoked Leng Youran to such an extent. How could she change her attitude so suddenly?

A woman's heart was like the depths of the ocean. The more beautiful a woman, the more complex her mind...


Leng Youran stood expressionlessly on a cliff, watching Xu Ze, who was struggling like an ant with the meteoric iron on his back.

"Hmph... mentioning that unrelated woman in front of me, but not mentioning me..." Leng Youran muttered. "Unfilial disciple, if you don’t finish these thousand laps today, don’t expect me to lift the seal!"

What did it mean to be petty? This was the epitome of pettiness.

The black-robed guard beside her remained silent, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"What did you just say?" Leng Youran glanced at the black-robed man, her voice cold.

The black-robed man was startled, and quickly replied, "Ah... Master, the Eastern Emperor’s royal family sent a message, inviting you and the Holy Son to the Ten Thousand Sects Conference next month."

"The Ten Thousand Sects Conference? The last time they invited me was ten years ago..." Leng Youran frowned. "I never attend Such boring events."

"Yes, I will respond immediately," the black-robed man bowed.

With Leng Youran’s status, it was expected for the Eastern Emperor’s royal family to extend an invitation. Whether she chose to go was entirely up to her mood. Attending would be a courtesy to the royal family. Not attending, they would not dare say a word.

In the cultivation world, strength was everything.

If one had the power to make everyone fear and submit to him, he could do whatever he pleased.

As the black-robed man was about to leave, Leng Youran suddenly remembered something: "By the way, how is my junior sister’s health?"

The black-robed man paused and bowed, "Master, the Empress is in her final days and could pass at any moment."

"I see... she ultimately gave up the path of cultivation for love..." Leng Youran murmured. "It's a pity that her man, the former Eastern Emperor, passed away three hundred years before her."

"Back then, she and I were known as the Twin Gems of the Heavenly Dark sect, with talents and strength equal to mine. But now, only I remain as a Supreme."

The black-robed man quickly flattered, "Master, your destiny is unparalleled. You abandoned emotions in your youth, focused solely on the path of cultivation, and naturally became the unrivaled Supreme of the cultivation world."

"Hmph, no need to flatter me..." Leng Youran snorted coldly. "Since she is on her deathbed, I will visit her this time."


The black-robed man bowed and then disappeared.

Leng Youran closed her eyes, a cold smile on her lips.

"My junior sister..."

"It's been so long since we last met."

"I actually miss you a bit."


Although it was decided to attend the Ten Thousand Sects Conference in a month, the torment in the Howling Wind Valley didn't end for Xu Ze.

In fact, Leng Youran’s methods of tormenting him became increasingly strange.

"Ze'er, I have a question for you," Leng Youran said one day by the river.

The startled Xu Ze put down the fish he was roasting, and his expression turned serious.

"Master, please ask!"

In the past half month, Leng Youran had used so-called ‘questions’ to torment Xu Ze countless times.

"If I fell into the water, how would you save me?"


What kind of question is this?

Xu Ze was at a loss. Others ask whether he would save his girlfriend or mother first if they both fell into the water, but why did his master ask such a strange question?

Moreover, as a Supreme, would she get into trouble if she fell into the water?

It was more likely the water would be in trouble!

"Can't answer?" Leng Youran looked at Xu Ze expressionlessly.

Xu Ze was sweating. This was bad. If he couldn’t answer, something terrible would happen again.

In a moment of desperation, Xu Ze remembered something he said to charm girls in his previous life. Though he wasn’t sure if such sentimental words would work on his cold master, he had no other choice.

His eyes brightened, and he looked at Leng Youran earnestly, "No matter what, I would risk my life, whatever it takes to save you, Master!"

"Because Master is everything to me. In my heart, Master is worth any sacrifice!"


The air was thick with silence.

Xu Ze swallowed nervously, watching Leng Youran.

Leng Youran maintained her calm expression, giving no hint of her thoughts.

After a long pause, just when Xu Ze thought he had answered incorrectly, Leng Youran sighed and stood up.

"Let's go, Ze'er. This half month of training is over."

With that, she leapt up and flew toward the Heavenly Dark Sect.


It was over?

Xu Ze collapsed on the ground, exhaling deeply.

Finally... the hellish life was over.


In the sky.

Leng Youran flew swiftly toward the Heavenly Dark Sect, her face flushed with warmth.

"He... he actually said something like that..."

She had a blush covering her face.

It was as if an iceberg was melting in the blazing fire...

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