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Chapter 15: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 15: Where Is She Small? She’s Already Eighteen, Okay!:

Sky was clear without a cloud in sight. Ling Ye carried Su Xingyue through the sky, their figures slicing through the air and leaving a ripple in the void.

Following closely beside Ling Ye, Su Xingyue clutched her robe nervously. After a long internal struggle, she finally mustered the courage to ask the question that had been on her mind since the beginning.

“Master, last night... did you spend it with the Sect Master?” As she asked, she lowered her head slightly, afraid that Ling Ye might notice the odd expression on her face.

Seeing her master and the Sect Master together early in the morning naturally raised suspicions—they must have spent the night together, right?

Hearing this question, Ling Ye glanced at Su Xingyue's lowered head and nodded slightly. “Yes.”

Upon hearing this, Su Xingyue’s heart sank, and a trace of disappointment appeared on her face.

So, it was true.

The Sect Master and her master indeed had that kind of relationship.

How frustrating!

She had dreamt about being with him last night, but what happened in her dreams had actually occurred between the Sect Master and him in reality.

It was so frustrating!

If he already had that kind of relationship with the Sect Master, then did she have no chance at all?

But... maybe there was still a possibility! He was an emperor, after all. Even though he had the Sect Master, it didn’t mean there couldn’t be a place for her as well. She still had a chance!

But as she thought this, Su Xingyue quickly suppressed these rebellious thoughts. What was she thinking?

She was his disciple, and she shouldn’t have such thoughts. How sinful!

“What are you thinking?” Ling Ye suddenly asked, clearly seeing through Su Xingyue’s little thoughts.

“I... nothing...” Su Xingyue’s face turned red.

“You think you can also be with me?” Ling Ye asked bluntly.

“I...” Su Xingyue’s face turned even redder. She hadn’t expected Ling Ye to be so direct.

“You’re still too young,” Ling Ye said, retracting his gaze.

Hearing this, Su Xingyue’s delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly. She recalled her dream from last night where Ling Ye said she was still too young. Where was she small? She was already eighteen! She was an adult!

Except... in some areas, she was indeed small.

Su Xingyue looked down at her toes, feeling a bit self-conscious.

Compared to the Sect Master, she indeed lacked in that department. They say that a woman was considered perfect if she couldn’t see her toes when looking down. She couldn't only see her toes but her thighs as well. It made her feel very self-conscious. But she was still a young girl, wasn’t she? She needed her master to nurture her...

Su Xingyue almost voiced these thoughts but managed to hold them back. It would be too shameless to say such things to her master.

“Focus all your thoughts on your cultivation. When you’re truly ready, then you can think about those things, understand?” Ling Ye said calmly. He had taken her as a disciple, not to engage in a romantic relationship with her. He wanted her to become one of the top warriors of the empire, a pillar of strength. As for the harem... that could wait until she had enough strength and qualifications, when she was older.

“Yes, Master, I understand!” Su Xingyue nodded. Her face was still red, as she dismissed her inappropriate thoughts. They continued their journey toward Lei Province.


(Lei Province)

One of the largest provinces within the Great Imperial Empire, was nearly as vast as the imperial capital.

In Lei Province, two families were the most prominent—the Su family and the Zou family.

However, since the current head of the Su family took over twenty years ago, the Su family had been declining day by day. The head of the Su family was a woman, Su Xingyue’s mother, Su Wanxi.

When Su Wanxi inherited the position, she was even younger than Su Xingyue was now.

A young girl couldn’t possibly win against the cunning opponents she faced. Thus, the Su family steadily declined.

Once, the Su family and the Zou family were equals. But now, the Zou family was three times stronger than the Su family. Still, a thin camel was bigger than a horse. Even though the Su family had declined, it remained one of the major families in Lei Province, second only to the Zou family. But how long they could maintain this status was uncertain.

In the Great Imperial Empire, the emperor Ling Ye ruled everything, and his word was law.

Within the various provinces and cities, the local city lord’s word was law.

Today, in the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion, both the head of the Su family and the head of the Zou family were present.

They were there to discuss the division of the northern region of Lei Province.

Lei Province was divided into four regions: east, south, west, and north.

The Zou family controlled the eastern and western regions, while the Su family controlled the southern and northern regions. Of course, these regions actually belonged to the City Lord’s Mansion and the empire. The City Lord’s Mansion had delegated the administration of these regions to the Su and Zou families, taking a percentage in return.

In the past, the Su and Zou families were equals, each managing two regions. Now, only the northern region remained under the Su family’s control, and today’s meeting was to discuss handing this last region over to the Zou family.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man in a luxurious robe sat in the highest seat. This was Lei Ying, the City Lord of Lei Province. To his left sat a beautiful woman. 

Despite her age, she was well-maintained, exuding elegance and charm. Her mature and gorgeous figure radiated an allure that could stir a man’s most primal desires, even if she did nothing but sit there. 

This mature beauty was none other than Su Wanxi, the head of the Su family and Su Xingyue’s mother.

-To be continued!

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