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Chapter 013: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 13: The Villain is Coming Back?:

“Ah Cai!”

Although the plot still had a few days left, the matter of the spy needed to be resolved as soon as possible!

Qu Yingmeng hadn’t expected that the spy placed around her would actually be Ah Cai.

Because Ah Cai was one of Qu Yingmeng’s confidants, handling many shady matters for her.

She trusted him greatly.

No wonder she couldn’t discover the spy. No wonder every meticulously planned scheme would always be uncovered.

So, this was the reason!

At that moment.

“Madam! The recent financial reports of the company are out. Please have a look!”

Despite wearing glasses and a neatly tailored suit, he still looked like a refined scoundrel.

This was Qu Yingmeng’s confidant, Ah Cai!


Qu Yingmeng didn’t say anything and calmly took the reports.

She entrusted many of the company’s affairs to Ah Cai.


Seeing that Qu Yingmeng didn’t speak, Ah Cai hesitated for a moment before speaking softly.

“A few days ago, you mentioned ordering a batch of medical equipment secretly without the master knowing. Has that been arranged?”

The Zhao Corporation's business field was vast, including the sale of medical equipment.

Qu Yingmeng planned to use Zhao Corporation’s connections to make money for herself.

She had done similar things in the past.

But either unexpected events occurred midway, or half of the goods would be discovered and the money had to be handed over.

Originally, Qu Yingmeng thought she was just unlucky, with too many spies left in the company.

But now it seemed the real spy had always been right beside her.


She still didn’t speak and merely closed the file report in her hands.


Not getting a response, and feeling the increasingly silent atmosphere caused Ah Cai to have a bad premonition in his heart.

“Ah Cai! How long have you been with me?”

Qu Yingmeng’s voice brought Ah Cai back to his senses.

Was she suddenly reminiscing?

Although Ah Cai didn’t know what was going on, he still answered honestly.

“Since the day you married into the Zhao family, I’ve been by your side.”

If it weren’t so, how could Qu Yingmeng have trusted Ah Cai so much before?

“Yes! You’ve been with me for a long time.”

Being betrayed by someone one trust deeply was a bitter feeling.

“Then why did you betray me?”

“Ma... Madam! What are you saying? I don’t understand!”

Was he discovered?

How could that be? How could he suddenly be discovered? There shouldn't be any evidence left with what he did!

“I really didn’t expect you to be the master’s plant!”

“Madam, where did you hear this? There's no way that's true! ”

At this point, Ah Cai’s smile was becoming increasingly forced and sweat started to appear on his forehead.

“Whether it’s false or not doesn’t matter anymore.”

She shook her head slightly.

With Zhao Corporation’s capabilities, dealing with a person was too easy.

“Don’t worry, since you’re the master’s man, you won’t die!”

Since he wouldn’t die, he’d just have to suffer more!


Qu Yingmeng’s situation was unknown to Ye Liuyun.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had nothing on his mind but eating!


While eating some fruit, he saw Zhao Haoqian walking over with a full face of sighs.

“What’s wrong, young master? Were you rejected by Miss Yao again?”

[This love-struck fool is really persistent!]

But this time, it wasn’t the case.


In this world, there were few things that could make Zhao Haoqian afraid.

Besides Yao Huanmeng, there was only one other.

The CEO of the Zhao Corporation, Zhao Shen!

“My father is coming back!”

“Your dad?”

Oops! Was that a slip of the tongue?

“Cough, cough! Is the master coming back?”

Zhao Haoqian, immersed in his sighs, didn’t notice anything amiss and nodded helplessly.

“Yes! If my dad comes back, he’ll start bossing me again!”

Just thinking about it made Zhao Haoqian even more frustrated.

[Uh! Zhao Shen is coming back?]

[That’s not right! At this time, Zhao Shen should still be on vacation abroad!]

[He’s supposed to return after several more plot points!]

After all, Zhao Haoqian was just a minor villain. The real big villain was Zhao Shen.

Of course, he would appear later!


“Zhao Shen is coming back?”

After just dealing with Ah Cai, Qu Yingmeng was momentarily stunned upon hearing this voice.

Then she realized why he was returning early!

“So I should prepare a nice surprise for you!”

Not only was she not worried, but she was already planning what kind of surprise to give Zhao Shen.


“Young Master, didn’t the master say he was on vacation for a while longer?”


Mentioning this made Zhao Haoqian even more exasperated.

There were the promised good times.

Bam! Gone!

“My dad heard that there was a talented person by my side and wanted to come back and check.”


[Great, it’s because of me?]

Indeed, Zhao Shen would eventually hand the corporation over to his son.

He knew very well what kind of person his son was.

If he handed it over immediately, no matter how vast the fortune, Zhao Haoqian would squander it all.

If there was a capable aide by his son’s side, that would be ideal!

That was why Zhao Shen was returning early.


Though Zhao Haoqian was a bit distressed about his father returning early, thinking of something made him excited.

“If my dad knows I found a talent like you, Liuyun, he will definitely praise me!”

After all, it showed he had a good eye!

Thinking this, Zhao Haoqian suddenly burst into a silly laugh.

“Young Master is right!”

[As expected, you’re a fool, young master!]

Well! Returning early then.

Even if he was a big boss, what was there for Ye Liuyun to fear?

Following Zhao Haoqian was just for the convenience of checking in on the plot, with someone to cover for him in case of trouble.

But that didn’t mean Ye Liuyun had to stay with the Zhao family.

With the rewards he obtained from sign-in, how would he leave?


Zhao Haoqian continued to laugh foolishly.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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