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Chapter 16: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 16: Believe in Your Daughter!:

Su Wanxi was renowned as the most beautiful woman in Lei Province, earning her the title of 'Beauty Su.'

Despite her beauty, she was a woman without a man. Everyone knew Su Wanxi had a daughter, but no one knew who the father was.

Sitting on the right was a skinny, middle-aged man with a wicked look, clearly someone cunning and deceitful. This man was Zou Qihuang, the Zou family head.

“Heh heh, Lady Su, Beauty Su!” Zou Qihuang spoke up. “The northern region of Lei Province under your family’s control yields less than a tenth of what my family’s lands produce. Don’t you think that’s a bit wasteful?”

Since the decline of the Su family, they had grown weaker day by day. Of the four regions of Lei Province, the Su family now only held one. Naturally, their harvests couldn’t compare to even a tenth of the Zou family’s yields.

“Why not hand over the northern region to my family? In return, we’ll give you a thirty percent share of our harvests each year,” Zou Qihuang suggested with a smile. “That’s more than your entire northern region produces, isn’t it?”

Su Wanxi remained silent.

The four regions of Lei Province were the major sources of income for both the Su and Zou families. The Su family used to control two regions, but years ago, they had to relinquish the southern region. If they lost the northern region now, there would be nothing left of the Su family.

The offer sounded good now, but what about ten or twenty years later?

When the Su family was too weak to defend itself, who would honor these terms?

This was a blatant attempt to crush her family, to consume the Su family entirely. Of course, she couldn’t agree.

“Heh heh, Lady Su, I understand your concerns,” Zou Qihuang continued. “But have you considered that being a lone woman, it might actually be beneficial to merge with my family? Without support, you’ll find it hard to survive.”

Su Wanxi still didn’t respond.

Her silence was an answer in itself—she refused to agree.

Giving up the northern region would leave the Su family without a foothold in Lei Province, making it almost impossible to rise again. The Zou family didn’t just want the northern region; they wanted to make sure the Su family could never recover.

She couldn’t agree. Right now, she could wait.

She might not have the strength—she couldn’t compete with the Zou family in any way.

At the time, she was only at the fifth stage of the Heavenly Awakening Realm, far from Zou Qihuang's ninth stage.

Many of her family’s members had left, and her business connections were dwindling. But she could wait.

Her daughter had entered the Purple Moon Immortal Sect and had already become an inner disciple. It was widely believed that inner disciples of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect had a great chance of reaching the Divine Sky Realm. If her daughter reached the Divine Sky Realm, she could lead the Su family again, making the Zou family insignificant. So, she needed to hold on, to protect the family’s foundation, and wait for her daughter to lead them to glory.

“There are rumors that Lady Su’s daughter is cultivating in the Purple Moon Immortal Sect,” Zou Qihuang spoke again. “Are you hoping for your daughter to revive your family when she succeeds?”

This time, Su Wanxi’s expression changed, but she still said nothing, glaring at Zou Qihuang.

“Heh heh, have you considered that your daughter is also a woman? If she lacks capability, she will face the same fate as you!” Zou Qihuang laughed. “Do you want your daughter to worry about the family every day? What if she can’t meet your expectations?”

Indeed, entering the Purple Moon Immortal Sect was admirable, but not everyone became a great figure. Su Wanxi withdrew her gaze and replied calmly, “That’s not something you need to worry about, Master Zou.”

She believed in her daughter. Her daughter was exceptionally talented and, given the right conditions, could reach the Divine Sky Realm. When that time came, she would hand over the family to her daughter, and the Su family would rise again, reclaiming everything they had lost.

Seeing Su Wanxi’s determination, Zou Qihuang didn’t press further.

Instead, he looked at the city lord, Lei Ying, seated at the head of the table. Noticing Zou Qihuang’s gaze, Lei Ying coughed lightly and slowly stood up.

“Lady Su, Master Zou has made a generous offer. You should cherish it. You must realize that if Master Zou truly wished, he wouldn’t need to negotiate with you at all.”

-To be continued!

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