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Chapter 8: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?


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Chapter 8: I've Chosen My Master:

"This one is indeed excellent!" Ling Ye nodded calmly.

Ji Ziruo said nothing more. If Ling Ye wanted a disciple, Su Xinyue was certainly worthy with her outstanding talent.

At that moment, Su Xinyue and the other disciples looked over. These first-time inner sect disciples had already heard about the inner sect while they were in the outer sect. They knew that the Sect Master and twelve elders formed the core leadership of the inner sect. However, the Sect Master didn't take disciples, so their future master would be one of the twelve elders.

The new disciples began to examine and ponder. Who would be the best master? Who would choose them as a disciple?

Almost all their eyes fell on Ling Ye and Ji Ziruo. Rumor had it that the Sect Master was an unparalleled beauty, but why was she crouching there like a maid beside someone else's seat? And who was the person sitting in the chair whose status seemed higher than the Sect Master's?

The disciples started whispering among themselves: “I heard there are twelve elders plus the Sect Master, making thirteen. Why is there an extra person here?”

“I don’t know. Could that person also be an inner sect elder? Will he take disciples too?”

“He's so handsome! If he picks me, I’ll fall in love with my master…”

“Even the Sect Master bows to him. He must be the top figure in the entire Purple Moon Immortal Sect!”

“If I could be his disciple, my path would be smooth sailing!”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know who he’ll choose as his disciple.”

“Who will be the lucky one?”

“The person with the Purple Moon Immortal Token has the right to choose their master! I wonder who has the token.”

As they whispered, the disciples kept looking around, trying to identify the lucky one holding the Purple Moon Immortal Token. With the token, one could choose any master, even the mysterious figure so highly respected by the Sect Master.

Gu Shengyan’s gaze naturally fell on Ling Ye. Her eyes instantly showed infatuation as she thought to herself, "So handsome! I want him as my master! I've chosen my master!"

She was confident because she had the Purple Moon Immortal Token. However, she didn't know that the rules of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect didn't apply to the current emperor.

Su Xinyue also looked at Ling Ye and Ji Ziruo. Like the others, she thought having such a distinguished and handsome man as her master would be ideal. But she knew some things couldn’t be forced. Today’s inner sect entry wasn’t about disciples choosing their masters but about masters choosing their disciples. She thought it unlikely that she would be chosen, especially since someone had the Ziyue Immortal Token.

“It seems everyone is here,” Ji Ziruo said, standing up and facing the newly entered disciples.

The crowd fell silent, all eyes on Ji Ziruo.

“Congratulations on passing the rigorous selection and final assessment! From now on, you are officially inner sect disciples of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect!” Ji Ziruo said loudly. “You must have learned a lot about the inner sect while in the outer sect.”

“The first thing you must do after entering the inner sect is to choose a master!”

“The inner sect is rich in cultivation resources. With a good master’s guidance, your path to cultivation will be smooth and successful!”

“The twelve elders will choose from among you!”

“Those who are not chosen should not be disheartened; you can still stay in the inner sect. Through your efforts, you can gain elders' recognition and still be able to find a master.”

Ji Ziruo's words filled the new disciples with excitement and anticipation. With a good master and abundant resources, they envisioned their future soaring like eagles to become formidable powers in their own right.

“One more thing!” Ji Ziruo continued, “During the assessment, there was a Purple Moon Immortal Token. According to the sect’s rules, the holder of the Purple Moon Immortal Token has the right to choose their master.”

“Now... will the disciple with the Purple Moon Immortal Token step forward?”

As Ji Ziruo finished speaking, the disciples exchanged glances, looking for the token holder. Who had the skill and luck to obtain it?

Amidst the surprised looks, Gu Shengyan slowly stepped forward.

-To be continued!

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