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Chapter 54: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 54: Decreased So Quickly?:

While sweet words began to have an effect, Xu Ze, as an experienced old scum, knew that rushing to win over a girl wasn't the way to go. It required a gradual approach.

With the experience of nine reincarnations, Xu Ze felt quite skilled at handling such matters.

So, he decided to let Jing Xiaoxuan rest and contemplate the current situation.

After some time, Xu Ze left the palace to prepare for the upcoming Hundred Flowers Festival in a few days.

Xu Ze initially invited Qu Qinghan to stroll around during the festival. However, Qu Qinghan stubbornly refused his invitation.

Now that Xu Ze knew that the ten heroines had regained their memories from the previous nine lives, he understood why Qu Qinghan was so cold toward him.

After all, in the previous nine lives, Qu Qinghan was the woman who wanted to kill him the most. As she accumulated hatred from nine lives, Xu Ze thought it wouldn't be surprising if she killed him at any moment.

"Qu Qinghan is a dangerous woman. Winning her over can't be rushed," Xu Ze thought to himself.

"At least I can't be as shameless in pursuing her as I was in the past."

Xu Ze pondered for a moment and decided to set Qu Qinghan aside for now and start with Lu Qingqing, who was already blackened to 87.

Moreover, when Xu Ze opened the system panel, he saw that Lu Qingqing's blackening had already reached 88. This meant Lu Qingqing was blackened every day.

Thinking of this, Xu Ze couldn't wait and immediately headed toward the Heavenly Cold Palace.


(The Heavenly Cold Palace)

(Inside the Learning Hall)

Usually, female disciples of the Heavenly Cold Palace gather here for classes, practice, and to discuss insights.

But because the elders were away on business today, the main hall was filled with the girls' laughter and chatter.

Everyone gathered in groups of two or three, discussing the interesting things that had happened recently in the sect and Heavenly Continent.

"Speaking of which, the Hundred Flowers Festival is coming up in a few days. Have you all made plans to go see the lanterns and flowers with your senior brothers?"

"Hehe, Senior Brother Liu from the Nine Stars Palace is so handsome, but it's a pity that the Nine Stars Palace prohibits disciples from falling in love. Such a handsome man with a reserved demeanor, it's really a waste."

"Hey, hey, what do you think of Ye Fan from the Holy Fire Palace? He seems honest and interesting."

"No way, Sister Zhao, why are you interested in that guy? He always seems so carefree and so boring."

"Eh, then why don't we invite the Holy Son? Let the Holy Son go with us to the Hundred Flowers Festival~"

"Are you crazy? How is that possible? Hahaha."

The girls burst into a crisp laughter.

"By the way, what about the new junior sister who just arrived at our Heavenly Cold Palace?"

In the midst of the discussion, the girls suddenly looked at a corner of the Learning Hall.

There, a girl with twin ponytails sat alone, looking dazed, her eyes lost in thought.

"What's wrong with her? Although she used to have a unique personality, she's been like this ever since she came back from the secret realm?"

"Maybe she was taught a lesson in the secret realm. Although she's indeed a genius, she's still too young after all."

"Who knows? I heard she really likes the Holy Son. When she first arrived, she kept running to the Holy Son's palace."


The conversation of the senior sisters in Lu Qingqing's ears sounded extremely blurry.

At this moment, she seemed to be lost in her own world, shutting out everything around her.

In her mind, Xu Ze's face and smile kept appearing repeatedly. But then, Qu Qinghan's coldness hit her.

Lu Qingqing's body trembled, and fear appeared in her eyes.

"Brother Xu Ze..."

The voices around her gradually faded away. All the female disciples seemed to hold their breaths.

The sudden silence made Lu Qingqing raise her head in confusion.

However, when Lu Qingqing looked up, she saw Xu Ze standing outside the door, calling her to come out.

At that moment, it was as if sunlight had pierced through the darkness, and colors returned to Lu Qingqing's eyes.

[Lu Qingqing's Blackening Value -20]

The system's voice made Xu Ze pause in surprise.

Decreased so quickly?

Xu Ze had only shown his face in front of her, and hadn't expected such weight in Lu Qingqing's eyes.

Lu Qingqing hurriedly jumped up, dispelling the earlier silence.

"Brother Xu Ze!"

Ignoring the gazes of the other senior sisters, she rushed out of the Learning Hall and threw herself into Xu Ze's arms.


This sudden collision almost made Xu Ze cough up blood.

"Qingqing, pay attention, pay attention to the impact..."

Crying inwardly, Xu Ze reached out his hand and patted Lu Qingqing's head.

Suddenly, the system's prompt sounded in Xu Ze's ear again.

[Lu Qingqing's Blackening Value -15]


'Lu Qingqing, are you so easy to win over?'

Could just seeing each other and patting her head directly reduce the blackening value by 35?

"Brother Xu Ze, how come you have time to come and find Qingqing?" Lu Qingqing's eyes were filled with excitement.

As far as she could remember, this was the first time Xu Ze had taken the initiative to come to the Heavenly Cold Palace to find her in ten lifetimes!

Xu Ze immediately returned to his senses. He gently smiled as he extended an invitation to Lu Qingqing. "Do you mind accompanying me to the Hundred Flowers Festival in a few days, Qingqing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, exclamations erupted in the Learning Hall.

At that moment, all the female disciples of the Heavenly Cold Palace were in a state of shock, as if they had heard some earth-shattering gossip.

Even Lu Qingqing seemed to be taken aback by Xu Ze's invitation.

The whole person stood motionless like she was frozen.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly most difficult situation was resolved easily.

"Well, if Qingqing wants, we can go together at that time."

Xu Ze felt happy in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

After saying that, he gently patted Lu Qingqing's head. He didn't remain for long and turned to leave.

"Thank you, Brother Xu Ze."

Lu Qingqing covered her wildly beating heart, and she felt incredibly sweet.

However, the next moment, Qu Qinghan's cold gaze suddenly appeared in Lu Qingqing's mind.

Her heartbeat slowed, and her eyes darkened.

"Qu Qinghan..."

"I'll never surrender to you..."

"For Brother Xu Ze, I can do anything!"

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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