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Chapter 6: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 6: Ling Kong, Just Wait and Beg for My Forgiveness:

Returning to his residence, Ling Kong immediately sat cross-legged.

The Qi within his body started circulating. Now, his internal spiritual Qi had turned completely black! He could clearly feel that he was just one step away from breaking through to the ninth level of the Spirit Refining Realm!

"This demonic art is truly powerful!" Ling Kong muttered, then entered a state of cultivation. Since the opportunity was here, he intended to make a breakthrough into the 9th stage in one go.

In the quiet room, as Ling Kong practiced breathing exercises, the surrounding black Qi began to flow rhythmically. This cultivation session lasted until midnight.


A burst of black Qi exploded from within him. Ling Kong slowly opened his eyes.

The 9th stage of the Spirit Refining Realm!

"I've really made a breakthrough!" Ling Kong smiled slightly. This demonic cultivation method was indeed extraordinary! Without its help, reaching the 9th stage in such a short time would have been impossible. Moreover, after breaking through, the demonic Qi that had previously eroded his injuries also dissipated with his advancement in cultivation!

Dual cultivating this demonic art with Jiang Ruoxi had indeed been the right choice! In the original novel, Jiang Ruoxi continually advanced step by step thanks to this fast-paced demonic art. However, she still couldn't surpass Xia Yuran's luck!

Speaking of which... in the original novel, many of Xia Yuran's fortuitous opportunities were acquired with his help. He could just take all those opportunities for himself!

That was exactly what he would do! Starting with the Hunting Contest! This time, he had to seize first place. The prize for first place included a major opportunity! Knowing many events of the original plot, he couldn't let Xia Yuran get her hands on any of those valuable items. He would find a way to transfer all those opportunities to Jiang Ruoxi!

With that, Ling Kong stood up and stretched his body. From now on, Jiang Ruoxi's fate was in his hands! Then, he turned around and went to bed.


Three days later, the Hunting Contest officially began!

The contest was primarily designed to test the sect disciples' field combat abilities and teamwork skills. Following the Hunting Contest, there would be an individual combat tournament, which directly affected the disciples' rankings.

At the large square at the foot of the sect mountain, thousands of disciples gathered, creating a lively scene. The contest rules were simple: whether in teams or solo, everyone entered the Demonic Beast Grand Valley to hunt demonic beasts. In the end, the one who killed the most and the strongest beasts would be the champion!

Many disciples had already formed their teams. Some planned to hunt beasts together and share the results. Others intended to combine their results to let one person claim the reward. Xia Yuran's team was such an example. Bai Feng and others planned to hunt beasts together and attribute all their successes to Xia Yuran. This kind of flattering behavior was unique in the entire sect!

At that moment, Bai Feng and a dozen other senior and junior disciples were gathered around Xia Yuran.

"Bai Feng, have you made a breakthrough to the 8th stage of the Spirit Refining Realm?" Xia Yuran asked, looking at them.

"Mission accomplished!" Bai Feng replied proudly, "We just made a breakthrough to the 8th stage last night!"

"We... we're still a bit short," the others laughed awkwardly. Their talents and abilities were slightly lacking, but they were still at the 7th stage of the Spirit Refining Realm, which wasn't bad combined!

"Everyone has worked hard, especially Bai Feng." Xia Yuran gave them a sweet smile.

"Don't mention it. As long as it's for you, Yuran, we'll endure any hardship!" Bai Feng and the others responded quickly. Receiving Xia Yuran's recognition and smile made them feel it was all worth it.

"Yuran, what about you? Have you reached the 8th stage?" Bai Feng asked.

"Hehe! Just barely! I also reached the 8th stage of the Spirit Refining Realm!" Xia Yuran raised her chin proudly.

"That's great! With two eighth-level cultivators, our team will surely be the strongest in the sect!" Bai Feng clapped his hands.

"That's right, we are the strongest!" Xia Yuran nodded, then sneered, "That bastard Ling Kong thinks he's so great just because he's at the 8th stage? We don't care about him anymore!"

"Yes! We don't care about him!" Bai Feng nodded heavily, "Without a team, he is no match for us! Even if he had a team, he wouldn't be our opponent!"

With two 8th-stage cultivators, they wouldn't lose.

"Hmph! Ling Kong, I don't need you at all. Just wait and beg for my forgiveness!" Xia Yuran huffed.

At that moment, the crowd suddenly quieted down, and everyone turned to look in one direction.

"Huh? Is that... Jiang Ruoxi?"

"What's going on? Why is her hair white?"

"Her white hair makes her even more beautiful! She's my goddess!"

"Who is she teaming up with?"

"Isn't it obvious? She'll be alone, just like before!"

"I want to team up with the goddess!"

"Don't be silly. She wouldn't even look at you!"

"Exactly, don't embarrass yourself!"

From the crowd, a figure in blue slowly walked forward. People hurried to make way for her. Jiang Ruoxi, dressed in a sky-blue gown, walked gracefully with snow-white hair tinged with icy blue, exuding nobility and elegance. She looked like a celestial maiden descending from the heavens, stunning everyone!

Despite her beauty, no one dared to approach her. Her aura was cold and aloof, keeping everyone at arm's length. Her innate nobility and aloofness made people feel unworthy of standing beside her. Moreover, her personality was such that she never regarded anyone with importance. Anyone who tried to befriend her received a cold response. Over time, although many admired her as a goddess, she was an isolated goddess—a loner.

Xia Yuran's gaze also fell on Jiang Ruoxi. In female-oriented novels, such a noble and aloof goddess often became a target for the heroine to defeat, just like how rich, handsome heirs became the punching bags for underdog heroes in male-oriented novels.

"She's just a witch. What's so great about her?" Xia Yuran muttered.

-To be continued!

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