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Chapter 41: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines

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Chapter 41:

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Based on the information gathered, Xie Ruolin fully understood. She believed she had discovered the truth.

That was, Zhang Mu knew all along. He knew Ye Feng's true nature, and knew that Ye Feng wanted to manipulate her.

He was just too kind.

Because he was concerned that she would be deceived, he hurried to save her. He disguised himself as a delinquent to prevent her from contacting Ye Feng. But instead, he ended up being used by Ye Feng in a hero-saving-the-beauty act.

It was regrettable that she didn't immediately understand in her past life.

She only realized this later.

Fortunately, because of Zhang Mu's peculiarities, she always remained wary of Ye Feng. She never trusted Ye Feng and always kept him at arm's length.

And Zhang Mu, for her sake, repeatedly targeted Ye Feng, wanting to pull her out of the situation.

In her past life, she was almost killed once when working with Ye Feng, narrowly escaping death. The one who rushed out to save her wasn't Ye Feng but Zhang Mu!

She truly understood who her real hero was!

As she was about to lose consciousness, she firmly remembered Zhang Mu's face.

The one who would forever be her hero in her heart.

Unlike Ye Feng, who always boasted about saving her.

Zhang Mu saved her, he acted like nothing had happened.

Not only did he not ask for any reward, he didn't even contact her.

It was as if the incident had never existed!

It was obvious how kind this man was!

Unfortunately, although she had long understood Ye Feng's treacherous intentions in her past life, she still hadn't completely seen through Zhang Mu.

She hadn't realized how kind this angelic man truly was.

Beneath his facade of carefree, hid a heart that saw through everything yet remained kind.

But Xie Ruolin was naturally suspicious.

She always wondered if Zhang Mu had ulterior motives.

She allowed Ye Feng to deal with Zhang Mu, just wanting to see the true faces of both of them.

So she remained indifferent, observing from the sidelines. B

but Zhang Mu really never had any thoughts about her from start to finish.

Later on, he hardly even spoke to her.

Whenever she deliberately passed by Zhang Mu, she was completely ignored by him.

It seemed like he only liked Su Muwan. So that so-called act of l*st was just to prevent her from falling into Ye Feng's trap!

Until the end, when Zhang Mu was killed by Ye Feng, the death of this little angel ripped her heart apart. Xie Ruolin finally understood what it meant to regret too late and what true pain and love were.

It turned out that Zhang Mu's seemingly carefree and delinquent behavior, actually helping her target Ye Feng, had deeply moved her. The time Zhang Mu saved her deeply etched his face in her heart. But due to her own suspicion and stubbornness, she intended to observe further.

But after he was dead, even with all her calculations, who would risk their life as a stake and price?

She finally believed in Zhang Mu's kindness, his pure heart.

Beneath Zhang Mu's carefree appearance, hid a kind heart. This personality, similar to hers, who roamed the city without being tainted, was so alike!

The two of them were the same!

Realizing this, Xie Ruolin uncontrollably fell in love with this angelically kind man.

She held endless, absolute trust in him.

But the person had already passed away, leaving only memories behind.

She regretted it deeply.

Later, she cooperated with Su Muwan, Zhang Yuxin, and others, providing countless vital pieces of information to trap Ye Feng, eventually tearing him to pieces.

But what did it matter?

She could never get back that man who smiled like an angel.

Fortunately, heaven had eyes. She was reborn, and now had another chance to start over!

This time, with everything clear to her, she naturally had to help Zhang Mu with everything.

She would never let him slip away again.

In her past life, she held all the information about Yanjing, big and small, but couldn't hold onto his heart.

With a second chance in life, this time she would firmly grasp this angelic man and never let go!

Zhang Mu. This life, she would never doubt him again!

She wanted his heart!

Taking a sip of the red wine in her hand, Xie Ruolin looked affectionately at Zhang Mu's handsome face.

After cherishing the memory of the past Zhang Mu and making a vow in her heart to treat him well and be with him, Xie Ruolin's eyes turned cold as she looked at Ye Feng.

The unmistakable killing intent was evident in her enchanting eyes!

After all, unlike Zhang Mu, who seemed like a villain on the surface but was kind-hearted, Ye Feng was just a downright bad guy!

In her past life, this person repeatedly hurt her sweetheart.

This life, she would never let him hurt Zhang Mu again!

Xie Ruolin fiddled with the poisonous substance in her hand for a moment before putting it away.

Although she really wanted to poison Ye Feng right now, she had to consider the forces behind him.

With her extensive intelligence network, Xie Ruolin was more aware than others of the true power behind Ye Feng, this seemingly ordinary man.

Regardless, she still wouldn't allow him to harm Zhang Mu!

But for now, she couldn't kill him.

Otherwise, under the backlash of the forces behind Ye Feng, Zhang Mu would definitely be hurt.

This life, she would protect this little angel and not let him suffer even the slightest harm!

Meanwhile, Zhang Mu was currently focusing on suppressing his own strength.

He was afraid that with just one careless move, he would kick Ye Feng, the war king, to death. So he didn't notice Xie Ruolin's deep and complex gaze.

There was no way.

With his strength, trying to take action against Ye Feng without killing him was too difficult.

He couldn't afford to be distracted.

After all, this so-called war king Ye Feng was no different from an ant in front of him.

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-To be continued!


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