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Chapter 7: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 7: What Does She Think She Is?:

"So, I’m not the only one who thinks this way?" Bai Feng quickly said. "I also think she’s a witch! Now, with her white hair, she looks even more like one!"

"We think so too. Her personality has always been strange; she might really be a witch!" Others chimed in.

Hearing the support from everyone, Xia Yuran gave a sweet smile. Suddenly, Jiang Ruoxi didn’t seem so impressive anymore.

"Speaking of which, Jiang Ruoxi seems to have a thing for Ling Kong." Bai Feng commented. No one could get close to Jiang Ruoxi except Ling Kong because Jiang Ruoxi genuinely liked him!

"Hmph! Brother Ling Kong would never like her!" Xia Yuran snorted. She knew very well that Ling Kong only had eyes for her. He had never once looked directly at Jiang Ruoxi. In this regard, she completely outshone Jiang Ruoxi!

Thinking this, Xia Yuran's smile grew more confident. The so-called ice-cold goddess in everyone’s eyes wasn’t much after all! She had a noble face but no friends at all! Did she really think she could compete with her?

"Ling Kong is here!" Someone shouted from the crowd. Instantly, everyone turned to look.

Ling Kong, dressed in black, slowly walked up. As the male lead, he had the characteristic of being… handsome! Strong and handsome!

"Ah, Brother Ling Kong looks so handsome today!"

"Brother Ling Kong, look at me! Look at me!"

"I really want to team up with Brother Ling Kong!"

"Unfortunately, Brother Ling Kong must be teaming up with Xia Yuran!"

"I'm so envious of Xia Yuran, getting favored by Ling Kong! And having so many senior brothers liking her too!"

A wave of infatuated voices from the female disciples filled the air as they watched Ling Kong approach. Their envious eyes then turned to Xia Yuran. A girl like Xia Yuran was the object of everyone's envy, surrounded by handsome senior brothers. How many girls could compete with that?

"Brother Ling Kong... hmph!" Xia Yuran almost greeted him instinctively. But now, Ling Kong wasn’t her teammate. He had voluntarily withdrawn! He even called her disgusting!

On the other side, Jiang Ruoxi’s beautiful eyes also glanced at Ling Kong. Despite what happened three days ago feeling like a dream, she was still a bit embarrassed to greet him now. Perhaps Ling Kong was just impulsive that day.

Under everyone's gaze, Ling Kong walked forward step by step. However, he didn’t go toward Xia Yuran.

"What’s going on? Ling Kong didn’t team up with Xia Yuran?"

"Not only did he not team up, he didn’t even look at her. What does this mean?"

"Did they have a falling out?"

"Maybe something happened between them?"

"If Ling Kong isn’t teaming up with Xia Yuran, does that mean we have a chance?"

"I want to team up with Brother Ling Kong too!"

"Forget it. If he doesn’t want Xia Yuran, why would he team up with you? Don’t embarrass yourself!"

"What are you so anxious about? We’re not teaming up with you. Why do you care?"

"Hey! I’m just being kind, warning you a bunch of lovesick girls!"

"What’s it to you if we’re lovesick? We’re not lovesick for you!"

"I just…"


A clamor arose. Although many female disciples fancied Ling Kong, they didn’t dare to approach and embarrass themselves. After all, Ling Kong had a personality similar to Jiang Ruoxi's: cold and aloof.

"Ling Kong, has he really gone mad? He didn’t even glance at us? Does he look down on us?" A tall, burly young man behind Xia Yuran frowned.

Ling Kong didn’t even greet them. What did that mean?

"Brother Li Junting, don’t mind him! He’s the one who voluntarily withdrew. We did invite him!" Xia Yuran pouted.

"Hmph! Withdraw just like that? What does he think of our Yuran? I should teach him a lesson!" Li Junting snorted and stepped forward.

"Hey..." Xia Yuran pretended to try stopping him, but she acted as if she couldn’t. Deep down, she enjoyed watching boys fight over her.

That’s how a manipulative girl would behave!

"Ling Kong! What do you mean by this? Yuran kindly invited you to team up, and you withdrew?" Li Junting yelled as he approached.

Behind him, Bai Feng and the others followed. Everyone around was curious about what was happening.

Jiang Ruoxi’s beautiful eyes also glanced at Ling Kong. She, too, was curious about what had happened between Ling Kong and Xia Yuran.

"Just because she invited me, I have to join? What does she think she is?" Ling Kong didn’t even look at Li Junting and coldly replied.

"What did you say? You..." Li Junting rolled up his sleeves, ready to fight. This big guy was a brute, always ready for a brawl!

But Bai Feng quickly held him back. "Don’t start a fight here!"

Only then did Li Junting stop.

"Ling Kong, I’ve always respected you and considered you a friend. But your words are too much, don’t you think?" Bai Feng said coldly, looking at Ling Kong.

Calling Xia Yuran a 'thing' in front of everyone was simply too much, wasn’t it? That was Xia Yuran!

"A friend? Don’t flatter yourself!" Ling Kong glanced coldly at Bai Feng.

-To be continued!

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