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Chapter 3: On the First Day of My Broken Engagement I Was Rewarded with the Supreme Bone!

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Chapter 3: The Heavenly Phenomenon, Auspicious Signs:

(That Night)

In the remote courtyard of the outer sect of the Azure Cloud Sect, Lin Ang's residence was quiet. He sat calmly in his room, dressed in simple green robes, with a third-grade Green Spirit Grass placed in front of him.


"Transmigration and rewriting my destiny, today is the day...!"

Without hesitation, Lin Ang swallowed the third-grade Green Spirit Grass whole. The moment the herb entered his body, it dissolved into pure medicinal energy, flowing through him, cleansing his organs, washing away the impurities in his blood, and eliminating the contaminants.

His previously weak dantian began to strengthen, filling with powerful energy. With each wave of medicinal power, Lin Ang sensed something dormant within him slowly awakening.


Extremely Powerful!

"My Supreme Bone... it's being activated!"

In that moment, threads of golden energy began to form around Lin Ang, gathering and enveloping him, transforming him into a golden figure, shining brilliantly. His withered veins were rejuvenated as a drop of golden blood formed and multiplied, reshaping his bloodline.

Lin Ang's cultivation base soared, making breakthrough stages rapidly:

- The 2nd stage Qi Refinement

- The 3rd stage Qi Refinement

- The 4th stage Qi Refinement

- The 5th stage Qi Refinement

- The 6th stage Qi Refinement

Finally, the breakthrough frenzy stopped at the 7th stage Qi Refinement Realm. In mere moments, he had ascended from 1st stage to 7th stage, becoming one of the top disciples of the outer sect. The Supreme Bloodline had allowed him to leap 7 stages instantly.

As his cultivation surged, a golden bone emerged on his chest. Lin Ang's entire body bathed in golden light, his blood turning golden, his skin radiant like jade, making him appear divine. This was the Supreme Bone!

In the courtyard, the sky above split as golden Qi surged from Lin Ang, reaching the heavens, creating a dazzling spectacle. The phenomenon was so intense that it froze time within a hundred miles. Birds, beasts, and even outer sect disciples couldn't move under the golden light.

The sea around the Azure Cloud Sect roared, water columns erupted, and lotus flowers bloomed and vanished continuously. It seemed like the heavens were witnessing and celebrating the birth of a Supreme Being.

In the inner sect of the Azure Cloud Sect, countless geniuses were stunned, watching the sky in awe.

A female prodigy of the inner sect, exclaimed with widened eyes, "That's the outer sect, isn't it? Golden Qi soaring, clouds bursting, seas roaring, and lotuses blooming... This is an extraordinary omen of great fortune."

As she speculated, she noticed her stagnant cultivation had started to loosen just by gazing at the golden Qi. This phenomenon wasn't limited to her; countless inner sect disciples felt their cultivation advancing.

"Did someone achieve enlightenment? Such strong fortune... Who could have made a breakthrough to cause such a phenomenon?"

"Even a single glance at this scene benefits my cultivation!"

"Outer sect... I've heard there are hidden talents in the outer sect who refuse to enter the inner sect without achieving enlightenment. This must be the result of rigorous cultivation and profound insight."

As the entire inner sect marveled, a powerful aura swept across the sky, and in an instant, the heavenly phenomenon vanished, as if nothing had happened.

The disciples were left in shock.

"Heavenly phenomenon disappeared! It must have been an intervention by one of the sect's ancient ancestors, concealing the phenomenon."

"Even the ancestor intervened? This must be to protect such a prodigious talent..."

From thousands of miles away, other sects and kingdoms noticed the rare celestial event. They were deeply moved and recognized the ancestor's intervention as an effort to safeguard an emerging prodigy.

"With the current era's rise of talents, I can't imagine the impact when such a being emerges."

As people speculated, within the grand hall of the Azure Cloud Sect, an elder with gray hair in a simple white robe, sat silently. Despite his ordinary appearance, his presence was that of a statue, unmoved for thousands of years.

Outside the hall, several senior elders of the sect knelt.

A beautiful woman in a white robes spoke in a respectful tone, "Ancestor, it seems an outer sect disciple has awakened with extraordinary talent, a rare fortune for the Azure Cloud Sect."

Another senior elder added, "Should we find and protect this individual? The sect master himself has expressed willingness to personally teach this mysterious prodigy."

After a long silence, a calm voice from the hall, ancient and profound, replied, "A prodigy has emerged. Following our set path may not lead to greatness. In the Kunxu Empire, those supreme beings each carved their paths. Let it be natural, do not disturb."

The elders, understanding wisdom, bowed deeply. "Ancestor's insight is deep. We shall withdraw."

As they departed, the elders couldn't help but reflect on the incredible fortune of the Azure Cloud Sect, now home to a newly awakened prodigy, destined for greatness.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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