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Chapter 017: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


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Chapter 17: I Am Not Your Enemy:

(10 o'clock at night)

Yun Bufan arrived at the Blaze Bar.

Tonight, Su Chen would come to this place to snatch the Tears of the Mermaid from a rich heir named Feng Li.

The scene of the event was at the bar counter.

Yun Bufan scanned the bar counter and saw a man in his early thirties in the corner.

The most striking thing about him was the Vacheron Constantin Malte series men's watch on his wrist.

It seemed that this man was Feng Li.

Feng Li was one of the four influential figures in Luo City and the heir of the Feng Group.

At the same time, he was also a major villain in the early part of this novel.

He was considered a villain only because he opposed Su Chen.

Later, Feng Li's fate was very tragic; his family went bankrupt, and he went insane and was admitted to a mental hospital.

Looking at Feng Li, who was dressed as an elite, Yun Bufan felt a sense of sympathy.

Yun Bufan's gaze fell on Feng Li's left hand, where he held a blue jewelry box. The Tears of the Mermaid was inside it.

Feng Li had always wanted to marry Bai Yuexi to strengthen his family's position, so he found a way to obtain a necklace.

According to the original novel, Feng Li would be soon taught a lesson by Su Chen for flirting with a girl.

Later, Su Chen also took away the Tears of the Mermaid and gave them to Bai Yuexi under the guise of a gift.

How tragic.

After Feng Li drank a glass of wine, Yun Bufan approached him.

"Mr. Feng, hello, I'm Yun Bufan from the Yun family."

Yun Bufan didn't beat around the bush.

He didn't know when Su Chen would come, so he didn't want to waste time.

Feng Li glanced at Yun Bufan and then withdrew his uninterested gaze. It seemed that he wasn't interested in Yun Bufan.

People of his status had countless people following them to flatter them every day. There were also countless people who wanted to get to know him just to gain benefits.

Feng Li waved his hand. "I'm busy right now."

Yun Bufan expected his reaction. So, he said calmly, "I wonder, Mr. Feng, how do you view the matter of illegitimate children?"

"What?" Feng Li's expression changed suddenly, and the glass in his hand slipped.

Yun Bufan didn't say anything but looked at Feng Li with a smirk.

In the original novel, the reason Feng Li was so eager to marry Bai Yuexi was because he found out he wasn't the legitimate eldest son of the Feng family.

Feng Chaolong's wife couldn't conceive early in their marriage, so she tacitly allowed him to bring back an illegitimate child, which was Feng Li.

However, seven years after the child was brought back, Feng's wife unexpectedly became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

Although Feng Chaolong's wife didn't say anything on the surface, she privately expressed several times that she wanted to transfer the inheritance rights to her biological son.

Feng Chaolong, for the sake of face, didn't agree.

But Feng Chaolong's wife's family was very powerful. If they continued to pressure him, he might compromise.

So now, Feng Li, who seemed to be enjoying great glory and high status, was in a precarious position regarding inheritance rights. He even faced the danger of being kicked out of the core circle of the Feng family.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Feng Li's expression was somewhat gloomy.

"Haha, Mr. Feng is a smart person. How could you not understand?" Yun Bufan smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not here to expose you. In fact, I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate?" Feng Li looked wary.

Yun Bufan nodded. "I can help you secure your position as the heir of the Feng family."

"I'm already the heir of the Feng family. Why do I need your help?" Feng Li said proudly.

Yun Bufan clicked his tongue twice. "Mr. Feng, I'm curious. Where did you buy the bug you planted in Feng Chaolong's bedroom?"

With this statement, Feng Li completely lost his composure.

He stood up abruptly, clenched his fists, and stared fiercely at Yun Bufan. "How did you know? Are you threatening me?"

Yun Bufan waved his hand. "I've said it before, I am not your enemy. In fact, I am your enemy's enemy. From a certain perspective, we can be called comrades in arms."

Feng Li frowned.

However, he quickly calmed down.

Without saying a word, he seemed to be judging the credibility of Yun Bufan's words.

Yun Bufan couldn't help but admire him a little.

Facing such a situation, he could still analyze it calmly.

Feng Li was indeed a major villain in the early stages.

Yun Bufan was very happy to have such a high-IQ comrade in arms. Dealing with Su Chen would be much easier.

Just three minutes ago, he saw Su Chen enter the bar and walk towards the dance floor.

"Over there—" Yun Bufan pointed toward the dance floor, "That girl in a red dress who looks exactly like your first love. You won't be able to resist talking to her, and then a guy named Su Chen will jump out and beat you up."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Feng Li looked at Yun Bufan as if he were looking at a lunatic.

Yun Bufan smiled, "If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself."

Feng Li picked up the jewelry box and prepared to go over.

"Hold on!" Yun Bufan suddenly stopped him and took out another identical blue jewelry box from his pocket, "Leave the necklace and take this one instead."

Feng Li was puzzled.

Yun Bufan said, "You'll understand later."

Feng Li thought Yun Bufan might be trying to extort the necklace from him. But it didn't seem like it.

He decided to take a gamble. He took the jewelry box Yun Bufan gave and walked toward the dance floor.

Soon, Feng Li saw a girl in a red dress.

When the girl turned her face, Feng Li's face turned pale.

Almost without thinking, he walked over and grabbed the girl's wrist. "Jin'er!"

Thinking she was being harassed, the girl screamed in fright, "Let go of me!"

At this moment, Su Chen pushed through the crowd, walked over, and punched Feng Li in the face.

Not far away, Yun Bufan watched the scene coldly.

Sure enough, everything was developing according to the plot.

Feng Li fell to the ground, and the jewelry box in his pocket fell to the ground.

Su Chen instantly recognized the jewelry box as the Tears of the Mermaid, and his eyes lit up.

Feng Li begged, "Please stop, I'll give you whatever you want."

"I want this!" As Yun Bufan expected, Su Chen asked for the necklace.

Feng Li immediately handed over the necklace with both hands.

"Thank you, young man." The girl in the red dress looked grateful, and Su Chen felt triumphant.

But what made him even happier was that he easily obtained the Tears of the Mermaid.

When he gave it to Bai Yuexi, she would surely be overjoyed.

At this moment, the back street of the bar.

Yun Bufan leaned against the wall and lazily looked at the moon in the sky.

Feng Li walked over, and Yun Bufan looked at him. "How was it? Was I right?"

Suddenly, he smiled, "You don't think I arranged all this, do you?"

"I don't rule out that possibility." Feng Li said grimly.

Yun Bufan nodded, "Indeed, you can choose not to believe me. In that case, I'll give you the necklace, and we'll part ways."

Just as he was about to leave—

"Wait." Feng Li's expression was firm. "I'll cooperate with you."

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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