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Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple? - Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Xu Yan Comprehends the Qi and Blood Realm Techniques:

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(25Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

Although Xu Yan had entered the martial arts path, his days remained as usual—cooking when it was time to cook, feeding the chickens when it was time to feed them. Li Xuan seemed relaxed as always.

However, behind the scenes, he was scratching his head, pondering how to make-up the framework for the Innate Realm cultivation, how to make-up the theory of the Innate Realm, and even the techniques.

Besides the Innate Realm, there needed to be a concept for future cultivation directions as well.

When developing future realms and techniques, laying a solid theoretical foundation was crucial.

If the techniques were not mystical enough, Li Xuan's cultivation wouldn't be strong enough, and the depth of his artistic conception wouldn't be adequate to allow Xu Yan, this prodigy, to comprehend deeply.

If it was too mystical, deviating from the framework, Li Xuan worried that Xu Yan wouldn't comprehend it and would get stuck in the Qi and Blood Realm cultivation!

"This is so difficult!"

Li Xuan sighed inwardly.

With this pressure in his mind, he couldn't let go and make freely. He felt constrained and unsure.

If he loosened up and made up impulsively, he feared Xu Yan wouldn't comprehend it. He would get stuck in the Qi and Blood Realm cultivation, ultimately harming himself.

Li Xuan was deeply troubled by making the Innate Realm techniques.

During these days, Xu Yan also racked his brain over comprehending the four lines of techniques. However, he had made no progress, feeling increasingly frustrated.

"These are such simple techniques. If I can't comprehend the profound principles behind them, Master will surely be disappointed."

"Even if I can temper my Jade Bones, what's the use? If I can't comprehend the techniques, how can I continue the martial path?"

"The martial path has no end. If I can't comprehend such simple techniques, how can I cultivate stronger and greater martial realms?"

Xu Yan furrowed his brows, lost in thought.

Suddenly, he remembered his master's words.

"Master said, 'Do your best. If you can't comprehend it, it won't hinder your cultivation.'"

"I've been entirely focused on techniques, exhausting my mental energy, neglecting my cultivation."

"In fact, Master is telling me not to get too immersed in it, to comprehend it during cultivation, to truly understand the profound principles within..."

After this train of thought, Xu Yan's eyes lit up.

He immediately restrained his mental energy and began to cultivate, carefully pondering the circulation of Qi and blood, and slowly strengthening it, focusing his mind solely on cultivation.

However, amidst cultivation, the four lines of technique occasionally floated into his mind.

As he continued to cultivate, Xu Yan gradually gained some insights: "A thousand streams merge into a mighty river... Every time I cultivate, my Qi and blood strengthen, increasing bit by bit. Isn't this like a thousand streams merging into a mighty river?"

"Rushing into the ocean for thousands of miles... The profound principle within is to gather Qi and blood, forming an ocean... No, it's like the body becoming an ocean, containing Qi and blood."

"Billowing waves stir up thousands of layers of waves. Qi and blood can shake the mountains—Qi and blood cannot flow gently; they must be like torrents, like billowing waves. Only then can they fully stimulate Qi and blood, and effectively strengthen the body."

"Qi and blood can shake the mountains, does it mean bones like mountains, Qi and blood shaking the mountains..."

A flash of insight appeared in Xu Yan's mind, feeling that the artistic conception within the four lines of technique had already emerged in his mind.

At this moment, he vaguely comprehended the martial arts principles hidden within.

"Qi and blood gathering, like torrents, like billowing waves; striking against Jade Bones..." Xu Yan became immersed in comprehension, feeling the Qi and blood in his body flowing like torrents, layer by layer of Qi and blood constantly beating against his bones.

"I understand!"

At a certain moment, Xu Yan's heart was excited. In an instant, he understood the martial arts principles hidden in the four lines of technique.

Suddenly, a faint strand of Qi and blood emerged from his body, circulating around him in a new way. His marrow flowed like rivers, and Qi and blood were constantly generated, faster and faster.

At the same time, Qi and blood surged around his body like torrents, sometimes striking against his bones, rebounding and surging throughout his body.

His flesh was strengthened in each cycle of Qi and blood rotation, and Qi and blood became purer, more powerful.

Qi and blood energy surrounded him. With every breath, his chest rumbled, and his Qi and blood boiled, as if flames surged.

However, with the new cultivation method he had comprehended, Xu Yan felt an improvement after a while.

Moreover, it was a significant improvement; the flesh strengthened, and the Qi and blood strengthened.

"The techniques Master passed down are truly profound. Indeed, comprehending the techniques makes a difference in cultivation compared to not comprehending them."

"After comprehending the techniques, progress is faster, and Qi and blood strengthen."

Xu Yan was extremely excited.

"I finally comprehend the techniques. I won't let Master down!"

He felt elated.


Li Xuan was in the process of making the cultivation methods of the Innate Realm, mainly focusing on the theoretical framework and how to connect it with the Qi and Blood Realm.

The first thing confirmed was that the Innate Realm cultivation focused on True Qi!

The entire body's Qi and blood transformed into Innate True Qi, but to achieve this, there needed to be a process. The first step was to open the Heaven and Earth Bridge!

"After opening the Heaven and Earth Bridge, circulating Qi and blood throughout the body, transforming into Innate True Qi... Only by opening the Heaven and Earth Bridge can one absorb the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, transforming it into True Qi."

"The Innate cultivator inhales and exhales the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, controlling the Qi, soaring through the sky, traversing a hundred miles in an instant, already transcending ordinary humans..."

The more Li Xuan pondered, the more he felt that this set of made-up theories was very realistic, the theory was sound, and the framework was solid.

The only thing missing was Xu Yan, this foolish disciple, to comprehend it.

Li Xuan looked up at the sky, muttering to himself, "Is there spiritual Qi in this world? If not, wouldn't it be useless?"

"The air here is so good, really pleasant. There should be spiritual Qi, right?"

Whether there was spiritual Qi or not, anyway, the Innate Realm involved absorbing the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, refining it into Innate True Qi, returning to the innate, and transcending the mundane world.

"The second realm is already made to such a high level. Once cultivated, it will be quite strong. The subsequent realms must continue to be made in a more mystical direction; otherwise, they won't be strong enough."

Li Xuan sighed inwardly. Making techniques was not an easy task.

However, after several days of contemplation, he finally came up with the Innate Realm cultivation methods.

Theoretically, it could connect with the Qi and Blood Realm.

As for whether it succeeded, it depended on Xu Yan.

"I'm not in a hurry to teach Xu Yan. He has just entered the Qi and Blood Realm. He should at least be familiar with it before thinking about the Innate Realm."

"Otherwise, if he hasn't comprehended the Qi and Blood Realm techniques yet and starts to comprehend the Innate Realm techniques, what if his mind can't keep up? Wouldn't that be counterproductive?"

Thinking about this, Li Xuan decided to wait and see, not saying anything until Xu Yan cultivated to the peak of the Qi and Blood Realm, or at least comprehended the four lines of techniques.

"I wonder if my foolish disciple has gained anything now? The four lines of techniques were not mystical enough; they were a bit too vague. I'll make them better next time."

Li Xuan summed up his thoughts silently. Next time he made techniques, they had to be more mystical, with a richer artistic conception. They had to have some connection to the cultivation realm.

They couldn't be too vague.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be easy to comprehend.

-To be continued!

(25+ Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

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