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Chapter 51: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 51: The Soul Devouring Bead:

As the young master of the Su family, how could he not possess some extraordinary spiritual treasure?

Of course, he didn't have extraordinary spiritual treasure before becoming a disciple of the Great Holy Sect. After all, having Old Li by his side was usually enough.

However, after becoming the Holy Son, Su Changyu asked for a spiritual treasure specifically designed to deal with souls from the Su family — the Soul Devouring Bead.

If Leng Yan could 'see the light' and voluntarily join him, that would naturally be the best outcome.

But if not, considering Ye Yuan's protagonist's luck, Su Changyu naturally couldn't afford to be unprepared.

Unwilling to follow?

Then, he would kill her.

Su Changyu wouldn't leave himself with such a huge potential threat.

At this moment, the Soul Devouring Bead emitted a dazzling light in the air, countless runes flowing around, imprisoning Leng Yan, who was emitting sounds of agony under the erosion of the array.

"Master! Master!!"

Ye Yuan's expression turned cold as he glared at Su Changyu.

"Release my master quickly, Su Changyu! Are you only relying on your family background? If you have the guts, come at me!"

Su Changyu chuckled lightly, "Do you think I would let you go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Li appeared beside Ye Yuan in a flash and reached out to grab him.

It was an ordinary move.

However, Ye Yuan felt like a huge hand covering the sky was pressing down on him, rendering him powerless to resist.

The gap was too great!!

He was only at the Transcendence Realm, while even though Old Li's cultivation was suppressed, he could still display the Heavenly Realm peak strength!

"Old Li, he should have hidden some secrets about the Nine Spirit Palace in him. See if you can find them," Su Changyu said casually.

He remembered there had to be a strand of origin power.

But Ye Yuan had refined this strand of power, and he wasn't sure if he could forcibly extract it.

Because of this, Su Changyu had been following Ye Yuan all this time. If not, he would have already made a move to seize it.

Old Li clutched Ye Yuan's neck and channeled his true Qi into Ye Yuan's body to search.

In no time, he sensed a trace of unusual power.

"Young Master, it's indeed inside his body, but this brat has already refined it. Although it hasn't been fully absorbed, this origin power will disperse if I kill him first. I can only forcibly extract it, but the process will be quite troublesome," Old Li said indifferently.

Su Changyu didn't mind, "It doesn't matter, just take it out first."

Upon hearing this, Old Li didn't hesitate anymore.

He reached out his hand and struck Ye Yuan's chest.


Ye Yuan screamed in pain.

Old Li's true Qi was like a savage dragon rampaging in his body, tearing apart his organs one by one!

The strand of refined origin power gradually pulled away from Ye Yuan under Old Li's grasp.

This process was tantamount to scraping bones and tendons!

But Su Changyu didn't show any sympathy.

In the original plot, 'he' was licking his wounds under Ye Yuan's protagonist halo, humiliated and chased away, without a shred of dignity.

Even though Su Changyu was a good person, he wouldn't hesitate in dealing with such a destined enemy.

"Stop!!!" A voice suddenly rang out.

Nie Mengyao arrived with Old Lin from afar and happened to witness the scene of Ye Yuan being tortured.

"Su Changyu, release Ye Yuan immediately!"

"Meng...yao..." Ye Yuan gritted his teeth and spoke with difficulty.

"Oh?" Su Changyu turned his head and smiled, "You came quite quickly. It seems like those people you brought with you have all been abandoned by you."

Nie Mengyao coldly snorted, "They are all my subordinates; it has nothing to do with you!"

"Indeed, it has nothing to do with me. It's just a pity that those who follow you in the end are just pawns who are easily sacrificed." Su Changyu held Zhuge Wanqing's hand and smiled, "Fortunately, the Zhuge family withdrew in time. Otherwise, they would have ended up like this, too."

Zhuge Wanqing's heart skipped a beat when he held her hand, and she immediately became a little shy.

But seeing Nie Mengyao's murderous gaze, she sighed softly, "Mengyao, I told you a long time ago not to get involved with Ye Yuan, but you didn't listen."

Nie Mengyao gritted her teeth, "Is this the reason you betrayed me? You shameless piece of crap! I treated you like a sister, this is how you treat me! You didn't want me, yet you stole him from me!"

Zhuge Wanqing frowned, "Nie Mengyao, that's enough. Is Young Master Su yours? You were only engaged with him and hadn't even set a wedding date. It was you who refused and publicly humiliated Young Master Su. If not, how could things have turned out like this? If you had listened to me at the beginning, we could have had the support of the Su family and my Zhuge family, and you might still have a chance to ascend the throne!"

"But you? For the sake of so-called 'happiness,' you stubbornly insisted on your way, disregarding the alliance's interests. You talk about seeking happiness for yourself, but in reality, you are just selfish, thinking only of yourself!"

In terms of rhetoric, Zhuge Wanqing wasn't inferior to anyone.

"I... I didn't!" Nie Mengyao gritted her teeth, "I just don't want to live a restricted life. What's wrong with that? Is it wrong that I don't like Su Changyu?!"

Zhuge Wanqing said calmly, "Then, does that mean we who willingly followed you are wrong? Have you ever considered the impact of being with Ye Yuan on the situation? Have you ever thought about what would happen to us if you openly talked about breaking off the engagement? Your so-called happiness is actually just for yourself. Since that's the case, why should my Zhuge family follow you to pursue your happiness?"

Nie Mengyao's body shuddered, her face pale.

She wanted to retort.

But she found that any words she said were weak!

Zhuge Wanqing was right.

She had thought about it that way as well.

When she heard that Su Changyu had killed the Holy Son with a single blow, she doubted if she had made the right choice.

If... if she hadn't broken off the engagement, if Su Changyu was still her fiancé...

But Nie Mengyao refused to admit it.

In her heart, Su Changyu couldn't compare to Ye Yuan!

But now, looking at Zhuge Wanqing standing beside Su Changyu, Nie Mengyao couldn't help but feel a subconscious envy.

If those things hadn't happened, she should be the one standing by his side now!

All those halos should belong to her!

At this moment, regret surged in Nie Mengyao's heart.

But soon, Ye Yuan's screams brought her back to reality.

"Brother Ye Yuan..." Nie Mengyao's expression became somewhat flustered, "Su Changyu, stop it, please! After I return, I promise I will apologize to the Su family and have my father immediately arrange our marriage!"

Su Changyu: "?"

Su Changyu looked at her with a strange look in his eyes.

Was this woman out of her mind?

Su Jiuming quickly responded, "It seems Miss Nie hasn't realized reality yet. Young Master has no interest in you at all. Your so-called engagement is something he finds disgusting."

Su Changyu chuckled, "You're really obedient. I'll reward you when we return."

Hearing this, Jiuming's cheeks blushed slightly.

Young master's reward...

"Old Lin!" Seeing that compromise was futile, Nie Mengyao gritted her teeth, "Take Su Changyu down for me!"

Currently, Old Li was torturing Ye Yuan.

And the others might not be able to stop Old Li.

As long as she captured Su Changyu, Old Li would naturally let go of Ye Yuan!

However, Old Lin didn't make any move.

"Your Highness, we can't act against the Holy Son," Old Lin shook his head.

"Insolence!" Nie Mengyao coldly shouted, "Who exactly is your master? Don't forget your identity!"

Old Lin said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, I want to ask you, what are we in your heart? If it's for your safety, we are willing to risk our lives, but this time, we came for that kid, Ye Yuan. What exactly does he have? For him, you don't even care about our lives, and you're willing to disregard even the empire itself!"

In Old Lin's eyes, risking the empire's safety by provoking someone like Su Changyu for the sake of Ye Yuan was extremely unwise!

After all, if they acted against Su Changyu, it wouldn't just concern Nie Mengyao alone.

Wouldn't the Su family and the Holy Great Sect also take action on the Imperial Empire?

Su Changyu waved his hand, "Enough, Old Lin. This woman without a brain wouldn't understand anything you say anyway. Take her down."

Old Lin nodded.

Nie Mengyao's eyes sharpened as she stepped back a few steps, shouting fiercely, "Old Lin, what are you doing!? Are you betraying the Imperial family!?"


Old Lin remained unmoved.

Su Changyu smiled, "Nie Mengyao, let me introduce you. Old Lin's full name is Su Qiulin. He grew up in the Su family since he was a child and was given the Su surname. Later, he moved to the Imperial Empire... Do you understand now?"


Nie Mengyao's face instantly turned pale!

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