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Chapter 48,49,50: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 48,49,50: The Divine Ranked Artifact!?:

Su Changyu knew that a son of destiny like Ye Yuan definitely carried the key to the secret realm.

He followed all the way to wait for this moment.

However, as long as he found the Nine Spirit Palace location, Ye Yuan would be useless.

So he didn't hesitate to let Old Li make a move.


Seeing Old Li appear, Ye Yuan's whole body trembled.

He alone couldn't beat Su Changyu!


Leng Yan's figure appeared.

She didn't immediately help Ye Yuan in the fight, but said, "Young Master Su, hold on."

"Oh, it's you."

Su Changyu smiled faintly, "Senior Leng is finally willing to come out?"

Leng Yan glanced at Old Li beside Su Changyu. She then looked at those experts from the Su family who were like guards.

She said firmly, "Young Master Su, we're willing to give up the opportunity inside the Nine Spirit Palace. Could you let us leave?"

"What!?" Ye Yuan hurriedly said, "Master, there's the Nine Spirit Fire inside. How can I give up here? If I give up..."

Leng Yan frowned, "It's impossible. How can you seize the Nine Spirit Fire in this situation?"

"But!" Ye Yuan kept shaking his head, "No, I can't give up, Master. If I didn't have the Nine Spirit Fire, all my efforts so far would be in vain. How can I take revenge on those who look down on me?"

"Ye Yuan, wake up!" Leng Yan said in a deep voice, "Even without the Nine Spirit Fire, there are many source fires n the Azure Continent, and even... anyway, listen to me, give up the Nine Spirit Fire and give the opportunity to Young Master Su!"

Leng Yan felt that Ye Yuan had gone mad.

But without the Nine Spirit Fire, would he be worthless?

There were so many opportunities in the world. If he didn't have this one, he could get another!

But, if he died, everything was over!

"No!" Ye Yuan's eyes were red and his expression became anxious. "Master, you must have a way, right? You can definitely do it!"

Leng Yan's anger flared up.

She asked him to leave, but he refused.

Yet he wanted her to come up with a solution?

What solution could she have?

If it were at her peak, Leng Yan would naturally be confident in protecting Ye Yuan and seizing the Nine Spirit Fire. But now, with her body destroyed and soul damaged, her strength was less than one-thousand percent. How could she figure out a solution?

If Ye Yuan had a way and wanted to stay, that would be another matter.

But if he didn't have a way, why be so stubborn?

Leng Yan was increasingly disappointed in Ye Yuan.

[Ye Yuan's luck damaged, obtained 100 villain points]

"Young Master Su, we give up," Leng Yan insisted.


Ye Yuan's expression was ferocious, roaring, "I won't give up! I absolutely can't give up! Master... I get it now! It must be you secretly revealing my whereabouts to Su Changyu, right? In the Hundred Sects Sword Contest, in the Imperial Empire, and even this time, you must have done this! From the beginning, you wanted to join forces with that guy to snatch my Nine Spirit Fire!"

Leng Yan's expression was stunned.

She didn't expect Ye Yuan would actually blame her.

[Ye Yuan's relationship with Leng Yan worsens, obtained 200 villain points]

Leng Yan's face darkened, "I told you not to go to the Imperial Empire before. I warned you to avoid unnecessary trouble. It was you who didn't listen. If you had come straight to the Demonic Abyss from the beginning, how could there be any consequences?"

"Ye Yuan, think seriously. If I wanted to harm you, why wait until today? What secrets do I not know about you? What opportunity of yours wasn't helped by me?"

"If I wanted to join Young Master Su, back in the Great Holy Sect, when he tried to recruit me, I could have followed him. But I didn't do that. Yet now you hold a grudge against me?"

Ye Yuan's words just now made Leng Yan's heart feel cold.

She had already provided so much to Ye Yuan, what exactly was she aiming for?

If Ye Yuan had always been trying to find a solution to help her rebuild her body, that would be fine.

But that wasn't it at all!

All along, Ye Yuan had been demanding of her, constantly draining her energy to help.

Yet, he never even asked about the details of helping her restore her body.

If not for this, she would have told Ye Yuan her secret long ago.

"Ye Yuan, you really disappoint me," Leng Yan sighed.

Ye Yuan's heart sank.

Seeing Leng Yan's expression, his whole body felt like it had fallen into an ice cave.

Suddenly, he woke up.

He wasn't being irrational, but because he was pressed by Su Changyu, his thoughts trapped in a dead end, and under the influence of the Nine Spirit Fire, he spoke without restraint.

But he quickly realized. If Leng Yan didn't help him, then he was truly doomed here!

"M-Master, it's my fault, it's the disciple's fault, please don't be angry, Master," Ye Yuan hurriedly said.

Leng Yan sighed again.

She had been with Ye Yuan for so many years, witnessing his growth since childhood. She treated Ye Yuan like a disciple, but also like a child. Naturally, she wouldn't abandon him like this. However, she couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Since that's the case, then do as I say," Leng Yan said.

Ye Yuan clenched his fists. Despite his unwillingness, he still replied, "I'll follow Master's orders."

Leng Yan nodded, then looked at Su Changyu again, "Young Master Su, Ye Yuan gives up the Nine Spirit Fire and apologizes for the previous matter to you. As a senior, please don't bother yourself to his level."

Thinking carefully, Ye Yuan had been at a disadvantage all along, while Su Changyu hadn't suffered any losses at all.

So subconsciously, Leng Yan felt that people like Su Changyu wouldn't bother with Ye Yuan.

However, Su Changyu shook his head, "Elder, your choice disappoints me greatly. It seems you take my generosity as your right to overstep. I didn't expect that even now, you still can't let go of Ye Yuan, that trash."

Was this the protagonist's luck?

If it was an ordinary person, they probably would have severed relations long ago.

"Su Changyu!" Ye Yuan gritted his teeth, "What else do you want from me when I'm like this?"

Su Changyu smirked, "Giving up the Nine Spirit Fire and leaving? Did I ever propose such conditions from beginning to end? It has always been you two, master and disciple, deciding among yourselves."

This master and disciple were quite interesting.

They argued among themselves and also gave him 300 villain points without his consent.

Did they ever ask how he felt?

They gave him villain points like this. He was very... sad.

"Ye Yuan, do you know why I haven't killed you several times? From the Holy Sect to the Star-Moon City, then to the Imperial Empire, do you think I don't know what you're up to?" Su Changyu smiled faintly.


Ye Yuan was terrified.

For the first time, he felt the powerlessness of being played between the palms of others.

Seeing that Su Changyu knew his intentions since the beginning, what could he do?

"I haven't killed you not because I can't, but because I don't want to. But now, I want to kill you, and you will die, understand?" Su Changyu said playfully.

"Young Master Su," Leng Yan frowned, "This is within the Nine Spirit Secret Realm, not outside. Why don't we compromise? We leave, the inheritance here belongs to you. How about it?"

"Is that so?" Su Changyu's mouth twitched, "Elder Leng, it seems you still don't quite understand human nature, huh?"

Leng Yan's heart trembled.

Human nature?

He realized she wasn't human?

As the words fell, a ray of light flashed in Su Changyu's hand.

Soon, a stream of light shot out of his hand, flying into the sky, transforming into a dazzling black bead above the Nine Spirit Palace!

That black bead was engraved with thousands of formation patterns, and under the shining of the light, all the array patterns simultaneously emitted a frightening dark light that made people's hearts tremble!


Under the light, the entire space violently shook.

Leng Yan was enveloped by the power of the black bead, feeling unable to move a muscle, unable to exert any strength!

"A Divine ranked artifact!?" Leng Yan exclaimed.

"Bingo, congratulations on getting it right," Su Changyu smiled faintly, "Elder Leng, since you want to follow that trash Ye Yuan, let me slowly dig out the secrets from your body." 

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