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Chapter 028: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines


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Chapter 28: What a Hassle:

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Ye Feng stared intensely at the clear and translucent jade pendant on Zhang Mu's wrist, hating him to death.

He couldn't understand why Shangguan Fengwu gave this magical jade pendant to Zhang Mu.

Did Zhang Mu, a playboy villain, worthy of such a treasure?

No, this jade pendant must be his!

With this jade pendant, his cultivation speed increases greatly!

It'd help him dominate the nation even faster!

So, Ye Feng silently made up his mind.


On the other side.

Zhang Mu pretended to be indifferent when he noticed Ye Feng's gaze.

With the jade pendant, the painting, and his maid Yuxuan Wei, who now belonged to him, he walked out of the Capital auction house. He was ready to go home.

Zhang Mu turned to look at Yuxuan Wei, who was now lowering her head and looking submissive. He felt a sense of relief.

Fortunately, the plot hadn't fallen apart.

Although he hadn't been humiliated at the auction, Yuxuan Wei, this extremely dangerous female assassin who would plot against him in the future, had successfully been planted by his side!

Well done!

After going outside, Yuxuan Wei took the initiative to open the car door. She respectfully said to Zhang Mu, "Young Master Zhang Mu, please get into the car."

However, Zhang Mu shook his head and replied, "No, I won't take the car! I want to walk back!"

Yuxuan Wei smiled and agreed, but she couldn't help but be moved by Zhang Mu's innocence and simplicity.

'Ah, Zhang Mu, my little angel, is really innocent.'

'You completely don't suspect others' evil motives.'

'If you carry this precious jade pendant, and you don't hurry back, that despicable person Ye Feng will definitely come to steal it. '

However, Yuxuan Wei didn't know that Zhang Mu intended to create an opportunity for Ye Feng to snatch the jade pendant and humiliate him.

If he took the car and arrived home immediately, how would Ye Feng snatch the jade pendant?

How would this villain be humiliated?

However, Zhang Mu felt somewhat relieved.

With Yuxuan Wei here, he would surely be tracked and the jade pendant snatched away, and he would be humiliated repeatedly, which was still acceptable.

Watching Zhang Mu and Yuxuan Wei strolling leisurely, at the corner behind them, Ye Feng was indeed secretly following.

Just as Zhang Mu predicted, Ye Feng would never stand by and watch Zhang Mu take away the jade pendant.

He would definitely come to snatch the miraculous jade pendant!

But, just as Ye Feng, who had disguised himself, was about to act, several dark figures suddenly appeared behind him.


There was a muffled sound as a thick wooden stick fiercely struck Ye Feng's head from behind.

Ye Feng was knocked unconscious by the blow and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, standing nearby and looking down at the unconscious Ye Feng, who had been knocked out by his subordinate, a cold smile appeared on Shangguan Fengwu's face.

She looked at him disdainfully.

"Ye Feng, you despicable ba$tard, I really want to kill him now..."

Thinking of Ye Feng, this scoundrel who plotted against her beloved little angel Zhang Mu in her previous life, Shangguan Fengwu couldn't help but wish to kill him now.

But as someone reborn, she knew Ye Feng had considerable influence abroad.

If he died, those forces might retaliate and harm Zhang Mu.

So she spared Ye Feng and knocked him unconscious to protect Zhang Mu.

Shangguan Fengwu then turned and left with her people.


On the other side.

Zhang Mu was confused because Ye Feng hadn't took action for a while.

He could sense Ye Feng following him when he had just come out.

So, why hadn't he made a move to snatch the jade pendant after so long?

Zhang Mu was speechless, but he didn't dare look back, fearing alerting the enemy.

What a hassle.

Even if he wanted to be robbed, he still had to consider the protagonist's feelings.

This stupid protagonist Ye Feng, why was he so incompetent?

Just then, Yuxuan Wei beside him suddenly said, "Young Master Zhang Mu, can I go to the restroom?"

Hearing Yuxuan Wei's words, Zhang Mu arrogantly cursed, "Hurry up, and come back soon!"

Although his tone was very bad, Zhang Mu couldn't help but smile inwardly when he saw Yuxuan Wei leave.

Here it comes!

Yuxuan Wei, this spy and female assassin, was finally going to send a message and coordinate with the protagonist Ye Feng.

They were ready to take action against him.

He was about to be humiliated, according to the plot. It's been a long time since things went so smoothly.

He was looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, Yuxuan Wei, who had slipped away to the restroom, did indeed send a message, but not to Ye Feng. Instead, she sent it to Shangguan Fengwu!

"Miss Shangguan, Zhang Mu is safe now, no problem."

Yuxuan Wei sent the message.

"That's good. I've already had someone take care of Ye Feng. We can't let him threaten Zhang Mu!"

Shangguan Fengwu replied on the other end.

It turned out that Shangguan Fengwu and Yuxuan Wei had both guessed that Ye Feng would definitely come to try to snatch Zhang Mu's jade pendant.

So they tacitly devised a plan and secretly outwitted Ye Feng to protect Zhang Mu.

And Zhang Mu, still kept in the dark, had no idea that the 'potential threat' had already been eliminated.

If Zhang Mu knew about the message Yuxuan Wei sent to Shangguan Fengwu, he would probably be furious and scold her.

"Why are you reporting my safety!"

In the end, Zhang Mu, who had tried his best to slow down, still arrived home.

As he looked at the heavily guarded Zhang Family Mansion, which was already close by, Zhang Mu couldn't help but turn his head back. However, he found nothing there.

Chapter 29-42: Click here

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-To be continued!


Translated & Edited by:


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