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Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple? - Chapter 25

Chapter 25:

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(25Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

Chapter 25: I Made It Up, Yet You Actually Succeeded in Cultivation?

Inside Xu Yan's body, Qi and blood circulation merged into one, condensing the whole body. The door to martial arts had already opened, and at this moment, he was stepping into it.

After a night of cultivation and enlightenment, he finally understood how to integrate everything into one, how to condense the entire body.

The three basic stages of skin, bone, and organ refinement, though completed, did not mean he had entered the martial arts realm.

Only when the three merged into one, condensing the entire body, undergoing a transformation, with qi and blood like beams bursting forth fiercely, could one truly enter the martial arts realm.

This was the true pinnacle of martial arts.

"This is integrating everything into one, condensing the entire body. I feel myself getting stronger."

Xu Yan silently comprehended his transformation. His Qi and blood became fiercer and more solid, emanating from outside his body, condensed into beams.


Soon, a dull sound emanated from his body, followed by continuous ones.

His muscles and bones trembled, emitting thunderous sounds. With each tremor, his Qi and blood surged violently, causing the muscles and bones to emit even louder sounds.

"Muscle and bone rumbling, this is muscle and bone rumbling!"

"I'm finally about to enter the martial arts realm!"

"Muscle and bone rumbles, Qi and blood like beams, have been achieved!"

Xu Yan was extremely excited. After such a long period of intense cultivation, he was finally about to enter the martial arts realm.

With each occurrence of muscle and bone rumbles, his Qi and blood surged, his physical body became stronger, and his strength soared. His control over himself continued to improve.

Qi and blood beams became even fiercer.


The sky was already bright; night had passed.

There were faint dark clouds in the sky, obscuring the sun.

In the small mountain village, suddenly, thunderous sounds rang out repeatedly, one after another, louder than the last.


Li Xuan got up to wash and suddenly heard the sound of thunder.

He looked up in confusion. "Is it thundering? Is it going to rain?"

Stepping out of the house, he suddenly widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and froze in place.

Rubbing his eyes, he stared with widened eyes.

Xu Yan stood at the place of cultivation, his muscles and bones rumbling, his Qi and blood like beams, fierce Qi enveloping his body. Even from a distance, one could feel the immense power contained within.

And the thunderous sound came from Xu Yan's body.

Li Xuan was dumbfounded, "I made it all up, how did he succeed in cultivation? What kind of monster is he?!"

Initially, Xu Yan insisted on being his disciple, so in order to receive the apprenticeship gift, Li Xuan could only make up a cultivation method and set a one-year deadline.

He thought Xu Yan's intense cultivation was just the result of a foolish obsession with martial arts!

But now!

The clown was actually him?

Li Xuan's eyes widened with shock. He had made up the cultivation method, yet Xu Yan had succeeded in cultivating. What kind of monster was this?

Could it be that those who were rejected from marriage were all destined to be sons of destiny?

Muscle and bone rumble, Qi and blood like beams—weren't these all things he made up?

Now, Xu Yan's muscle and bone rumble resonated, and thunderous sounds echoed throughout the small mountain village. The fierce Qi enveloped his body, containing terrifying power.

"I'm just making it up, I made it all up, and he actually succeeded? What am I supposed to do?"

"Keep making things up?"

"If I get exposed, won't I be beaten to death with one punch?"

Li Xuan was completely dumbfounded.

This disciple was too much of a monster, so much so that he was afraid!

Just then, a burst of golden light flashed in his mind.

A voice resounded in Li Xuan's mind: "Your disciple has succeeded in cultivating the cultivation method you devised, and you have directly achieved mastery in the cultivation method with strength a hundred times greater than those in the same realm!"


In that instant, Qi and blood surged from Li Xuan's body, like flames, soaring hundreds of feet high.

In Li Xuan's mind, cultivation methods and techniques for skin, bone, and organ refinement emerged. His body possessed flawless Jade Bones, his Qi flowed freely. His Qi and blood were like surging waves, vast as the ocean.

This was exactly what Li Xuan described when he made up the cultivation method. When one mastered the technique, their Qi and blood would soar a hundred feet high, resembling fierce flames.

"The Golden Finger has appeared!"

Li Xuan was overjoyed at this moment.

What surprised him even more was that his body possessed flawless Jade Bones, his Qi flowing freely.

This was exactly what he made up—the state of flawless Jade bones, imperishable for eternity.

"This brat Xu Yan is too much of a monster. Not only did he succeed in cultivation, but he even tempered his bones into Jade Bones!"

"That's it! This monstrous disciple must be trained properly. Whether I can become invincible depends entirely on you, my disciple!"

"Oh no! If I had known he was such a monster, I would have made up a cultivation method for immortality instead of martial arts."

Li Xuan suddenly felt regretful.

If he had known his disciple was such a monster, he wouldn't have made up a martial arts cultivation method but an immortal cultivation method instead.

"Thankfully, I've left some room for myself. This is only the beginning of martial arts. It's still possible for me to make up, to strive for greater strength. I must carefully consider the cultivation realms that follow. I can't just make things up randomly."

"What kind of Golden Finger is this? Did my disciple's successful cultivation have anything to do with my Golden Finger?"

The golden light in his mind had long disappeared, as if it had never existed.

No matter how Li Xuan called out or searched, there was no trace of it.

It was certain that Xu Yan, his disciple, was a monster. If he weren't a monster, how could he have succeeded in cultivation and even tempered his bones into flawless Jade bones?

As for whether his successful cultivation was related to his Golden Finger, Li Xuan wasn't sure. Regardless, whether he could continue to grow stronger depended on Xu Yan, his disciple.

Xu Yan had entered the martial arts realm, while Li Xuan had directly achieved mastery of the cultivation method. His strength was a hundred times superior to those in the same realm.

This "hundred times greater" referred to being a hundred times superior than mastering the cultivation method!

Li Xuan felt fortunate that he hadn't set the cultivation method too low, and this was only the beginning of martial arts. He could only be considered a master in the beginning stages.

"Calm down, calm down, don't get excited!"

"I am a hidden expert. I can't panic!"

"My foolish disciple is coming over. I have to continue to deceive him and let him know how powerful his master is."

"I'll let him know that the path to martial arts is endless and he must continue to cultivate diligently..."

"I have to see that he doesn't dare think about women and focus instead on comprehending martial arts. I must deceive him as much as possible..."


Xu Yan's muscles and bones rumbled, his Qi and blood like beams, and he finally entered the martial arts realm.

Excitement filled his face as he felt his own strength, feeling the fierce Qi and blood beams, like flames that could burn down everything.

"So, this is martial arts!"

"I, Xu Yan, have finally entered the martial arts realm. I can finally become my master's disciple!"

"Didn't everyone mock me for being foolish? Hmph, let them see what a martial arts master looks like!"

Excited, thrilled, and with an infinite longing for martial arts, Xu Yan suddenly felt terrifying force rising. This was a power so enormous that it seemed capable of destroying heaven and earth, surging into the sky.

He looked up and was stunned!


The terrifying Qi and blood, soaring a hundred feet high, fierce like flames, seemed to boil the rivers and seas. Compared to his master's Qi and blood, Xu Yan's seemed like a small stream next to the ocean.

(End of Chapter 25)

(25+ Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)


Translator: Evil Duke


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