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Chapter 59: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 59:

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Sure enough, when Zhang Mu turned his head, he immediately saw the deeply moved look in Gu Qingqing's big watery eyes.

Her pretty face was also filled with a sense of gratitude.

However... The radiance in those beautiful eyes seemed a bit too dazzling. It made Zhang Mu, who was staring at them, feel scorched.

This kind of gratitude was no longer just simple appreciation for a little help.

It was more like the gratitude one felt for saving their life, reuniting with an old friend, or achieving great success.

Zhang Mu was slightly stunned.

Wasn't Sister Prime Minister's performance a bit exaggerated?

In his previous life, he helped her the same way.

The way she pretended to be moved has been part of her plan, right?

So, why did she seem so genuinely moved to the point of being willing to die for him now?

With her excellent acting skills, she could have subtly expressed that touch of gratitude and fondness.

Why act so exaggeratedly?

As if Gu Qingqing understood Zhang Mu's thoughts, she blinked her eyes, and the brilliance in them finally subsided a bit, turning into a more normal feeling of strong gratitude.

"Thank you for helping me out of this situation, , Young Master Zhang Mu." Gu Qingqing thanked Zhang Mu with a polite gesture.

However, Zhang Mu waved his hand arrogantly and grinned, "No need. After all, even if you're going to hit a dog, you have to look at its owner. Without my permission, no one can lay a finger on you."

Although no one dared to make a sound, the surrounding people couldn't help but show a hint of disdain after hearing Zhang Mu's words.

Because although Zhang Mu's words sounded domineering on the surface, they were actually very insulting and lacking in emotional intelligence!

They knew Gu Qingqing, this naive girl, although young and from a humble background, was actually a real genius.

Now that they looked closely, they found her especially beautiful and charming.

After some training, she would definitely be very valuable. And if one invested in her, she could do everything for the person after she grew up.

That would definitely be worth it.

But such a good opportunity to win someone's heart was completely wasted by Zhang Mu.

Even a good deed like saving someone might result in Gu Qingqing's inner dissatisfaction.

As a top noble second generation, failing to do even this was really too pathetic!

Compared to his sister Zhang Yuxin, Zhang Mu was indeed just a pure waste!

But what they didn't know was that this was exactly what Zhang Mu wanted. After all, he played the role of a brainless and malicious villain.

According to the original plot, if Zhang Mu didn't look down on and insult Gu Qingqing, how could she be so heartless?

How could she use Zhang Mu so thoroughly?

And if it weren't for this, how could Gu Qingqing later cooperate with Ye Feng, pretending to help Zhang Mu deal with the protagonist Ye Feng, but actually helping Ye Feng deal with Zhang Mu?

If these things didn't happen, how would the plot continue?

How could he return to reality with the rewards given by the system and live a comfortable life?

So today, in front of the female lead Gu Qingqing, Zhang Mu had to play the role of a disdainful playboy villain who helped out only because of his own interests. And he succeeded, he had to provoke her hatred fiercely.

Let her submit on the surface but hate him deeply in her heart.

So Zhang Mu decided to add fuel to the fire and asked Gu Qingqing arrogantly, "Gu Qingqing, am I right?"

Everyone could hear the disdain in Zhang Mu's tone.

He asked Gu Qingqing if what he had just said about 'even if you're going to hit a dog, you have to look at its owner' was correct.

This kind of mocking questioning was almost equivalent to pointing at Gu Qingqing and asking if she was his good dog. The insult was evident.

(Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

-To be continued!


Translated & Edited by:


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