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Chapter 30: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 30: The Frightened Disciples:

"What... what was that sound?"

"It's wind wolves! Everyone, be careful!"

Wind wolves moved through the night.

Under the dim moonlight, their silver bodies appeared in front of the group.

The wind wolves looked like normal wild wolves in size, but their sharp, vicious fangs and huge claws made everyone's scalp tingle. There were hundreds of them, enough to wipe out a small sect.

Soon, these hundreds of wind wolves surrounded the group.

"Xiao Yong, I need to rest," came Xu Ze's indifferent voice from the carriage.

Xiao Yong was taken aback, then cupped his fists and bowed. "Yes, Holy Son."

As his words fell, the ten Heavenly Dark Sect experts rushed into action, and charged into the wind wolf pack. In an instant, the night was lit up by beams of radiant light.

Despite their ferocity, the wind wolves quickly found themselves at a disadvantage against the expert Spirit Transformation Realm experts.

Blasted away by profound techniques, their fragile bodies broke and shattered, dying gruesomely.

The Heavenly Dark Sect disciples were stunned.

They had only managed to tremble in fear before the wind wolves, but these experts, though only ten in number, were slaughtering the wolves with ease.

Seemingly realizing these 'prey' were particularly formidable, the wind wolves left behind a field of corpses and turned to flee.

"Hmph, just a bunch of beasts..." Xiao Yong, gripping his mystical sword, looked disdainfully at the fleeing wolves. Then, he landed beside the carriage and reported to Xu Ze, "Holy Son, these beasts have fled. Please rest assured."

"They fled?" Xu Ze's voice from within the carriage was filled with dissatisfaction. "Didn’t your master ever teach you to eliminate the roots?"

Xiao Yong paused, then cupped his fists. "Yes, I will take people to eradicate them."

With that, he called three Heavenly Dark Sect experts to prepare to leave. However, Xu Ze's voice stopped him again.

"Such a large pack of wind wolves surely means the Wind Wolf King is quite powerful. All ten of you should go."

Xiao Yong frowned and cupped his fists. "Holy Son, we are under orders to protect you. We cannot all leave."

Xu Ze's voice grew colder. "Are my words less effective than the master’s?"

Xiao Yong trembled, feeling a trace of bitterness. He had thought the Holy Son would be reasonable, but he was even harder to serve than Sect Master Leng Youran. In no way daring to disobey, he motioned for the ten experts to leave with a sigh.

Before leaving, Xiao Yong set up a defensive formation to avoid any mishaps. If a beast triggered the formation, they could return immediately.

Seeing the ten experts leave, Xu Ze smiled, his plan working. The Wind Wolf King was highly intelligent and wouldn't send its pack to die needlessly. Moreover, the attack showed no particularly strong individuals, meaning the Wind Wolf King was hiding and observing, measuring everyone's strength.

With the ten experts gone, Xu Ze turned his attention to the three hidden elite guards. These three were even harder to deal with. They answered only to Leng Youran, ignoring everyone else, including elders and the Holy Son. Moving them away was unrealistic, and Xu Ze hadn't even seen them, wondering if they were truly there.

Outside the carriage, the open wasteland offered no place to hide. The single-person carriage also gave no sign of hidden guards. If they didn't possess invisibility techniques, Xu Ze had no idea how they were hiding.

As Xu Ze pondered their location, a slight breeze outside the carriage caught his attention. Normally, wind in the wild was nothing unusual, but this breeze carried a faint sense of killing intent.


The griffins pulling the carriage let out frightened cries. As agile mystical beasts, the griffins had sensed something.

Xu Ze slowly drew back the curtain. Meanwhile, the disciples sitting around the campfire were still shaken by the wind wolves, and their faces filled with fear, oblivious to the danger.

"This is terrifying. If I had known, I wouldn't have come..."

"Junior Brother Zhang, what are you saying? If you want to follow the immortal path, you must overcome such small difficulties."

"But... but I didn't know the outside world was this scary..."

Zhou Yang's face was pale as he shook his head.

Despite being high-ranking disciples, they didn't have much experience.

In the Heavenly Dark Sect, talent and skills were enough for a good position, like Zhou Yang, whose outstanding alchemy skills had earned him the elders’ favor and a high status. But his mental strength was lower than some lower-ranking disciples. He had thought this trip was just to see the grandeur of the Eastern Imperial Empire but found himself in a terrifying situation.

Gu Ling'er sat on the other side, facing away from them. Under her hood, her eyes glowed pink in the dark. She frowned and said coldly, "They're here..."

"Wha... what? Junior Sister Zhou, don't scare me..."

"Yes, didn't the wind wolves get chased away?"

Before they could finish, a thud sounded behind them.

When they turned around, they saw a giant, red-eyed mutated wolf standing on the Holy Son's carriage. Its low growls were accompanied by hot saliva dripping from its sharp fangs onto the carriage.

The disciples were petrified. Zhou Yang fell to the ground with trembling legs. But Gu Ling’er stepped forward, her face icy.


"Get off the Holy Son's carriage!"

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