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Chapter 26: Time Stopped for a Thousand Years! The Female Leads Have Darkened!


 Splendour Translations

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  • (T/N: Qingxuan Immortal Land -> Azure Profound Holy Land)

Chapter 26: What a Grand Chess Game!:

The entire City Lord's mansion fell into complete silence once again.

Everyone was trying to digest the information that Ye Wuhen had just revealed. The amount of information was overwhelming and too complex.

Of course, some individuals, like Nalan Xiu and the City Lord’s wife, didn’t need to digest or understand it. They had lived through these events and knew them all too well.

What they couldn't comprehend was how Ye Wuhen, a young boy, knew their secrets in such detail.

As for the City Lord, Zhou Xingyun, his face had changed from pitch black to a bamboo-like green. He had already believed Ye Wuhen’s words, especially since the birthmark on his wife was in such a hidden place that it couldn't be known without physical contact. However, he was still trying to suppress his rage and not explode just yet.

“By the way, City Lord, your schemes are as deep as the sea. When you plotted against my grandfather, you didn’t forget the head of the Nalan family either, did you?”

“But Nalan Hongjie didn't fall for it, as if he was prepared.”

“Don’t you wonder why?”

“Could it be that someone had a crush on Nalan Hongjie...”

“Even though she was already married, she couldn’t forget him, always thinking about him?”

“So when she found out her husband was plotting against her beloved, she secretly told her lover’s son, who was her substitute?”

Ye Wuhen chuckled and dropped another bombshell.

“Ah... you... you b_itch!!!”

Zhou Xingyun could no longer hold back. He looked at the woman in the blue silk dress, the City Lord’s wife, with eyes filled with rage.

Ye Wuhen’s words were the final straw, causing him to completely lose it. His outburst made the truth undeniable.

“Ah... this... this can’t be!”

“How could this be... Mother, tell me this... this isn’t true!”

The first to break down was Zhou Tianyu. He had already been crushed by Ye Wuhen once. After regaining his senses, he heard this explosive truth about his origins and completely lost his mind.

“Father... you...”

On the floating platform, Nalan Yanran, with tears in her eyes, looked at Nalan Xiu, utterly bewildered. After all this, she had a half-brother?

“Yanran, let me explain...”

Nalan Xiu's face turned ashen, cold sweat dripping down. He wanted to explain to Nalan Yanran but didn’t know where to start.

Seeing this, Nalan Yanran didn't need an explanation. She floated down from the platform, covering her face as she ran home in tears.

The onlookers, who had been waiting for the big reveal, were so shocked that they had no thoughts left for gossip. This news was too big, too dramatic!

They had thought Ye Wuhen was just here to cause a scene at the City Lord’s mansion.

Who would have guessed that the Nalan family would be dragged into it, making the falling out between the two families inevitable?

“City Lord, if I heard correctly, you just admitted to using spirit communication to harm my grandfather and Nalan Hongjie, right?”

Ye Wuhen casually added.

The spectators, already reeling from the drama, were now even more confused by Ye Wuhen’s sudden turn.

Did Zhou Xingyun admit it?

Didn’t he refute it initially?

Wait, Ye Wuhen’s last statement triggered Zhou Xingyun to explode in anger at the City Lord’s wife.

Wasn’t that an indirect admission of the schemes against the Ye and Nalan families?

For a moment, everyone looked at Ye Wuhen with awe, as if he were a deity. This s.coundrel had played a grand chess game!

With just a few words, spoken casually, he not only made Zhou Xingyun’s head steam with anger but also forced him to admit to his past despicable acts.

He even dragged the Nalan father and son down with him!

Once these two families started fighting, the Ye family wouldn’t need to do anything to become the leading family in Qingyun City. The position of City Lord was about to change hands!

-To be continued!

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