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Chapter 25: Time Stopped for a Thousand Years! The Female Leads Have Darkened!


 Splendour Translations

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  • (T/N: Qingxuan Immortal Land -> Azure Profound Holy Land)

Chapter 25: The Truth! Such a Bizarre and Absurd Story:

“Wow, come to think of it... Zhou Tianyu really doesn’t resemble the City Lord at all!”

“Hmm, I never thought about it before. But after this s.coundrel mentioned it, the more I look, the stranger it seems.”

“Amazing! Could he actually be right? What kind of dramatic story lies behind this?”

“I don’t understand, isn’t this s.coundrel only seventeen? Zhou Tianyu is already thirty…”

The surrounding crowd didn't wait for Ye Wuhen to continue.

They had already started various analyses.

The more they analyzed, the more thrilling it seemed.

Even the people from the City Lord’s mansion were gossiping after hearing the explosive news.

“Who dares to speak nonsense in the City Lord’s mansion!”

“My lord, just kill him and feed him to the dogs.”

A woman in a blue silk dress, looking quite elegant, emerged from the back courtyard, shouting sternly.

However, Zhou Xingyun's expression remained dark and indecisive. His mind was even more chaotic than before.

“What do you mean by these words…” Zhou Xingyun questioned coldly, his face as black as ink.

“Nothing much, just kindly telling you some secrets!”

“Oh, by the way... take a closer look! Who does your beloved son Zhou Tianyu resemble more among the people here?”

As Ye Wuhen spoke, he raised an eyebrow and looked at Nalan Xiu, who was standing on the floating platform in midair. He didn’t need to spell it out.

Everyone’s gaze instantly focused on Nalan Xiu. Then, they looked back and forth between Nalan Xiu and Zhou Tianyu, their expressions growing more incredulous by the second.

Previously unnoticed, the resemblance between these two was now glaringly obvious! The truth was out…


Cold sweat instantly poured from Nalan Xiu's forehead, and he almost fell off the floating platform.

“Brat, stop spouting nonsense! I... it’s not true!”

“You must be trying to sow discord between the Nalan and Zhou families because of the recent cancelled engagement!”

Nalan Xiu refuted angrily.

The crowd was somewhat swayed but still unconsciously compared the two men.

“Impossible… absolutely impossible!”

“Your words are getting more and more ridiculous. My son... Zhou Tianyu was born when Nalan Xiu was only sixteen or seventeen!”

Zhou Xingyun declared firmly.

However, he paused slightly when mentioning Zhou Tianyu. The onlookers furrowed their eyebrows, deep in thought. What Zhou Xingyun said wasn’t untrue.

Nalan Xiu wasn't yet fifty, while Zhou Tianyu was already thirty. The age difference was indeed small.

Additionally, at that time, the City Lord’s wife had no children and gave birth to Zhou Tianyu in her thirties. It seemed unlikely for a thirty-something woman to be involved with a teenage boy.

Seeing the crowd’s shift in opinion, both Nalan Xiu and the City Lord’s wife secretly breathed a sigh of relief. But the next moment, they wished they could die.

“I also thought it was too absurd, too bizarre, too impossible…”

“But unfortunately, reality is just that interesting!”

“In fact, the person Madam Zhou was fond of wasn't Nalan Xiu but his father, Nalan Hongjie, the current head of the Nalan family.”

“However, Nalan Hongjie had the desire but not the courage!”

“And since Nalan Xiu looks very much like his father, Madam Zhou's feelings shifted.”

“Don’t ask how I know.”

“Just thank Nalan Xiu for his habit of writing detailed personal notes.”

“I remember one note described... a birthmark on Madam Zhou’s lower back?”

Ye Wuhen spoke casually, his words seeming light and airy. Yet to the listeners, each word was like a bombshell!

Especially for Zhou Xingyun and Nalan Xiu, their expressions were surprisingly consistent, filled with anger and confusion.

Because everything Ye Wuhen said was spot on!

Nalan Xiu did indeed have a habit of writing notes. The City Lord’s wife did indeed have a birthmark on her lower back.

As for how Ye Wuhen knew all this, in countless reincarnations, he had not only exterminated the Zhou family but also the Nalan family countless times.

Nalan Xiu’s personal notes were so detailed and vivid that Ye Wuhen had thoroughly enjoyed reading them!

-To be continued!

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