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Chapter 25: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 25: Who Has the Capability?:

"There really is a 2nd-tier magical beast? It's... a Red-Furred Thunder Ape!" Jiang Ruoxi stood beside Ling Kong, her delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed. Just as Ling Kong had said, there was indeed a 2nd-tier magical beast in the Grand Valley now!

The Red-Furred Thunder Ape's strength was at the 1st stage of the Spirit Martial Stage! The Spirit Martial Stage was a completely different concept from the Spirit Refinement Realm.

Ling Kong smiled faintly.

The current situation was simple: whoever took down this big guy would be the champion!

"How could this happen? What are the sect elders doing? Are they trying to get us killed?" The sect disciples were all panicking.

A 2nd-tier magical beast could crush them with a single blow!

What should they do? What now?

At that moment, while all the disciples were in a panic, the Red-Furred Thunder Ape scanned the crowd with its eyes, then lifted its forearms! It pounded its massive chest a few times before charging directly into the crowd!

"Oh no! Run! Run away!"

In an instant, almost all the disciples scattered in all directions, realizing none of them could possibly be a match for the Red-Furred Thunder Ape!


The massive body of the Red-Furred Thunder Ape smashed down, its giant forearms hitting the ground with a crash!

Lightning flashed, leaving a large crater in the ground!

The disciple who had just been standing there swallowed hard in fear. If they hadn't run fast enough, they would have been either crushed or electrocuted by the thunder ape!

After its initial strike missed, the Red-Furred Thunder Ape roared again, causing chaos at the scene. All the gathered sect disciples were instantly dispersed, and panic and cries of escape filled the Grand Valley.

The surrounding giant trees fell one by one under the ape's rampage! It continued its frenzied attack while blocking the exit, preventing anyone from escaping.

"What do we do? Who can contact the sect elders outside for help?"

"Help? Don't be ridiculous! The sect elders can see what's happening here through spiritual means. If they haven't intervened, don't you get it?"

"This is the final challenge for all of us!"

"We can only leave if we take down this beast!"

Some quickly realized that the sudden appearance of this giant beast blocking the exit was a deliberate setup by the sect as the final test! It was meant to assess their true abilities.

After all, most people had been targeting weaker magical beasts in this hunting competition. Now, a beast stronger than everyone appeared to test their adaptability.

"But... saying that is one thing! How are we supposed to take down this beast?"

"Its arms are thicker than my entire body, and they're electrified! How do we fight it?"

"We can't even get close to it!"

"Exactly, this is the real test! We need to unite and deal with this together!"

"Unite? Who dares to step up? Who has the capability?"

"Lord! Spare us! We can't beat it!"

It wasn't about unity. Even united, what could they do? A pile of eggs would still be shattered by a rock!

At this moment, in the sect's plaza.

"Do you think they'll be alright? Will the youngsters be in danger?"

Watching the Red-Furred Thunder Ape rampaging near the exit, the sect elders squinted their eyes.

"If there's a problem, it's their own fault! Spare them? No way!" Yun Jian said directly. "They only know how to hunt weaker beings but lack the ability to handle real danger? What a bunch of losers!"

"True, let them handle it themselves!"

"Logically, they should be able to deal with the Red-Furred Thunder Ape together. Let's see what methods they use!"

"Yes! It's all about the strategy!"

The high-ranking members of the Sword Cloud Sect watched without any intention of intervening.


(At the Grand Valley's exit)

Dust and debris were everywhere, with broken trees and stones scattered around. The Red-Furred Thunder Ape kept all the disciples away from the teleportation gate!

Bai Feng and his group were protecting Xia Yuran while continuously retreating and dodging.

"What do we do? We can't leave until this beast is taken down!"

"But how do we take it down? All of us together aren't its match!"

"Forget it, let's retreat and look for an opportunity to rush through the teleportation gate!"

Bai Feng led Xia Yuran and the others in retreat.

Everyone was scared off by the Red-Furred Thunder Ape, except for Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi, who stood not far away!

"You distract it! I'll take the chance to attack!" Ling Kong said to Jiang Ruoxi.

"What?" Jiang Ruoxi's pretty face showed a look of surprise. Was he serious? Although they were both at the 9th stage of the Spirit Refinement Realm, he was stronger than her! Was he really asking her to take on the more dangerous task?

Alright, alright! Who could say no to Ling Kong?

"Hold this little guy. It won't dare attack you, so you just need to draw its attention!" Ling Kong continued.

In the original plot, he used this strategy along with everyone's cooperation to take down the Red-Furred Thunder Ape!

Hearing this, Jiang Ruoxi understood.

Right! She had the Ice Phantom Wolf cub, a 5th-tier magical beast!

The Red-Furred Thunder Ape wouldn't dare attack it due to the bloodline pressure!

So Ling Kong wasn't asking her to do something dangerous but rather something safe! She had misunderstood him!

"Alright, I got it!"

Jiang Ruoxi nodded firmly. The next moment, she held the Ice Phantom Wolf cub in one hand, gripped her sword, and charged forward.

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