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Chapter 032: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 32: The Loyal and Righteous Tang Family:

The next day, possibly due to exhaustion from the previous day, Tang Gulan, who usually woke up early, slept in quite late.

By the time she woke up, it was almost noon. Tang Gulan didn’t forget her plans for the day.

“I need to hurry and find Mr. Ye!”

After a quick wash, she was ready to leave. However, when she reached the front yard, she was suddenly stunned.

“Long Tian?”

Indeed, Long Tian was in the Tang family’s main courtyard. The Tang family resided in a large quadrangle courtyard with four separate sections. At this moment, the entire front yard was filled with members of the Tang family. Protagonists always seem to have strong life forces; in just one night, Long Tian had completely regained his energy. He stood confidently in the center of the courtyard, clearly very sure of what he was about to do.

“Is what you’re saying true?”

The one speaking was Tang Kangzheng, the family head and Tang Gulan’s grandfather, a man revered like an ancestor. He was an elder who had lived through the wartime era.

“Of course, it’s true!”

Long Tian raised his head and replied with a confident tone.

“With my medical skills, I can completely cure Tang Ming’s intellectual disability!”


This response left Tang Kangzheng silent. At his advanced age, he could see through many things. He could tell if Long Tian was lying or pretending, and he knew if Long Tian could really do it, why hadn't he treated Tang Ming before. There was no need to ask; he could see the truth.

Tang Kangzheng remained silent, but the uncles and other elders of the Tang family couldn't hold back.

“Why should we believe you?”

“Don’t forget, it’s because of you that Ming nearly got into an accident!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you’ve helped our Tang family before, I’d have shot you dead right now!”

Unlike the shady dealings of other wealthy families, the entire Tang family had a military background. This made their unity and determination stronger, and their tempers fiercer.

Long Tian knew he had offended the Tang family the previous night, but it didn’t matter. His medical skills were his most crucial asset.

“As I said, I can cure Tang Ming’s condition. Whether you want it or not is up to you.”

Long Tian displayed great confidence. He understood that the Tang family’s love for Tang Ming wouldn't allow them to forgo his treatment because of past events.

“You want to die!”

Someone couldn’t hold back, but they were restrained.

Tang Kangzheng, after a long silence, looked at Long Tian with furrowed brows.

“What’s your condition?”

Nothing comes for free. If Long Tian came to the Tang family with such a proposal, he must have wanted something in return.

Success! Hearing this, Long Tian knew his plan was on track. Without hesitation, he stated his demands.

“I need the Tang family to publicly support me and provide me with some connections.”

With the Tang family’s backing, even Zhao Haoqian’s villainous father wouldn’t dare touch Long Tian lightly. Moreover, with the Tang family’s network, Long Tian could quickly reverse his current unfavorable situation. Thinking about this, Long Tian’s smile grew even more confident.


His demands were quite significant!


Someone realized that Tang Kangzheng was inclined to agree. While everyone wanted Tang Ming cured, agreeing to these terms would effectively make the Tang family Long Tian’s tool.

Tang Kangzheng was well aware of this, but he spoke nonetheless.

“Xiao Ming was very smart as a child. If it weren’t for that fever that damaged his brain, he could have been our family’s next successor.”

Xiao Ming had indeed been very bright when he was young. This statement silenced the entire Tang family.

But Long Tian’s smile widened further. Since Tang Kangzheng had said this, it meant he was ready to agree to Long Tian’s terms.


Just as Tang Kangzheng was about to speak, Tang Gulan’s voice suddenly echoed.



The sudden voice drew everyone's attention.

“Xiao Lan?”

No one expected Tang Gulan to speak out at this moment, especially Long Tian. What was she doing interrupting now?

“Wait, Tang Gulan, what do you mean? Don’t you want to save your brother?”

“Of course, I do!”

Facing Long Tian’s gaze, Tang Gulan’s eyes were cold and fierce.

“Of course, I want to cure my brother, but I don’t need you. I know someone who can cure him!”


At this moment, not only Tang Gulan’s uncles, but even Tang Kangzheng looked over in surprise.

“Xiao Lan! Is what you’re saying true?”

“It’s absolutely true!”

Tang Gulan nodded confidently.

“If it’s him, he can definitely do it!”

Her eyes were filled with faith in Ye Liuyun.

“That’s impossible!”

The moment Long Tian heard this, he immediately refuted it without thinking. How could there be someone with better medical skills than him? Impossible! This matter was his chance to turn the tables; he couldn’t let anyone ruin it.

“I knew from the first moment I saw Tang Ming that only I could cure him. No one else can...”

No one else could? But before he could finish, Long Tian suddenly realized something and fell silent.

Meanwhile, the gaze of the Tang family members toward Long Tian became hostile.

“So, you knew from the start you could cure Tang Ming but kept silent, right?”


Long Tian knew there was no hiding it now.

“Yes, I knew from the start. So what? I can cure him, and no one else can!”


Damn you!

“Don’t speak so confidently!”

Instead of getting angry at Long Tian’s arrogance, Tang Gulan found it amusing. She couldn’t wait to see Long Tian’s reaction when he learned the truth.

“I know someone whose medical skills are definitely above yours!”

“Impossible! If you’re so sure, tell me his name!”

Long Tian still didn’t believe it.

Tang Gulan just shook her head and calmly replied.

“You’ll know his name soon enough. For now, please leave our Tang family!”

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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