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Chapter 029: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 29: I’m Seriously So Cool:

Unfortunately, Long Tian, who was focused on overtaking Ye Liuyun, didn't notice Tang Ming’s change in demeanor. Or perhaps, even if he did notice, he wouldn’t have the time to care.

“I must win! I have to win!” he roared, stepping on the accelerator and staring intently at Ye Liuyun's supercar.


"Hey! He’s catching up!" You Yu exclaimed from the passenger seat, watching Long Tian's supercar closing in through the rearview mirror.

"It doesn’t matter," Ye Liuyun replied calmly. He had noticed but saw no need to react. "It's a top-tier supercar. Stepping on the accelerator will naturally make it faster. But with only one turn left, he won’t win."

As he spoke, the final turn came into view. Yet, Ye Liuyun maintained his speed without any signs of slowing down.


Both cars took the turn simultaneously, but Ye Liuyun was clearly faster. As they raced side by side, Long Tian saw Ye Liuyun's composed expression and You Yu’s admiring gaze from the passenger seat.

No! It shouldn’t be like this!

Everything should belong to him—the victory, the cheers, even the beauty!

At this moment, Ye Liuyun noticed Long Tian’s bloodshot eyes. He merely smiled, without any deeper meaning.

However, to Long Tian, this smile was a blatant mockery, as if saying, "You can't possibly beat me!"


In that instant, Long Tian’s mindset completely collapsed!

Rage, resentment, anger—all these negative emotions surged within him.

At this moment, he didn’t care about anything else. The only thing that mattered was that he had to be the one to win!

“I won’t lose! I absolutely won’t lose!” As the turn ended and Ye Liuyun's car began pulling away, Long Tian jerked the steering wheel hard.


He crashed into Ye Liuyun's car. Luckily, Ye Liuyun’s skill kept him steady. But—


Seeing his initial attempt fail, Long Tian crashed again, even forcing half his car in front of Ye Liuyun's.

At this rate, Long Tian would cross the finish line first and win!

"Is this guy crazy? Does he want to kill us?" You Yu shouted angrily.


Those watching from the stands had thought Ye Liuyun would win. But seeing Long Tian's actions at the last turn, they were outraged.

“This guy is disgusting!”

“He’s lost his mind!”

“Absolutely disgustingly!”

Even those who had respected Long Tian’s driving skills changed their opinions.

Competing should be fair; using such means, even if he won, no one would acknowledge it!

“This guy!”

Seeing this, Tang Gulan clenched her fists tightly. The collision had occurred on the passenger side where Tang Ming was sitting.

Long Tian was willing to risk Tang Ming’s life just to win?


“Brother Tian! Please, let me get out of the car!”

Tang Ming cried and tears streamed down his face. He longed for freedom but didn’t want to die.

“Shut up!”

Unfortunately, Long Tian, consumed by negative emotions, paid no attention. “It’s all your fault, you idiot! You useless fool! Shut up, or I’ll throw you out of the car!”

“Brother Tian!”

Tang Ming, sobbing uncontrollably, dared not speak further.

Long Tian gripped the steering wheel tightly, his eyes locked on the approaching finish line.

“I’ll win! I will definitely win!” He had to win.


On the other hand, Ye Liuyun felt surprisingly calm despite the apparent danger.

[Does he really think such dirty means will win against me? Pathetic. Is this supposed to be the protagonist? So fragile.]

Ye Liuyun had not expected Long Tian to break down so easily, having overestimated his fragile ego.

[Poor Tang Ming. Although there are many ways I can still win, Tang Ming in the passenger seat might be in danger. I better use the safest method]

Hearing Ye Liuyun’s thoughts, Tang Gulan, initially worried, felt reassured. She hadn’t expected Ye Liuyun to consider Tang Ming’s safety in such a situation, stirring a strange feeling within her.


“I’m going to win! I’m about to win!” Long Tian’s eyes shone with excitement as the finish line drew near. But just then, Ye Liuyun sharply turned the steering wheel. Using the rear end as a pivot, his car spun 180 degrees, crossing the finish line backward, with the rear of the car crossing first.


Long Tian, who had believed he was winning, froze. He had raised his hands to celebrate, but now he stood there, dumbfounded, his arms still in the air.

Meanwhile, Ye Liuyun calmly stepped out of his car and lit a cigarette. Sometimes, smoking wasn’t about the cigarette but about style.

[I am so cool!]

At the same time, You Yu opened her door, rushing out and throwing herself into Ye Liuyun’s arms.

“Oh my god! You’re so cool, Liuyun! I love you so much!”

This scene of the handsome man and beautiful woman made many people smile knowingly. Though they had much to say, they chose not to interrupt.


Suddenly, the passenger door of Long Tian’s car flew open. Tang Ming, his face covered in tears and snot, crawled out.

“I want to go home. Sister, I want to go home!”

This incident had truly terrified Tang Ming, leaving him like a helpless child.

“Xiao Ming!”

Seeing this, Tang Gulan rushed over without hesitation. “Xiao Ming, are you okay?”

“Sister, I want to go home. Please take me home!”

“Alright, alright!”

Seeing her brother in such a state broke Tang Gulan’s heart. She nodded repeatedly, comforting him.

“We’re going home. I’ll take you home right away!”

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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