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Chapter 028: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 28: The Overtake, and the Hero's Collapse:

From the start, everyone thought that Ye Liuyun would be left far behind by Long Tian.

After all, the performance gap between supercars was sometimes too great to be bridged by the driver's skill alone.

But to everyone’s surprise, this wasn’t the case.

This piqued the curiosity of many who expected Ye Liuyun would lose outright.

Could he really win?

“This is impossible!”

Long Tian was shocked to see Ye Liuyun keeping up with him.

Disbelieving, he slammed on the accelerator.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

The roar of the engine was deafening as the speed of Long Tian's top-tier supercar increased. The gap between the cars began to widen visibly.

“The final winner will definitely be me!”

Watching this scene in the rearview mirror, Long Tian smiled confidently. Those watching the race on the big screen also shook their heads in resignation.

“Just as expected.”

“The performance difference between an entry-level and a top-tier supercar is too great.”

“There's nothing that can be done.”

Meanwhile, Tang Gulan was also watching the race. To be honest, she valued Ye Liuyun more than Long Tian.


“Damn, he’s moving ahead!”

You Yu, sitting in the passenger seat, was frustrated seeing Long Tian's car moving further away. She made a mental note to ask her dad for a top-tier supercar. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be in this situation!

“It’s fine!”

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on his cheek, Ye Liuyun looked completely unconcerned.

“Racing isn’t about straight-line speed. Anyone can press the accelerator. What matters is cornering speed!”

He thought to himself, "There aren’t many corners on this track. Which makes sense. Even a bunch of rich kids wouldn’t risk their lives for a thrill unless they were out of their minds."

Knowing the next corner was coming up, Ye Liuyun smiled and his eyes became focused.


“Brother Tian! Brother Tian! It's too fast! Isn’t it dangerous?”

Meanwhile, Tang Ming, sitting in Long Tian's passenger seat, was getting scared.

Long Tian had never driven this fast before in previous races. But now, his pride was on the line. He wanted not just to surpass Ye Liuyun but to leave him far behind, crushing his spirit.


Annoyed by Tang Ming’s shouting, Long Tian frowned. If he didn’t need Tang Ming to get close to Tang Gulan, he would have yelled at him already. But he held back as he was confident he would win anyway.

“Don’t worry. I’ll slow down at the corners.” Long Tian reassured.

“Okay!” Tang Ming nodded and gripped his seatbelt tightly.


The first corner approached.

Long Tian slowed down, preparing for a perfect drift. The tires screeched against the road. For Long Tian, such a drift was a piece of cake.

But then—


In an instant, a black shadow sped past Long Tian’s car, barely slowing down at all.

“Yay! We overtook him!”

You Yu didn't understand the details, she just knew they had overtaken Long Tian and cheered excitedly.


The previously quiet crowd erupted in cheers.

“They overtook him! They overtook him!”

“So cool!”

“He didn’t even brake in the turn. That’s amazing!”

“He’s better than a race car champion!”

Even Tang Gulan had to admit that Ye Liuyun’s overtaking skill was impressive. But seeing Long Tian accelerate again, she frowned. She didn’t care what Long Tian did, but her brother had to stay safe.


“This can’t be happening!”

Being overtaken shattered Long Tian’s composure. His face twisted in anger as he slammed on the accelerator, desperate to catch up to Ye Liuyun.

“Though this track doesn’t have many corners, they’re all bunched together and not very long. Thinking you can pass me? In your dreams!”

Seeing Long Tian chasing him, Ye Liuyun smiled confidently.

“You’re making it too easy for me. I wasn’t even planning to humiliate you, but you insisted on delivering yourself for a smackdown. Do you think you have the skills to beat my maxed-out driving skills?”


In the passenger seat, You Yu was mesmerized by Ye Liuyun. This was what a real man looked like!

Screech! Screech! Screech!

The tires continued to screech as the cars took the corners.

Long Tian kept trying to overtake Ye Liuyun, but every attempt was effortlessly blocked. With the last corner approaching, it was clear that Long Tian was going to lose.

“Slow down! Slow down, Brother Tian!”

Tang Ming clung to his seatbelt, terrified by the speed. He begged Long Tian to slow down, but—

“Shut up!”

Long Tian, obsessed with beating Ye Liuyun, snapped. His life was supposed to be smooth sailing, getting whatever he wanted. Yet since meeting Ye Liuyun, he hadn’t won once. Winning had become his obsession.

“Brother Tian!”

“Shut up!”

Tang Ming tried to say something, but the current enraged Long Tian, cut him off.

“This is all your fault! If you hadn’t been screaming, I wouldn’t have slowed down at the first corner and wouldn’t have been overtaken. It’s all because of you!”

Long Tian felt he should have been leading. If it weren’t for Tang Ming’s shouting, he wouldn’t have been overtaken. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

“Brother Tian!”

Tang Ming was stunned. He had never seen Long Tian like this before. With the mind of a child, Tang Ming didn’t understand the malice in people’s hearts. He just thought that because Long Tian was nice to him, he was a good person.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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