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Chapter 030: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 30: Falling for Him, Your Jealousy is a Fantasy:

Shen Qingxin returned to her room, took out her phone, and messaged Lu Jing.

Shen Qingxin: Hey, I need to ask you something.

Lu Jing:?

Shen Qingxin: I have a friend. She used to not care about a certain man's social circle, but now she feels uncomfortable when she sees him chatting with others. What's going on?

Lu Jing: Are you talking about yourself?

Shen Qingxin: ...

Shen Qingxin: Is that obvious?

Lu Jing: What do you think? And is this man Dog Yun?

Shen Qingxin: It's not nice to call him that.

Lu Jing: You're done for.

Shen Qingxin: What do you mean?

Lu Jing: You already feel sorry for him. You're falling for him.

Shen Qingxin: No way, I'm just being polite.

Lu Jing: You're already getting jealous, isn't that falling for him?

Shen Qingxin: I'm not jealous. I would never have such a lowly emotion.

Lu Jing: Who did you see him chatting with?

Shen Qingxin:
I don't know, I didn't see clearly. I just felt it was a woman.

Lu Jing: You're done for.

Shen Qingxin: Are you a broken record?

Lu Jing: You're not just jealous. You're fantasizing about being jealous. You're really falling for him.

Shen Qingxin: That can't be true.

Lu Jing: There's one more thing you can try. Get close to him physically.

Lu Jing: If you don't feel any resistance and even feel excited and happy, then you're definitely done for.

Shen Qingxin: Oh, I'll give it a try.

Lu Jing:? Are you crazy?

Shen Qingxin: Just kidding!

Shen Qingxin put down her phone, went to the bathroom, and took a shower. Then she walked to Yun Bufan's door.

Knock, knock, knock!

Soon, the door opened.

Yun Bufan stood in front of her, also freshly showered.

Both dressed in pajamas, they sized each other up.

Even in loose pajamas, Shen Qingxin's graceful figure was faintly visible.

Yun Bufan swallowed hard and smiled.


Shen Qingxin said nothing, feeling extremely nervous inside.

She walked in with her head down and stood by the bed.

"It's late. We've had a busy day, and I'm pretty tired," Yun Bufan said, coughing lightly.


Shen Qingxin carefully lay on the bed and pulled up the thin blanket.

"Um... don't try anything, or I won't be polite!"

Yun Bufan found it amusing.

With his current strength, if he really wanted to do something to her, she wouldn't be able to resist.

Instead of replying, Yun Bufan turned off the light and lay down next to Shen Qingxin.

The night was quiet.

It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

They could hear each other's breathing.

Half an hour passed with Yun Bufan making no move.

Shen Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief.

Her grip on the blanket loosened slightly.

It seemed he had fallen asleep.

Just then, Yun Bufan suddenly turned over and placed his arm on Shen Qingxin.


Shen Qingxin almost screamed.

As she debated what to do, Yun Bufan's leg moved onto her as well.

Shen Qingxin's mind went blank.

In this position, it was almost like being held in his arms.

His warm breath fell on the back of her neck, making her shiver.

Suddenly, Lu Jing's words echoed in her mind—

Is this considered intimate contact now?

Why did she feel no resistance at all? Instead, her heart was racing, and her breathing was rapid?

Shen Qingxin was in turmoil.

The confusion made her eyelids heavy.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already the next day.


Yun Bufan was already awake, looking at Shen Qingxin gently.

Startled, Shen Qingxin touched her face.

Luckily, her mask was still on.

"Can... can you let go of me now?"

Shen Qingxin didn't dare to meet his eyes.

Yun Bufan moved his hand and leg away, and Shen Qingxin quickly jumped out of bed and ran out.

Just as she reached the door, Yun Bufan's puzzled voice called out—

"Last night I dreamed I was squeezing water balloons, so soft and bouncy, it was really fun."


Shen Qingxin banged her head on the door frame.

She turned back and glared at him angrily.


Watching her flee in panic, Yun Bufan found it adorable.

Stretching, he got up to wash.

Aunt Zhang brought breakfast and a large bowl of tonic.

"Young master, this has deer antler, very nourishing. Drink up."

"You young people have your peculiar games, I understand," Aunt Zhang said with a meaningful smile.

"Aunt Zhang, what do you mean?" Yun Bufan was puzzled.

Aunt Zhang winked. "Last night, I saw the young mistress enter your room and not come out all night."

"You two act like you don't get along in public, but you're really inseparable. You can't fool me."

"Is this what they call role-playing?"

Yun Bufan was surprised at Aunt Zhang's knowledge but didn't explain.

Anyway, it was only a matter of time.

After drinking the tonic, Yun Bufan felt a bit idle.

Why hadn't the system issued any tasks?

He wanted a reward!

Just then, a somewhat unfamiliar number called.

It was his 'good brother' Jiang Xiao.

"Brother Yun, about that one million for the club renovations, when will you send it over?"

"My renovation team is all ready, just waiting for the money."

Jiang Xiao chuckled.

Yun Bufan knew this guy was eager to skim some money.

Although Jiang Xiao wasn't part of the system's missions, Yun Bufan despised such hypocritical and opportunistic people.

He needed to teach him a lesson.

"Oh, I've been busy and forgot," Yun Bufan said nonchalantly.

"Brother Yun, a big shot like you must be making a lot of money lately. A million is nothing."

Jiang Xiao flattered.

"Yes, the Yun family is planning to collaborate with the He Group. A million is nothing, even a hundred million is no big deal."

"Really? Congratulations!"

"Brother Yun, if you rise to great heights, don't forget about me!"

Jiang Xiao was filled with envy.

"Don't worry, we're brothers. If I have meat, you won't be left without soup," Yun Bufan said, then changed his tone.

"Unfortunately, all my money is tied up in investments right now. I'll only have access to it in three days."

"By the way, can you find someone to lend me some money for the meantime?"

"Borrow me a million, and I'll pay back one and a half million in three days."

Jiang Xiao's eyes widened.

"Wow, Brother Yun, you're so generous. I'll find someone to lend it right away!"

"You're truly a good brother," Yun Bufan said with a smile.

Jiang Xiao declared heroically, "I'm all about loyalty. I'll take care of everything."

"When I get the money, just give me one and a half million. I'll handle the rest."

Jiang Xiao's little scheme was obvious even across the city to Yun Bufan.

"Alright, thanks a lot, Brother."

Yun Bufan responded calmly.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiao's smile disappeared instantly.

"Damn, the Yun family is partnering with He Group. How can that loser Yun Bufan be so lucky?"

"I need to squeeze as much money out of him as possible, or else it's a waste of his stupidity!"

-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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