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Chapter 018: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 18: The End of His Value is His Demise:

The Lin Group was involved in various industries.

Although the Beauty Cosmetics Company under its umbrella wasn't very large, it still held a considerable share of the domestic market.

So when Beauty Cosmetics was spun off, Chu Mochen didn't change its name, continuing to use the well-known brand.

There was no need to create a new brand when the existing one already had market channels and recognition, which would expedite its development.

"Mr. Chu, hello. I am Ye Man, the CEO of Beauty Cosmetics." Greeted a middle-aged woman standing in front of Chu Mochen.

She was the original CEO of Beauty Cosmetics. Whether she could continue in this role depended on Chu Mochen, so she was understandably nervous.

"I won’t personally manage Beauty Cosmetics. The existing positions will remain unchanged, but I will have people inspect the company. I don’t want to see any parasites in the company, or you will be dismissed."

Chu Mochen had no intention of meddling and didn't have the time to get too involved in this matter. If it weren't for his plan to take down Ye Yang, he wouldn't be doing something so trivial.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Chu. I will manage the company well." Ye Man said, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. She was glad to keep her position, fearing she might be replaced.

"Here is a cosmetics formula." Chu Mochen handed Ye Man the formula for the Ice Skin Jade Lotion, which he had obtained using villain points.

"If you can make Beauty Cosmetics the top seller in the country, I will give you a one percent share of the profits."

"That might be difficult." Ye Man said hesitantly. Although Beauty Cosmetics was good, the domestic market was still largely dominated by foreign brands.

"This is a sample for you to try. Once you do, you will understand that becoming the top seller in the country won’t be hard." Chu Mochen said, handing her a bottle.

After testing the product, Ye Man was extremely excited.

She hadn't expected such incredible results.

A few hours were enough to see the effects: more hydrated and visibly whiter skin, easily outshining other products on the market by a wide margin. Moreover, it was made from herbal ingredients without any skin-damaging chemicals, which was another selling point.

"Mr. Chu, I will make our product the top seller nationwide, and even expand beyond the domestic market," Ye Man promised enthusiastically after seeing the results. The potential to earn a fortune from just one percent of the profits was her motivation.

After entrusting the task to Ye Man, Chu Mochen left.

He trusted her abilities; if she lacked them, Lin Yun would have fired her long ago.

As for the possibility of her coveting the formula, Chu Mochen wasn’t worried. Firstly, the formula was patented, and secondly, Ye Man wouldn’t dare.

Instead of going home, Chu Mochen went to a teahouse, the same one where he had met Zhao Kai before.

This time, he was meeting Zhao Kai again.

"Mr. Chu, who is this?" Zhao Kai asked, frowning slightly at the sight of Ji Moxue beside Chu Mochen.

Chu Mochen understood Zhao Kai's concern.

The matters they were discussing weren’t meant for others to hear, but Ji Moxue wasn’t just anyone. She was absolutely loyal to him and was also his woman.

"Moxue isn't an outsider."

Hearing this, Zhao Kai felt somewhat relieved.

Since Chu Mochen said she wasn’t an outsider, she must be trustworthy. This time, it wasn’t Chu Mochen who initiated the meeting but Zhao Kai who invited him.

"Mr. Chu, I want to ask you to help me take control of the Zhao family."

"And what’s in it for me?"

"When I take control of Haoyuan Group, I will give you half of it." Zhao Kai offered.

Hearing this, Chu Mochen was surprised. Haoyuan Group was a massive company valued at over a hundred billion. Even though the stock market was currently unstable due to the death of the Zhao family’s patriarch, with shares falling, it was still worth over 130 billion.

"You are quite generous." Chu Mochen remarked, looking deeply at Zhao Kai. Zhao Kai’s generosity was clearly calculated. First, he wanted to seize Haoyuan Group, and whether he would actually give half to Chu Mochen in the future was another matter. It was just a verbal agreement, which could be easily denied later.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want to eliminate my elder brother and frame Ye Yang for it," Zhao Kai explained. Knowing Chu Mochen’s bad relationship with his Senior Brother, Zhao Kai sought his help to frame Ye Yang.

"Killing your own brother, you are ruthless."

"I can help you." Chu Mochen agreed. Since it was a scheme against Ye Yang, he had no reason to refuse.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Chu." Zhao Kai said, visibly relaxed.

Without Chu Mochen’s help, framing Ye Yang would be much harder.

"Do you have a specific plan?"

"Not yet. Once I have a plan, I will inform you." Zhao Kai said. This meeting was mainly to gauge Chu Mochen’s willingness to help. If he had refused, Zhao Kai would have needed a more elaborate plan to frame Ye Yang.

"Young Master, be careful when dealing with someone who can kill his own father and brother." Ji Moxue warned Chu Mochen after Zhao Kai left.

"Once he loses his value, it will be his end." Chu Mochen replied. He knew Zhao Kai was a poisonous snake. For now, he was using Zhao Kai to deal with Ye Yang. Once Zhao Kai outlived his usefulness, Chu Mochen would ensure his demise.

"Moxue, call me by my name from now on." Chu Mochen whispered, pulling Ji Moxue into his arms and stroking her soft hair.

Ji Moxue blushed.

Although they were alone, she still felt shy. Her shy demeanor made her even more endearing to Chu Mochen.

"You are my bodyguard."

"And you are my woman. Be good and don’t call me young master anymore." Chu Mochen insisted. He truly considered Ji Moxue his woman.

Although he wouldn’t have just one woman in the future, Ji Moxue was definitely the one he trusted the most.

No matter what Chu Mochen said, Ji Moxue stubbornly continued to call him young master. He decided to let it be for now and find a way to gradually change her habit.

-To be continued!

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