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Chapter 031: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 31: Clear Accounts, Even Among Brothers:

The next day.

Jiang Xiao messaged Yun Bufan, saying he had borrowed one million yuan.

Yun Bufan replied with an "OK."

Jiang Xiao asked when the construction would start.

Yun Bufan said in three days and suggested they meet at the club first.

"Brother Yun, don't forget you need to repay 1.5 million yuan. I've already told everyone."

Yun Bufan assured, "I won't forget."

Jiang Xiao finally felt relieved.

In reality, two hundred thousand of the money was borrowed from friends, and the remaining eight hundred thousand was from a loan shark. However, he hadn't told anyone about the agreement to repay 1.5 million.

Even though it was risky, making five hundred thousand was worth it. Plus, he could skim a few hundred thousand from the renovation budget. He was about to strike it rich!

Two days later.

Yun Bufan arrived at the Paper Drunken Gold Club.

"Brother Yun!"

Jiang Xiao greeted him enthusiastically.

In the private room, there were two other people, both as wealthy as Yun Bufan. This club was co-owned by the three of them.

One of them, chubby and fair, was called Liu Can, nicknamed Fatty Liu. The other, wearing tight pants and shaking his leg while playing on his phone, was called Zhou Mo. They had grown up with Yun Bufan and were all idle rich second-generation heirs.

As soon as Yun Bufan sat down, Zhou Mo impatiently said, "Everyone's here. Let's call the girls over!"

"Wait a minute, not today. Let's just hang out, us brothers," Yun Bufan waved his hand.

Zhou Mo's eyes widened. "What's fun about just us guys?"

He leaned in and raised an eyebrow, "Changed your taste? Into fencing now?"

Yun Bufan was puzzled. "What fencing?"

"Guys with guys, isn't it...?" Zhou Mo hadn't finished before Yun Bufan laughed and cursed, "Stop talking nonsense, or I'll beat you up!"

"Then what's the matter?"

Zhou Mo was even more confused, "Are you bored of it? Should we get a new batch? By the way... have there been any new girls recently?"

Yun Bufan shook his head, "It's not that. I just don't feel like it."

Suddenly, a chubby hand landed on his forehead.

"Bufan, are you alright?"

"Didn't you used to call yourself the Little Overlord of the Silver Spear, getting married every night?"

"Don't tell me you're... not capable anymore?"

Liu Can clicked his tongue twice, "If so, I sympathize. Want me to recommend a urology hospital?"

"Get lost, I'm perfectly capable."

Yun Bufan leaned back, "If anyone keeps talking nonsense, I'll really hit you."

Liu Can and Zhou Mo exchanged glances, unsure what Yun Bufan was up to.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao, who had been watching for a reaction, couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Mr. Yun, shouldn't you repay the 1.5 million now?"

"I borrowed it from friends, and they're pressing me."

Jiang Xiao intentionally asked this in front of Liu Can and Zhou Mo, hoping to provoke Yun Bufan. The old Yun Bufan was vain and would waive debts if flattered by friends.

Jiang Xiao hoped history would repeat itself.

"Ah? That money, do I really need to repay it?" Yun Bufan asked casually.

Jiang Xiao was stunned, "What else?"

Yun Bufan smiled, "I've lent you at least a few million before."

"And when your family went bankrupt, I helped out with funds."

"Adding everything up, it's around 6 or 8 million yuan."

"And your current Audi is mine, worth three hundred thousand yuan. Let's call it one hundred thousand for depreciation."

"I also checked the club's accounts. You took five hundred thousand under the guise of loans."

"All together, that's over a million."

These words left Jiang Xiao dumbfounded.

He hadn't expected Yun Bufan to check the club's accounts.

"Brother Yun, didn't you say we’re all brothers and it doesn't matter?" Jiang Xiao felt his face burning and smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, we are brothers."

Yun Bufan nodded, and his next words made Jiang Xiao want to vomit blood.

"But as the saying goes, clear accounts keep good friends."

"I'm being clear for the sake of our brotherhood!"

Jiang Xiao's mouth twitched.

Who was he kidding?

"Brother Yun, I've worked hard for the club. I know you're not a petty person."

He tried to butter up Yun Bufan.

"Of course, considering we're good brothers, I'll give you a discount. Just repay 1 million."

Jiang Xiao almost cried.

Where was he supposed to get 1 million?

"If you don't have the money, the 1 million you borrowed can cover my debt."

"I'll transfer the debt to you."

Yun Bufan crossed his legs, "And I'll transfer five hundred thousand to you right now."

Before Jiang Xiao could speak, Yun Bufan transferred five hundred thousand.

Yun Bufan stood up and patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder.

"We're even now, good brothers."

"You can leave. I want to hang out with my brothers."

Yun Bufan's words were clear.

Jiang Xiao was merely an employee, not his brother.

Jiang Xiao's mind went blank.

How was he going to deal with the huge loan shark debt?

No matter, there was the renovation team. It was run by my relatives. He could still pocket five hundred thousand yuan.

Just then, Yun Bufan spoke again.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

"I thought about it, and we don't need to renovate the club. It's fine as it is."


Jiang Xiao's knees gave way, and he fell to the ground.


An hour later, Yun Bufan got up to use the bathroom.

"Fatty Liu, don't you think Bufan's acting a bit strange?" Zhou Mo said thoughtfully.

Liu Can nodded, his chin forming five layers. "Indeed, the way he handled Jiang Xiao just now caught him completely off guard."

Zhou Mo shook his head, "I thought he'd be sucked dry by Jiang Xiao forever."

At this moment, the manager on duty walked over.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhou, Miss Bai is here to see Mr. Yun."

"A lady?"

Hearing this, Liu Can grinned. "I knew Bufan couldn't resist."

Zhou Mo said, "Bring her in."

The manager left and soon, a tall figure walked in.

Seeing the elegant woman, Liu Can's jaw dropped, stunned.

Zhou Mo, who had just taken a sip of wine, spat it out.

"Miss... Miss Bai?"

They couldn't believe the top celebrity of Luo City was here.

She wore a white Chanel dress, her chestnut curls elegant.

She carried a delicate new Hermès bag and wore white high heels.

From head to toe, she exuded luxury.

Bai Yuexi glanced around, "Where is Yun Bufan?"

"Are you Bai Yuexi?"

Zhou Mo's hand trembled as he held his glass.

Bai Yuexi raised an eyebrow, "Is there a problem?"

"No... no problem."

Zhou Mo muttered, "No way, Yun Bufan knows Bai Yuexi?"

Just then, Yun Bufan returned from the bathroom.

Seeing Bai Yuexi, he paused.

"What are you doing here?"

-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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