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Chapter 60: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 60: The Demon Lord?:


As Xu Ze distributed the four necklaces to the four girls, joy filled their faces.

"Blue..." The crystal in Qu Qingshan's hand shimmered with deep blue light, just like her cold and aloof personality.

While Lu Qingqing's crystal necklace contrasted her personality, a more lively and fresh green.

Lin Yuer's crystal necklace was elegant and gentle purple.

Jing Xiaoxuan's crystal necklace represented mischievous yellow.

It must be said this scum male from the ninth reincarnation of Xu Ze didn't live in vain.

He grasped the personality and thoughts of these female leads really well.

"Brother Xu Ze, does the necklace look good on Qingqing?" Lu Qingqing immediately put it around her neck, matching her green dress. The green crystal on her chest looked even fresher and more dazzling.

Xu Ze smiled and patted Lu Qingqing's hair gently, "Of course it looks good. In my heart, Qingqing is the cutest girl."

Lu Qingqing's eyes immediately sparkled with stars.

That adorable look made Xu Ze want to take a bite out of her little face.

However, as he was the Holy Son, it was necessary to maintain some restraint in public.

"And, what about me? Holy Son, how about me, Yuer?" Seeing Xu Ze being so intimate with Lu Qingqing, Lin Yuer's heart panicked. She immediately grabbed Xu Ze's arm.

Xu Ze was speechless.

In ten reincarnations, all the female leads turned into lovesick blackened girls.

Lin Yuer was already naturally beautiful, and today, she was wearing a light purple dress, which enhanced her natural beauty.

Xu Ze gently touched Lin Yuer's face and said, "Yuer looks good too, beautiful and gentle. Is there a better girl in the world than Yuer?"

As soon as he spoke, he was the old scum again.

However, girls just liked to hear such words.

Lin Yuer blushed instantly, her eyes filled with peach blossoms.

"Tch... sweet words."

Jing Xiaoxuan pursed her lips, looking disdainful.

"A scum is a scum. In my previous nine lives, how many times did he say these words..."

Muttering under her breath, Jing Xiaoxuan wore the yellow crystal necklace around her chest, which almost perfectly matched her brown clothes.

"However, his taste in choosing things is not bad..."

Jing Xiaoxuan pursed her lips and touched the crystal on her chest. A look of joy filled her eyes.

She looked very happy with the gift Xu Ze gave her.

"Hmph, a few useless things, but you're so happy..."

Although Qu Qingshan still had an expressionless face, she reluctantly put the necklace around her neck.

Watching the four girls' reactions, Xu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

The elder was certainly experienced, and fair play was the best course of action when dealing with these girls.

If not, favoring one would only lead to dissatisfaction with the others.

Of course, now Xu Ze was also dancing on the edge of a knife.

It was also fortunate that the relationship between Xu Ze and them had not progressed further.

Now they were all in a normal 'friendship' relationship, not "lovers."

Plus, Xu Ze was in front of them. None of the four dared to openly provoke each other with jealousy.

If not, when they gave out the necklaces, the four lovesick girls should have already been fighting each other.

But even so, the four of them looked at each other after receiving their gifts, and there was still some dissatisfaction in their hearts.

It felt like everyone was starting from the same point.

In the end, who would win depended on their abilities.


Just as Xu Ze was about to take the four girls to continue strolling around the temple fair,

There suddenly were thunderous roars from the sky.

An evil aura swept over the originally bustling temple fair.

Seeing the evil aura heading toward them, Xu Ze immediately flashed in front of the four girls, waved his sleeve, and dispelled the evil aura.

However, while the four girls behind him were lucky, the many mortals in the temple fair weren't so lucky.

This terrifying evil aura immediately caused a strong commotion.

People screamed in horror, and those tainted by the evil aura saw their flesh and blood quickly shrivel, their life essence sucked dry!

The originally lively temple fair was turned into chaos by such a tragic scene.

"Evil cultivators?"

Qu Qingshan's eyes narrowed, and anger rose in her heart.

After the Holy Son invited them to the temple fair with difficulty, where did these evil cultivators come from? They actually dared to oppose the Holy Heaven and Earth sect.

Xu Ze stopped Qu Qingshan from taking a step forward, telling her that she shouldn't act rashly.

Looking up, the evil mist in the sky gradually condensed into several figures.

Floating in the air were six evil cultivators, each with blood-red eyes and a bloodthirsty expression.

"Hahaha, didn't expect there were still people living here!"

"Follow the Demon Lord's orders, kill without mercy!"

Demon Lord?

Xu Ze was slightly stunned.

Doubts arose in his heart.

Who was the Demon Lord?

When did someone dare oppose the Holy Heaven and Earth sect?

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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