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Chapter 020: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 020:

Yun Bufan suddenly realized he was still holding Shen Qingxin's hand.

"You go ahead and eat something first. I need to take care of something."

After saying that, Yun Bufan released her hand.

Shen Qingxin blinked, not understanding what this man was up to.

Yun Bufan remembered that in the novel, the CEO was allergic to peanuts and almost died after eating snacks containing peanut butter.

He went to the snack area and saw a middle-aged man picking up a pastry.

"CEO Chen?"

Yun Bufan tentatively asked.

The middle-aged man paused, "Who are you?"

"I'm Yun Bufan."

CEO Chen frowned and waved his hand, "I'm busy right now."

CEO Chen wasn't interested in chatting with someone he hadn't heard of before.

"If I were you, I wouldn't eat that." Yun Bufan said directly.

"What? Is there something wrong with this pastry?" The middle-aged man asked impatiently.

"It contains peanut butter."

CEO Chen threw away the pastry and panicked, "Damn organizers, why didn't they label it clearly? Don't they know it could be life-threatening!"

Then, CEO Chen called the person in charge of the event and confirmed that the pastry indeed contained peanut butter.

CEO Chen had the pastry removed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young man, thank you for reminding me. By the way, how did you know about my peanut allergy?"

CEO Chen couldn't help but be curious.

"Oh, a friend of mine had dinner with you and mentioned it to me."

Yun Bufan casually made up an excuse.

CEO Chen nodded and patted Yun Bufan on the shoulder, "Your name is Yun Bufan, right? Here's my business card. Give me a call if you need anything."

Looking at the gold-stamped business card in his hand, Yun Bufan smiled.

One down, two to go.

He took out his phone and called He Siniian.

"What's up?"

He Siniian's voice sounded tense.

Because every time Yun Bufan spoke, it was enough to make his heart stop.

"I know who tried to assassinate you."

"You do?"

He Siniian's voice suddenly rose.

He had been searching for clues for days without success.

"I do. I can give you a hint." Yun Bufan said calmly, "But only after the banquet tonight."

Without waiting for He Siniian's reply, he hung up.

On the other end, He Siniian sat in the VIP box, all flustered.

However, based on his experience from previous encounters, he chose to trust Yun Bufan.

After talking with He Siniian, Yun Bufan leisurely went to find Shen Qingxin.

But he found Shen Qingxin being humiliated by someone.

A heavy-made-up woman in a luxurious outfit glared at Shen Qingxin.

"Shen Qingxin, what a coincidence. Do you remember me?"

Shen Qingxin replied calmly, "Not really."

"I can't believe you're in such a miserable state now, yet still so arrogant."

The woman rolled her eyes, "I'm Jiang Meishan. We were classmates in high school. Back then, you always outperformed me in exams. Remember now?"


Shen Qingxin shook her head, "I never cared about other people's grades."


Being casually countered like this, Jiang Meishan was furious.

It was as if something she had been brooding over for years was dismissed without a second thought.

Your enemies never see you.

This was simply a great humiliation!

"I know you're pretending not to recognize me."

Jiang Meishan made an 'I know' expression.

"After all, you were once a proud woman, but now you've been disfigured. Your scar looks really ugly!"

"And, I heard you got into the best university but dropped out halfway."

"We all thought you'd do well, at least become a high-ranking employee in a foreign company!"

"Alas, fortunes change... What a pity..."

Jiang Meishan sighed, but her eyes clearly revealed satisfaction.

"By the way, I've been talking about you and haven't mentioned my situation yet!"

"Actually, I'm doing okay. I barely made it to a middle management position in a bank. But I'm lucky to have married a nice husband who treats me very well. He bought me a Porsche for my birthday the other day."

"Do you know Porsche? It's not cheap, it costs over a hundred thousand."

Jiang Meishan deliberately spoke loudly and attracted quite a few glances.

Shen Qingxin's cheeks instantly flushed.

Jiang Meishan indirectly mocked her for having a jerk husband.

Besides comparing beauty and figure, women also liked to compare their husbands.

Whoever's husband doted on her more, whoever's husband had more ability and status.

They wouldn't directly compare, but they liked to show off subtly.

"Oh, sorry, did I bring up something upsetting for you?"

Jiang Meishan covered her mouth, embarrassed, "After all, I heard your husband is unemployed and some classmates saw him fooling around outside."

"Oh, it's nothing. If you're unhappy, you can talk to me."

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Meishan undoubtedly had won this round.

After all, Shen Qingxin's husband, Yun Bufan, was nothing but a loser.

At this moment, Su Chen, who was watching the show, spoke up, "I heard he's still pursuing Miss Bai."

The crowd expressed disdain.

"A third-rate family's son dares to pursue Miss Bai. It's like a toad l_usting after a swan."

These mocking remarks lashed at Shen Qingxin like whips.

Every insult to Yun Bufan felt like mocking her blindness.

Her eyelashes trembled as Shen Qingxin tried to leave. But her feet felt like they weighed a ton.

Just when she was about to lose her balance, an arm intercepted her slender waist.

"Are you talking about me?"

Yun Bufan's cold gaze swept over the crowd.

"So this is Yun Bufan, the famous one!"

Jiang Meishan reached out mockingly.

Yun Bufan sneered and shook his head disdainfully, "Your mouth is full of filth. Disgusting."

"You call me filthy? And you dare curse at me?"

Jiang Meishan's face twisted with anger.

Yun Bufan sighed, "Miss, you shouldn't get too worked up. If your body temperature rises, it might melt your nose and the implants on your chest."

"Nonsense! What implants? My face is all natural!"

Jiang Meishan yelled nervously.

"Haha, I think anyone with normal eyesight can tell who's a fake beauty."

Yun Bufan shook his head, "No, I mean a fake ugly woman."

"You... you..."

Jiang Meishan was so angry she was about to explode.

"Yun Bufan, don't think that just because you're good with words, we don't know you're useless trash who spends his days idle away!"

"I don't have time to argue with a man like you!"

Jiang Meishan pretended to be noble.

"Perhaps I was foolish in the past."

To everyone's surprise, Yun Bufan was very calm about his past.

"But from now on, I'll do my best to give the best to my wife."

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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