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Chapter 44: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 44:

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Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Ye Feng was momentarily stunned.

Then he felt something was wrong, and instantly his whole body stood on end.

"What do you want to do..."

Ye Feng roared in his heart, but before he could finish speaking, he saw the figure in front of him drawn out a cold sword and fiercely stabbing down toward his thigh!


Ye Feng couldn't shout, but in his heart, he couldn't help but scream in agony.

The ordinary pain of a sword entering the body couldn't make this king of soldiers feel anything.

After all, he was a dignified dragon king, and he could easily endure ordinary pain.

But Yu Xuanwei's sword was obviously special.

Not only was it triangular in shape, but it seemed to be coated with a poison that amplified nerve stimulation.

With each slash, even Ye Feng, this soldier king, couldn't help but feel excruciating pain, feeling like it was piercing his heart and tearing his lungs apart.

Ye Feng's head was already dripping with cold sweat and his whole back was already soaked.

His eyes were even redder, almost popping out.

But Yu Xuanwei showed no mercy.

She relentlessly stabbed Ye Feng again and again. From the thighs, to the abdomen, to the arms.

Yu Xuanwei's blade was precise and elegant, causing unbearable pain without endangering his life.

It was like an execution. In her icy beautiful eyes, there was no trace of mercy.

For what this scoundrel Ye Feng had done to her little angel Zhang Mu in the previous life. She would make him pay back a thousand times over!

Blood for blood!

Soon, Ye Feng was covered in wounds. Blood flowed everywhere. A certain male part was even smashed with stones dozens of times!

If it weren't for his special and robust physique as the king of soldiers and dragon king, he would probably have died long ago.

But even so, Ye Feng was almost fainting from the intense pain.

A sense of life slipping away echoed in his mind.

At this moment, the soldier king Ye Feng finally showed a rare hint of fear in his eyes.

After all, he didn't want to die either!

Actually, Yu Xuanwei didn't intend to really kill Ye Feng. After all, the forces behind Ye Feng were too powerful.

Just as Yu Xuanwei tortured Ye Feng for quite a while, she was thinking about whether to dismember one of Ye Feng's arms. Or dig out one of his eyes to reduce the threat to Zhang Mu.

But suddenly, several cars drove over straight into the alley.

Obviously looking for Ye Feng!

Yu Xuanwei frowned slightly and immediately climbed up the wall to the roof of the bar.

Soon after, these cars stopped next to Ye Feng. Four or five men in black quickly rushed down and helped up Ye Feng.

"Dragon King, what happened to you!"

These people were very concerned as they helped up Ye Feng, who was covered in blood. It turned out that when Ye Feng was poisoned earlier, he had sent out a distress signal.

At this moment, these members of the Dragon Team finally arrived.

The leader, Long Wu, knelt down and apologized, "Sorry, Dragon King! The information from the Phoenix Team was too slow this time, which led to our late arrival. Please forgive us, Dragon King!"

But these members of the Dragon Team also knew that the situation was urgent.

After apologizing and admitting their fault, they immediately lifted Ye Feng onto the car together.

The driver, Long San, quickly turned his head and asked, "How is the Dragon King? Is everything okay?"

However, at this moment, Ye Feng couldn't even answer and was almost fainting. If it weren't for his special and robust physique, as well as strong willpower. He would have fainted long ago.

He just pointed weakly at his lower body. Long Wu, Long San and the others instantly gasped in shock.

Good Lord. Ye Feng was covered in blood holes and they weren't worried.

After all, they had avoided the vital points. The king of dragons had a special physique and wouldn't die. But those vital parts were smashed in!

"Who did this?"

"This is too ruthless!"

This was the common thought of the Dragon Team members at this moment.

At the same time, they also felt a hint of sorrow and sympathy for Ye Feng in their hearts. Their boss. Would he still be able to be a man in the future?


(Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

-To be continued!


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