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Chapter 33: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 33: Liquidated Damages:

"Uncle Dong, since the Bai family is seeking their own demise, you should strictly follow the contract!"

"Xiao Yu, are you sure you won't regret doing this?" Dong Jianbing naturally knew about Lu Yu's situation, hence the question.

"Of course, I won't regret it, Uncle Dong. Rest assured, I have no connection with the Bai family anymore." Lu Yu directly stated his position, understanding Dong Jianbing's concerns.

"Since you said so, I will handle it according to your wishes."

"Hmm! Thank you, Uncle Dong!"

"No trouble, no trouble, it's just a matter of a few phone calls!" Dong Jianbing chuckled. "By the way, you've really changed recently. You weren't this polite before."

"People grow up, don't they?"

"Hehe, true!"


"What? Terminate all contracts?"

As time passed, around two in the afternoon, the Bai family received a message from the Lu family.

All projects planned for cooperation between the two families were canceled.

All ongoing projects were also suspended.

Upon hearing these two pieces of news, everyone in the Bai family was dumbfounded.

Bai Shan didn't have time to think! He quickly convened a family meeting.

Half an hour later, all the aunts and uncles of the Bai family were gathered at the Bai family's villa.

"How could this happen?"

"All contracts terminated? Is this a joke?"

"At least 80% of the Bai family's business is tied to the Lu family. How can it be terminated just like that?"

"Yes, Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on!" Bai Shan's face was serious. "I called you all here to discuss the next steps!"

"Discuss? What's there to discuss? In my opinion, there's no need to worry too much!" This was said by Bai Qingzhi's cousin, the son of Zhou Shuzhen's sister - Bi Tao!

Bi Tao was short, less than 170 centimeters tall, skinny, with a pointed nose and monkey cheeks.

People with such facial features usually don't achieve much, but he had a certain level of cleverness.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Bi Tao grinned, "Let's not even mention the relationship with Qingzhi and Young Master Lu! Just the liquidated damages from those contracts are enough to cover most of our losses. If the Lu family really terminates our cooperation, we'll just find another partner."

"That's right, there's also the liquidated damages!" Bai Shan slapped his forehead, looking as if he suddenly realized something, "How could I forget about this?"

Hearing this, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

With this amount of liquidated damages, they could minimize their losses and have enough time to find another partner.

However, when Bai Shan called back to inform the Lu family's department manager about the liquidated damages, the Lu family's department manager just sneered!

"Haha! Liquidated damages? You still want liquidated damages? Mr. Bai, I suggest you be prepared to accept the legal notice from our Lida Group."

"What do you mean?"

"You should know better than I do what liquidated damages mean. In short, it's the penalty imposed on the party that breaches the contract."

"You should know that the ones breaching the contract now... are not our company, but yours!"

"According to our professional team's inspection, many of the sand, cement, steel bars, and other building materials provided by your Bai family... do not meet the specifications stipulated in the contract!"

"Now, because of your breach of contract, our company has suffered huge losses. We haven't even settled accounts with you, and now you have the audacity to ask for liquidated damages?"

As soon as the manager finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Everyone in the Bai family's hall was dumbfounded.

Because the call was on speakerphone, they all heard what the manager said.

Previously, they relied on Lu Yu's support and indeed provided a lot of inferior building materials. But now, without Lu Yu, these inferior building materials immediately became their doom?

Not only were they terminated by the Lu family, but they also had to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

If the Lu family really did this, the Bai family would directly declare bankruptcy.

Thinking of this, Bai Shan slumped weakly on the sofa.

The others were also terrified.

"It's over, everything's over!"

"Brother-in-law, what do we do now?"

"How could this happen? Not only are we being terminated, but we also have to pay liquidated damages?"

"And it's tens of millions!"

"Actually, money is not the main issue. If the Lu family exposes our inferior building materials, our Bai family is finished!"

"Yes, brother-in-law, what do we do now?"

Everyone was panicked.

"No, there's still hope, we still have hope!" Bai Shan took a deep breath and calmed down, "Don't forget, Young Master Lu has always liked our Qingzhi."

"Liked her? If Young Master Lu really liked Qingzhi, why would the Lu family do this?"

"Yes, brother-in-law, I heard that Qingzhi likes that poor boy."

"That's right, I've heard too. Qingzhi has said more than once that she sees Young Master Lu as a brother."

"Could it be that Young Master Lu got tired of pursuing her and doesn't want to pursue her anymore?"

"That's totally possible!"

"Brother-in-law, it's not just me saying this, but as Qingzhi's parents, you should also think about her. Qingzhi has grown up, and there are some things you need to consider for the family..."


Translator: Spectatorcake

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