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Chapter 038: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines


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Chapter 38:

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She volunteered?

In an instant, both Zhang Mu and Ye Fan were dumbfounded.

In fact, Zhang Mu was even more dumbfounded!

Even though Xie Ruolin acted quite obediently, wasn't it because she scheming against him?!

According to the plot, shouldn't she have stood up when Ye Fan came out to execute justice, rescue the beauty, and denounce his various evil deeds, such as forced drinking?

How did she become a volunteer?!

Did she forget all those situations where he took advantage of her just now?!

'Xie Ruolin!'

'You're supposed to be the thorny rose in the dark!'

'You're supposed to be the queen of intelligence in Yanjing!'

'You're the female lead!'

At this moment, Zhang Mu really wanted to go up and give the smiling Xie Ruolin a good slap in the face to wake her up.

He wanted this female lead to realize her mistake and cooperate nicely with him in following the plot.

He was still thinking about when he could finish the plot, get the system reward, and return to the real world as a carefree winner.

But he couldn't.

And Ye Fan was even more confused.

What was happening here?

He clearly saw Zhang Mu, this playboy villain, forcibly grabbing Xie Ruolin just now, trying to force her to drink.

And he was even touching her inappropriately.

This was too much.

That's why he stepped forward.

To stand up for her in the name of justice.

He wanted to beat Zhang Mu up.

But what's with this Xie Ruolin?

Wasn't she the intelligence queen who never got involved in such things?

How could she be so careless and influenced?

And even speak up for Zhang Mu?

Could it be... this woman was actually a loose woman?!

Seeing Xie Ruolin's smiling face, Ye Fan was furious.

He couldn't accept this kind of top-notch beauty actually spoke up for Zhang Mu.


Zhang Mu must have drugged her, right?!


He had to save her!

In his mind, he shifted all the blame to Zhang Mu.

Help Xie Ruolin realize that it wasn't voluntary.

Ye Fan felt this was the most likely scenario.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan also reached out his hand to Xie Ruolin, wanting to grab her hand and forcibly take her away.

"Ruolin, don't you recognize me? I'm Ye Fan."

"You seem to be drunk and confused. Come with me, don't bother with this kind of playboy!"

Ye Fan planned to take Xie Ruolin away by force, relying on his strength as a martial king.

But as soon as he reached out his hand, Ye Fan suddenly found his body weak and powerless.

His hand, which was supposed to grab someone, became as soft as a shriveled chicken claw.

Ye Fan inwardly exclaimed, "This is bad!"

He instantly looked at Xie Ruolin.

This woman known as the dark rose, the intelligence queen of Yanjing, and even the underground queen.

Sure enough, he saw Xie Ruolin smiling at him.

Those charming eyes were full of mockery and disdain.

It felt quite interesting.

Ye Fan was shocked!

Oh no!

He fell for this woman's tricks!

He had heard before that this woman was very skilled at using poison.

But looking at her delicate and charming face, he forgot about it all!

Feeling weak all over, was this the effect of Bone Softening Powder?

When was it given?

Was it just now when she blocked my fist with the folding fan?

Xie Ruolin smiled gently, and Ye Fan looked panicked.

Meanwhile, on the side, Zhang Mu was still waiting to be beaten up by Ye Fan.

But he found that after Xie Ruolin stopped Ye Fan, he stopped.

Then, the two looked at each other, exchanging glances, seeming to communicate something.

The bar was dimly lit, so Zhang Mu didn't notice the panic in Ye Fan's eyes.

He just thought that as the protagonist, Ye Fan was having a moment with Xie Ruolin, the female lead.

After all, they're the male and female leads, and it was normal and should have happened when they met.

Maybe they're flirting with each other. Or discussing how to torment me.

Zhang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

The plot finally returned to normal.

Today, seeing Xie Ruolin cooperate like this, he almost thought something was going wrong again.

It seemed he underestimated them.

Ye Fan was using Xie Ruolin to plan how to deal with me, the evil villain, right?

But Ye Fan had planned too long, and he could really endure. Som he should take the initiative, right?

Well, he was the evil villain.

To set off the heroic light of the protagonist, it must be him who takes action.

After making up his mind, Zhang Mu shouted loudly, "Don't stop him, this brat still wants to fight with me? Does he think I'm afraid of him?"

"People who offend me, Zhang Mu, won't be able to walk away so easily!"

After making a classic arrogant speech, Zhang Mu directly pushed aside the folding fan in Xie Ruolin's hands.

Then he threw a punch directly at Ye Fan's face.

Right now, Zhang Mu used less than 1% of his strength for this punch.

It was about the strength of an ordinary adult man's punch.

Zhang Mu's idea was to take the initiative to provoke Ye Fan.

To demonstrate the strength of Ye Fan's counterattack as the protagonist.

After all, with Ye Fan's strong martial arts skills as a martial king, he could counterattack the moment Zhang Mu punched.

Eventually, he'd knock Zhang Mu down with one punch and beat him up.

A successful hero saving the beauty.

But what Zhang Mu didn't expect was that something unexpected happened.

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-To be continued!


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