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Chapter 018: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 18: Super Stock God Skill:

Yun Bufan knew that Feng Li would choose to cooperate.

Because he had no other choice.

"Well then, happy cooperation."

Yun Bufan smiled and reached out his hand.

Feng Li also extended his hand.

After shaking hands, they exchanged contact information.

Yun Bufan was about to leave.

Feng Li couldn't help but say, "Aren't you supposed to help me?"

"I already helped you today." Yun Bufan replied lightly.

According to the original plot, Feng Li would have his leg broken by Su Chen.

Thankfully, Feng Li listened to Yun Bufan's timely advice and only suffered minor injuries.

Feng Li was puzzled.

Yun Bufan shook the jewelry box in his hand. "I'll consider this a gift from you. Don't worry, I'll return it to you tenfold in the future."

"Yun Bufan, I hope we really aren't enemies."

Feng Li muttered to himself. He couldn't see through this guy who was several years younger than himself.

Yun Bufan got into his car.

[Ding! Villain Counterattack System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission and preventing Su Chen from obtaining the Tears of the Mermaid at the restaurant. You obtained the system reward — Super Stock God Skill]

[With this skill, the host can predict the trend of any stock within three months]


Yun Bufan almost exclaimed.

This was much better than just giving money.

There was a limit with money, but with this skill, he could make endless amounts of money.

However, he quickly suppressed his excitement.

He was just a rich second-generation good-for-nothing from a third-rate family in Luo City. If he had exposed this skill, it might have brought him disaster.

So, he had to be careful.

After calming down, he drove home.

Finally, the next day arrived, and he was eager to try it out.

"System, check the top three stocks with the highest increase tomorrow."

[Ding! The top three stocks with the highest increase tomorrow are Great Unity Technology (8.89% increase), Chuangyuan Biology (6.09% increase), and Hongfa Corporation (5.98% increase)]

Yun Bufan checked his funds.

He currently had a total of over three million in cash.

After some hesitation, he went all-in with three million.

Shortly after Yun Bufan bought the stocks, these three stocks started to rise slightly.

He couldn't help but sigh: the system didn't deceive him.

The next day, when the three stocks reached their peak, Yun Bufan sold Great Unity Technology.

He also sold Chuangyuan Biology stock when it slightly decreased.

He left one stock untouched. Mainly because he was afraid of attracting attention.

After all, buying one stock wouldn't be strange, but if he bought three stocks accurately simultaneously, it would raise suspicion.

Even so, he still made two hundred thousand because of the proper allocation of funds.

With just three million capital, he made two hundred thousand in one day.

What if it were thirty million, three billion, or thirty billion?

Yun Bufan was somewhat excited.

"System, check the stocks with the highest increase tomorrow."

[Ding! The stock with the highest increase tomorrow is Cloud Soaring Technology (7.01% increase), Elephant Entertainment (4.33% increase), and Cyber Securities (3.87% increase)]

Yun Bufan didn't buy it again. Instead, he took out his phone and messaged Feng Li.

As a major early-stage villain, executing villain missions would be easier if he could be won over.

And to gain Feng Li's trust, Yun Bufan had to demonstrate his value.

"Cloud Soaring Technology, Elephant Entertainment, Cyber Securities."

Soon, Feng Li replied with a question mark.

As a business elite, he naturally knew what these three stocks were.

But why did Yun Bufan send him this?

However, Yun Bufan didn't respond to him.

Soon, it was the next day.

Yun Bufan lay on the sofa, leisurely looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

Feng Li's call came in.

Looking at the number flashing on the screen, Yun Bufan's face showed no surprise.

Within just one hour, those three stocks rose one after another.

"Hello, Mr. Feng."

Yun Bufan's tone was quite relaxed.

On the other end, Feng Li wasn't calm at all.

Looking at the stock chart on his laptop, his face twitched.

"The three stocks you mentioned yesterday..."

Feng Li's voice almost squeezed out between his teeth. " Will the top three in today's increase?"

Yun Bufan's response almost made him spit blood.

"I know, why else would I tell you?"

Feng Li's temples throbbed, "How did you know?"

"I guessed." Yun Bufan smirked.

Feng Li knew he didn't want to say. But he didn't force it.

After years of trading in the stock market, he knew how incredible it was to guess the top three stocks for a day accurately.

Unless there was insider information.

But this guy, Yun Bufan, came from a third-rate family. What insider information could he have?

At this moment, Feng Li began to value this partner.

"Do you know which stock will have the highest increase tomorrow?"

Feng Li asked tentatively.

Yun Bufan said, "I do."

"Tell me."

Feng Li's hand trembled slightly.

"I'll tell you, but you have to do me a favor." Yun Bufan said.

Feng Li immediately agreed.

After a phone call, Yun Bufan put down his phone and revealed a smile of success.

[Ding! System issues Mission: At tomorrow's business banquet, Su Chen will again embarrass Feng Li, further gaining Bai Yuexi's favor. Host need to stop Su Chen and destroy his further development with Bai Yuexi]

Yun Bufan wasn't very interested in the arrogant and self-centered Bai Yuexi.

But he still had to complete the mission issued by the system. After all, the rewards were generous.

At this moment, he had an idea.

"System, check Shen Qingxin's message records."

An instant later, a dialogue box appeared on the transparent screen in front of him.

[Lu Jing: Wow, I heard a big shot in Luo City bought the Tears of the Mermaid!]

[Shen Qingxin: Oh.]

[Lu Jing: Why are you so calm? We're in Luo City!]

[Shen Qingxin: It has nothing to do with you and me.]

[Lu Jing: ...]

[Lu Jing: Well, that's true. You're really good at discouraging people. Hey, I wonder which lucky girl it is?]

[Shen Qingxin: Yes, that man must love her very much.]

[Lu Jing: Did I remind you of something sad? It's okay. I'll make Fina work hard. Maybe you'll soon be divorced from Young Master Yun and regain your freedom]

After that, Shen Qingxin didn't reply.

Yun Bufan was somewhat speechless.

So, he was called Young Master Yun behind his back.

He noted this down in his little book.

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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