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Chapter 007: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


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Chapter 7: Successfully Seizing the Protagonist's Luck:

"Miss Liu, do you not know my identity? What could you give to entice me? Well then, you may leave! Consider it my good deed."

Chu Mochen waved toward Liu Yuqing and walked toward his car.

He then began to silently count to himself: "5, 4, 3, 2..."

Before he could finish counting to one, Liu Yuqing felt dizzy. Her cheeks flushing slightly and almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Mochen's faint smile disappeared as he watched Liu Yuqing stumble and reached out his hand to support her.

"I... " Liu Yuqing raised her eyes, clear as autumn water, leaning on Chu Mochen's chest to prevent herself from falling.

This condition couldn't be caused by drinking or illness, right?

Liu Yuqing's face turned pale; she was a highly intelligent woman and already guessed the situation.

"Quick, take me to the hospital... no, take me home."

She couldn't go to the hospital; it would be highly risky to her and the Liu family if this matter got out.

"Alright, I'll take you home."

Chu Mochen gently lifted Liu Yuqing, who took a deep breath. Was this the work of those three thugs?

"Please pick up my bag for me; there are... very important things inside."

"So many things to deal with." Chu Mochen retrieved Liu Yuqing's bag. He then took a photo of the three thugs with his phone and sent it to Ah Hu.

"Take care of these three, I don't want them alive. Keep it quiet, and deal with one of the bar staff as well."

Then Chu Mochen deliberately delayed before finally returning to the car.

"Hurry... take me back."

Liu Yuqing was anxious; she feared she might do something regrettable.

"Don't take me to the Liu family, go to where I live. I'll give you directions."

"I'm helping you; you better repay me well."

Chu Mochen muttered softly to himself, his voice barely audible to the dazed Liu Yuqing.

Dawdling for nearly half an hour, Chu Mochen finally brought Liu Yuqing back home. By then, Liu Yuqing could hardly control herself.


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for taking the female lead's innocence and seizing Ye Yang's luck by 1000. You received 50,000 villain points]

Chu Mochen had no time to listen to the system's prompt at the moment; there were more important matters to attend to.


"What happened to me?"

The following day, Liu Yuqing woke up feeling exhausted.

Suddenly, her face changed in shock, and she felt uncomfortable. When she saw the blood plum flower, her mind went blank.

"Oh, you're awake. I made breakfast for you; hurry and eat to replenish your strength."

Chu Mochen woke up early, fearing Liu Yuqing would wake up first and attack him.

Though in dramas, women often hesitate in such situations, reality wasn't a drama.

"Get out."

Liu Yuqing's expression was cold as an iceberg, terrifyingly frigid. If she had a knife, Chu Mochen believed she would have stabbed him.

"I've seen it all; there's no need to hide."

Though Chu Mochen said that, he still turned and left.

A few minutes later, Liu Yuqing came out, fully dressed. She glared at Chu Mochen with murderous intent.

"Don't look at me like that. You were the one who took the initiative yesterday."

Chu Mochen calmly peeled an apple.

"Don't you know my situation? Why didn't you stop it?"

"Why should I stop it? A beautiful woman like you offering herself, even an idiot wouldn't refuse. I'm not the righteous type like Buddha."

"I bet even Buddha wouldn't remain virtuous if faced with such beauty."

"Well, this apple is really sweet. Would you like to try some?"

Watching Chu Mochen's nonchalant attitude, Liu Yuqing trembled with rage. She had lost something really important, yet the person who took it away was indifferent.

"Chu Mochen, officially I'm your senior brother's fiancée. How can you stoop so low? Is this the bond between you as a senior and a junior?"

"Hmm, your words suddenly make it more exciting. If you want me again, feel free to find me. I'm leaving."

Chu Mochen got up and walked out.

"Stop." Liu Yuqing blocked his path, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

"Actually, you have no reason to hate me. If it weren't for me, yesterday would have been even more embarrassing for you. You should thank me instead of looking at your benefactor with such hateful eyes."

Chu Mochen smiled and lightly pinched Liu Yuqing's cheek before walking past her.

This time, Liu Yuqing didn't stop him. Though she felt immense injustice, her stubbornness wouldn't allow her to shed tears; crying was a sign of weakness.

[Ding! You caused the female lead Liu Yuqing to have a mental breakdown and received 3000 villain points]

[Ding! You sent your underlings to deal with four minor villain characters and received 500 villain points]

Before leaving Liu Yuqing's house, Chu Mochen paused for a moment and headed toward his car.

This time, he won big. Not only did he gain significant villain points and seize luck, but he also profited personally.

"If only my Senior Brother knew he's been cuckolded, how would he feel?"

Chu Mochen couldn't help but think of Ye Yang.

"Let me reverse the tragic fate of the villain."

Then Chu Mochen got into his car and drove back to his villa.

As soon as he arrived home, Chu Mochen's phone rang.

"Ah Li is calling me. What's going on?"

"Young Master, it's that guy Ye Yang who wants to see you. He insisted I call you; hope I didn't disturb you."

"Want to see me?" Chu Mochen raised an eyebrow. Could it be that he found out about the green hat? Impossible. Liu Yuqing definitely wouldn't have disclosed it. Unless Ye Yang had some superpower ability, how could he know? It must be something else.

"Bring him to see me."

After saying that, Chu Mochen hung up and returned to his room. He looked at the glass box where he bred poisonous insects.

The creatures inside were still battling it out, but only four species remained out of dozens: colorful spiders, 30-centimeter centipedes, scorpions comparable in size to centipedes, and a poisonous snake.

"Let's see who will survive till the end."

Only the Parasite Poison King would survive. The poison concocted from its venom was beyond cure, perfect for dealing with Ye Tianhua, and should suffice against the inexperienced Ye Yang.

But Chu Mochen wouldn't easily lay a hand on Ye Yang now. The protagonist always transformed misfortune into fortune; luck was his greatest strength.

So, he decided to suppress Ye Yang's luck first. When Ye Yang's luck hit rock bottom, then it was time to strike. Otherwise, even if he made a move, Ye Yang would escape all dangers.

Chu Mochen didn't want to be the villain who provided experience points to the protagonist.

-To be continued!

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