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Chapter 009: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


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Chapter 9: The Most Despicable Villain:

After leaving the coffee shop, Yun Bufan went to He Siniang's house.

He Siniang lived in a magnificent mansion. Yun Bufan was led inside by the butler, where He Siniang was arranging flowers by the window.

"Master, the manager who betrayed you has been found. How do you want to handle it?" The butler suddenly spoke.

He Siniang said calmly, "Kill him."

"Yes, sir."

The butler respectfully left, closing the door behind him.

Yun Bufan smirked. Was this a show of killing the chicken to scare the monkey?

"We must remove harmful weeds," He Siniang plucked the weeds from the flowerpot and then turned to Yun Bufan. "People are the same."

Yun Bufan smiled faintly but remained silent.

He Siniang pointed to the sofa. "Sit."

Yun Bufan didn't hesitate to sit down casually and said, "Mr. He, I won't beat around the bush. Your daughter is doing well now, so you don't need to worry. As long as you help me, I will tell you where she is."

"And, I know you've sent people to investigate me. Have you found anything?"

He Siniang frowned. He indeed used various connections but found no suspicious information about Yun Bufan. This guy was just a rich second-generation trash.

"I can tell you that I have a certain ability to predict future." Yun Bufan decided to find an excuse to make the cunning He Siniang feel at ease.

He Siniang stared at Yun Bufan and sneered, "Predict future?"

"I know you don't believe it, but let me tell you now—" Yun Bufan stood up. He put his hands in his pockets and faced He Siniang, "Tomorrow, you will be assassinated in revenge."

"Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter because it will definitely happen," Yun Bufan continued.

He Siniang remained silent, his expression changing uncertainly as he stared at him.

"That's all I have to say. Oh, and around 7 o'clock tonight, Su Chen will call you because your nephew, He Dawei, has provoked him."

"My request is that you don't help Su Chen. I hope Mr. He can do that." He Siniang looked displeased after hearing Yun Bufan's words.

"Are you threatening me? In all these years, no one who threatened me had a good ending." He Siniang snorted coldly. He was a bit uncertain about this young man for the first time in his life.

He Siniang vaguely felt that Yun Bufan was completely different from the trash investigated earlier.

Yun Bufan shrugged, "There are always exceptions. Perhaps I'm that exception. I've said what I needed to. I won't bother Mr. He anymore."

Just as Yun Bufan was about to leave, He Siniang signaled to the bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard grabbed Yun Bufan's shoulder. "Kid, Mr. He hasn't asked you to leave yet!"

Yun Bufan glanced at the hand on his shoulder and shook his shoulder.

Suddenly, a powerful force burst out, forcing the bodyguard to retreat continuously.

"Mr. He, see you tomorrow." Yun Bufan left quickly.

He Siniang asked the bodyguard, "Is he strong?"

The bodyguard rubbed his arm and nodded, "Very strong. His inner strength is far above mine."

He Siniang pondered inwardly, "This is the second young man who has amazed me after Su Chen. This Luo City is indeed full of hidden talents."

"Compared to Su Chen, Yun Bufan is much tougher. I want to see if he's just bluffing or if he really has the ability to predict future!"

After leaving He Siniang's place, Yun Bufan checked the time. It was already five in the afternoon.

He went straight to the "Indulgence" club, of which he was one of the owners.

"Hey, Brother Yun!" A young man dressed in branded clothes approached him, smiling. "You haven't been here often lately. Who have you been having fun with?"

Yun Bufan looked at the person in front of him. "Jiang Xiao?"

"Nonsense, did you get drunk? You don't even recognize your brother?" Jiang Xiao scolded with a smile.

Yun Bufan smirked. "Of course, I recognize you."

If this Jian Xiao turned to ashes, Yun Bufan would still remember him.

In the novel, Jiang Xiao could be considered the most despicable villain around Yun Bufan.

He and Yun Bufan were childhood friends. When Jiang's family faced financial trouble and almost went bankrupt, Yun Bufan borrowed two million from the company to help him out.

But Jiang Xiao deceived and exploited Yun Bufan to squeeze more money out of him, taking advantage of him at every turn.

Not only that, he was also bought by Yun Biao, who lured Yun Bufan into a gambling table and caused a financial loss of fifty million.

Later, when Yun Bufan became penniless and begged Jiang Xiao for help, Jiang Xiao threw two meat buns on the ground, making him pick them up like a dog with his mouth, or else he wouldn't give him money.

Yun Bufan had no choice but to do so, only to receive ridicule from Jiang Xiao.

Looking at Jiang Xiao's flattering smile in front of him at the moment, Yun Bufan felt disgusted.

He could beat up Jiang Xiao to vent his anger now, but he held back because it would be too cheap for Jiang Xiao.

He wanted Jiang Xiao's ending to be ten times more miserable than his.

"Oh, Brother Yun, I plan to renovate the private rooms on the second floor of the club. But I lack five million in funds." Jiang Xiao said seriously.

Yun Bufan looked at Jiang Xiao. This guy wanted to squeeze money from him again.

"Okay, it's just five million. As long as it makes the club better, it's not a problem." Yun Bufan said casually as he walked away.

Jiang Xiao's eyes lit up. He could use cheap materials for the renovation, and it would only cost three million, leaving him with an easy two million profit.

Yun Bufan, this idiot, had too much money.

"How about we also renovate the first floor at the same time? In total, it's ten million. Is it enough?" Yun Bufan pretended not to notice Jiang Xiao's greedy expression.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiao almost jumped up in excitement.

"That's also good. I might have to work a little harder, but for Brother Yun, I'm willing to do it!" Jiang Xiao was overjoyed. This would net him at least five million. He would be rich!

Yun Bufan patted him on the shoulder. "You're truly my good brother. I won't treat you unfairly."

In the usual private room, Jiang Xiao asked, "Brother Yun, uh, when do you plan to transfer the money? Renovating is something that can't be delayed, or all the customers will run away."

Yun Bufan said, "In the next few days. You know I just inherited the Yun family position. I'm too busy."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Jiang Xiao's eyes flashed with resentment as Yun Bufan entered the private room, and Jiang Xiao's smile vanished instantly.

"Damn it, why can't someone as incompetent as this trash inherit the family business, while I, with a good mind and emotional intelligence, see my family business decline, only able to flatter this trash? It's truly unfair!"

Jiang Xiao complained, but the thought of getting five million soon improved his mood.

Yun Bufan sat in the private room until around 6 o'clock before leaving.

7 o'clock was the time when Su Chen and Shen Qingxin had dinner together.

Yun Bufan headed to Fortune Restaurant.

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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