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Chapter 007: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System


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Chapter 7:

Zhao Haoguan was the sole heir of the Zhao Group.

Naturally, there was no shortage of people wanting to be acquainted with him.

Ye Liuyun didn't bother to get involved in that kind of thing. He just walked to the side with a glass of wine.

To be honest, Ye Liuyun had never experienced this level of banquet before.

It was basically a gathering of business tycoons socializing with each other.

Even so, Ye Liuyun didn't feel nervous and calmly sipped his wine.

[By the way, the protagonist should be appearing soon!]

[After all, it was a plot designed for the protagonist. How could he not appear?]

[Let me think, what's this part of the plot again?]

Ye Liuyun began to recall.

[Right, the second female lead, You Yu, is about to make her appearance!]

[After all, how could there be only one female lead in the novel?]

[According to the novel, You Yu is also stunningly beautiful, but her personality is completely different from Yao Huaimeng's!]

[Yao Huaimeng is an ice queen while You Yu is lively and spirited!]

[Yao Huaimeng and You Yu are good friends, right?]

You Yu?

Hearing Ye Liuyun's thoughts, Yao Huaimeng, who was about to go to Ye Liuyun's side, paused for a moment.

Indeed, she and You Yu were good friends, and their relationship was quite good.

She hadn't expected her friend would also be a female lead in the novel.

Moreover, based on her understanding of the novel from the past few days, her future self might have a common man with her friend.

"That Long Tian, I must fire him when I go back!"

Just the thought of being with the disgusting protagonist made Yao Huaimeng feel extremely uncomfortable.

[According to normal circumstances, the protagonist isn't qualified to attend this banquet! So, the usual cliché routine would happen]

[First, everyone look down on the protagonist, then him would shine. It must feel satisfying to write like that!]

[I remember, it seems that Long Tian met You Yu outside the banquet!]

[And You Yu fell in love with Long Tian at first sight, like a deer crashing around!]

[She brought Long Tian into the banquet!]

[And then the plot officially begins!]

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun couldn't help but start to ridicule.

[It's quite absurd. You Yu's family background shouldn't be much worse than Yao Huaimeng's. She's seen plenty of excellent guys!]

[Just one glance, and she becomes the protagonist's licking dog!]

[This idiotic author probably hasn't seen a woman in his life!]

No matter how absurd it might seem, that was how the plot went.

He could only agree that the protagonist's halo was awesome!

Listening to his thoughts, Yao Huaimeng nodded in agreement.

The author writing this kind of novel must be a fat guy who hasn't even touched a girl's hand.


At the same time, outside the banquet hall!

Long Tian looked annoyed at the people guarding the entrance.

"I'm Yao Huaimeng's bodyguard. Why can't I come in?"

The security guy just shook their heads calmly.

"Unless you have an invitation or someone to escort you in, you can't get in!"

"Fine! You wait. I'll call Huaimeng. She'll come to escort me in person!"

Though the security guy was doing his duty, Long Tian felt they were looking down on him.

Just wait, they would be surprised!

He immediately took out his phone.

But upon hearing the message that the other party's phone was switched off, Long Tian's expression stiffened slightly.

"Sir, this is a private event. If you have no invitation to get in, please don't disturb the other guests!"

It was almost like saying, "You can leave now!"

Just now, in these people's eyes, that scene was simply a clown's performance!


He was Long Tian! The strongest mercenary abroad! Also the leader of the world's number one mercenary group!

How dare they treat him like this?

Long Tian almost wanted to act immediately.

But at this moment, a sports car suddenly stopped at the entrance and a stunning beauty in exquisite dress stepped out of the car.

"Miss You Yu!"

Seeing her, the people guarding the door quickly greeted her politely.


At the same time, the fire in Long Tian's heart was immediately extinguished.

So beautiful! She's just as stunning as Yao Huaimeng.

A woman like her should belong to him.

Long Tian naturally regarded the woman in front of him as his own possession.

"Beauty, let me introduce myself. I'm Long Tian!"

He said with a smirk of a dragon king!

'Is this Long Tian? The protagonist of the novel?'

After sizing up Long Tian, You Yu smiled.

Long Tian thought that she was charmed by his charm and was about to make further advances.


"Since when did cats and dogs qualify to attend such gatherings?"

After saying this, she paid no attention to Long Tian's frozen smile and walked directly into the banquet hall.

Fell in love at first sight? Bring this Long Tian into the banquet?

He wasn't worthy!


Even dared to say such things to him?

Soon, Long Tian returned to his senses. He wasn't angry but instead, the smile on his face became even firmer.

'Woman, you have successfully caught my attention!'

He immediately wanted to follow her inside!

"Sir, you cannot enter without an invitation!"

As expected, he was stopped!

"What if I insist on going in?"

His face flashed with fierceness!

How dare they stop him, the strongest mercenary? Do they have qualifications?

"Then we'll have to call the police!"

The other party was also not polite!

Was there a need for violence in today's world?

So, they directly took out the phone, dialed 110, and placed it in front of Long Tian.

Indicating that if he continued to behave like this, they would have to call the police.


No sense of fair play?

The arrogant smile on his face froze.

Shouldn't they just attack him directly? Why were they calling the police on him instead?

Although he was powerful abroad, this was his home country after all.

Moreover, Long Tian wasn't a fool. He couldn't just use his connections from before for the sake of a banquet, right?

"You wait!"

If he didn't go in, then he won't go in!

"We'll see how things unfold!"

"Today, you ignore me, but tomorrow, you won't be able to reach my level!"

With that, Long Tian left with big strides.

Indeed, he was the protagonist. Even when faced with humiliation, he handle it with such grace!


Was he crazy?

After exchanging glances, the guards all showed inexplicable expressions.

"Big Brother, wasn't it awkward to say that here?"

They were just security guards!

"Where did this lunatic come from?"

"Let it go, don't mind him, he's just plain silly!"


"Hey handsome!"

Just as Ye Liuyun was drinking and waiting for the plot to begin, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded in his ear.


He was a bit dazed.

When he turned around, he saw You Yu with a beautiful smile on her face!


-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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