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Chapter 27: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 27: Li family, Li Guohua:

Li Xiaorou was actually one year younger than Qin Sisi. The reason they were classmates was because she skipped a grade in school. When she heard Lu Yu introduce himself, she exclaimed in an exaggerated voice.

The tycoons in Rongcheng don't all know each other. It was also her first time meeting Lu Yu. But Lu Yu's name was well known to her.

"Is there a problem?" Lu Yu raised an eyebrow at her.

"N-no... nothing!" Li Xiaorou quickly waved her hand, glancing subconsciously at Qin Sisi. She and Qin Sisi were high school classmates, and their relationship was good. Even though they went to different universities, they stayed in touch. So she knew about Lu Yu and how much effort Qin Sisi put into pursuing him.

"I heard from Sister Sisi that you wanted to see my grandfather?" Li Xiaorou's happy smile faded significantly when she learned it was Lu Yu. Because in her mind, Lu Yu was a fool and a jerk. He constantly hurt Qin Sisi's feelings while chasing after a woman he couldn't get. Was such a person worthy of her help?

Just now, the word 'fool' almost slipped out of her mouth.

"That's right," Lu Yu replied. He knew that Li Yi, the CEO of Renhe, was the ultimate target. However, since Li Yi wasn't here, it would be even better to meet Li Guohua directly.

Li Xiaorou suppressed her displeasure. "It's not that I can't take you to see my grandfather, but I have to make it clear that I'm only doing this for Sister Sisi's sake."

"And I'm only responsible for the introduction. Whether things work out or not is not my concern!"

"Okay, that's enough!" Lu Yu nodded in agreement, not paying much attention to Li Xiaorou's change in attitude.

"Thank you, Xiaorou!" Qin Sisi also noticed Li Xiaorou's unusual behavior, but this wasn't the time to explain.

"No need to be polite, you..."

Li Xiaorou glanced at Qin Sisi, wanting to say something, but in the end, she sighed helplessly. "Forget it, let's go."

At noon, the Bentley stopped at Blue Sky Manor, No. 8.

After security personnel at the gate checked, they were allowed to pass. The car drove to the front yard, and the three got out of the car.

A middle-aged man who looked like a butler approached them.


Li Xiaorou casually said, "Uncle Qiu, where is my grandfather now?"

"The old master has been waiting in the reception room for a long time. Do you need me to lead the way?"

"No need, I'll take them over..."

With the backpack prepared in the back seat on his back, Lu Yu followed Li Xiaorou all the way, casually glancing around. This manor was not much smaller than his own, and there were many bodyguards both openly and covertly.

Qin Sisi didn't walk with Li Xiaorou to take care of Lu Yu, walking side-by-side with him behind. The two were led by Li Xiaorou to the villa's living room, where a nearly seventy-year-old man was sitting.

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair, fingers interlocked in front of him, eyes closed as if resting.

Lu Yu took a careful look.

The old man's temples were gray, and his eye sockets were deep. There was a faint hint of pain in his slightly furrowed brows.

Yes! He was Li Guohua, the founder of Renhe Group and its former chairman.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Seeing her grandfather, Li Xiaorou's face once again lit up with a beaming smile.

"Hmm? Xiaorou, you're back?" Li Guohua opened his eyes, full of indulgence, then looked at Lu Yu. "Are these your friends?"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Li Xiaorou grabbed Qin Sisi's arm. "This is Sister Sisi, my high school classmate I mentioned to you before."

"I'm Lu Yu, the son of Lu Mingyuan."

After Li Xiaorou introduced Qin Sisi, she was about to introduce Lu Yu. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu beat her to it.

Hearing this, Li Xiaorou's eyebrows twitched slightly, showing some displeasure. Not because she felt Lu Yu had stolen her words, but because when Lu Yu introduced himself, he said he was Lu Mingyuan's son.

Well, when rich second generations brag outside, saying who their dad was often earns them praise, as if having an impressive father was something to be proud of. But in front of Li Guohua, an elderly figure, saying who his dad was was undoubtedly a demerit.

Sure enough, Li Guohua frowned. "Lu Mingyuan? It sounds familiar..."

After saying that, he paused and pointed to the sofa opposite. "Please sit down first!"

Lu Yu didn't mind and sat down with Qin Sisi.

Li Guohua squinted his eyes and quietly assessed Lu Yu. "Young man, you have a promising appearance. Do you have business with me?"

"There are indeed some matters..."

"If it's about business, there's no need to mention it. I'm old, and I no longer concern myself with such things," Li Guohua interrupted Lu Yu directly. He's almost 70 years old now, and with his illness, he handed over Renhe Group to his son Li Yi long ago.

Although many people wanted to use backdoor channels to get him to speak a few good words for them in front of his son, he never had a good face for such people. So when he heard Lu Yu had something to discuss with him, he refused directly.

"Aren't you going to ask what my condition for exchange is?" Lu Yu asked.

"Lu Yu, stop it!" Li Xiaorou quickly interrupted Lu Yu, afraid of angering her grandfather. "No matter what the condition is, my grandfather won't agree."

"Is that so? What if I could cure your grandfather's illness and make him walk again?"

"No way... What? You can... cure my grandfather's illness?"


Translator: Spectatorcake

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